Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

If you are sitting around waiting for an EV to charge then you are doing it wrong.
I charge at home whilst I sleep, or charge on a public charger whilst I’m eating/drinking or taking a comfort break.

This basically means it’s more convenient than filling up with petrol - it’s takes about 5 seconds to plug the cable in, rather than drive into a special place, hold a nozzle into the car for a few mins, then queue to pay (skip the last step with contactless payment).
Not to mention having hands that smell of fuel afterwards.
I was taking about driving out for the day and having to charge to get home.
Sorry but I'm not booking a hotel for the night every time I need to drive across the country. Nor wait for hours to charge because there are no high powered points nearby that work.

I was taking about driving out for the day and having to charge to get home.
Sorry but I'm not booking a hotel for the night every time I need to drive across the country. Nor wait for hours to charge because there are no high powered points nearby that work.
Did you read my post :rolleyes:
I’ve done many days trips and needed to charge to get home. Usually use a car park with charger whilst we are out shopping/eating.
it’s actually cheaper than any equivalent diesel/petrol car with the same power :)
- An Audi RS3 is a smaller car and costs £6k more for the same spec and power/performance.
- BMW M340 is about £3k more

So saving money on the car, fuel and running costs :)

And what did the car cost?

I'm not interested in whether it's better than other ICE equivalents.
A dual motor polestar 2 will be £50k

Reality is the low BIK makes salary sacrifice lease deals very cheap for monthlys.

There’s a huge thread about EVs in motors. No need to derail this one
hmmh polestar 400/500kg weight more than an rs3/340 so - makes you feel it, does she, when not on the drag strip.

from the perspective of energy saving and driving fun the megane e-tech £15K/500kg less plus vehicle to grid, so,
whilst overnight energy rates last, you could have cheaper shifted energy in the house when you don't need to commute ... and still have bik.
Just got my first Octopus energy bill since joining them in early March. This is for 59 days and includes my fuel bill, for which I travelled about 1,500 miles.

Averaging about 18p kWh :)

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Thats still a 20k difference lol. I just wish tesla did a sporty suspension option like the polestar, its very wallowy round corners.
With cost of electric though, hasn't petrol/diesel risen too?
There are cheaper versions of the Polestar 2, it starts from £39k
Just got my first Octopus energy bill since joining them in early March. This is for 59 days and includes my fuel bill, for which I travelled about 1,500 miles.

Averaging about 18p kWh :)

A good illustration of how night time could cease to be off-peak if there are millions of EVs.
A good illustration of how night time could cease to be off-peak if there are millions of EVs.
There are millions of petrol/diesel cars around - do they all re-fuel at the same time !
Even if there was a 5 hour Window where fuel was cheaper, it's doubtful there would be queues (after the initial rush of people filling their tanks :p)
There are millions of petrol/diesel cars around - do they all re-fuel at the same time !
Even if there was a 5 hour Window where fuel was cheaper, it's doubtful there would be queues (after the initial rush of people filling their tanks :p)
Many would charge their EV overnight for convenience if nothing else. When you have enough people doing that night-time electricity consumption is going to catch up with daytime.
Just got my first Octopus energy bill since joining them in early March. This is for 59 days and includes my fuel bill, for which I travelled about 1,500 miles.

Averaging about 18p kWh :)

*snip* image with your meter ID.

Here's mine. EV and driven 1250 miles approx in the month.

Many would charge their EV overnight for convenience if nothing else. When you have enough people doing that night-time electricity consumption is going to catch up with daytime.

It's going to be decades before his is an issue. Economy 7 has been around for longer thtn i've been alive. I'd say there are more people using more units heating up storage heaters than there are people charging EVs now. Cheap(er) electric overnight is just a thing.
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Many would charge their EV overnight for convenience if nothing else. When you have enough people doing that night-time electricity consumption is going to catch up with daytime.
Sure - EV owners charging over night will increase demand a lot, but National Grid would rather that was during the night, than add it onto day use.
Charging overnight means it's not being used/ added onto the current day demand.

- Current peak day demand is about 25GW
- If you have majority of EV's charging in day (say 20GW) then peak day demand increases to 45GW, which means commissioning new power stations to meet the increase in day demand. This costs a lot of money.
- Set an overnight low tariff price and people with EV's will charge during the night. That 20GW of charging has no additional impact on the Grid capacity, because it's not higher than the demand in the day. (The number of power stations required for day and night use is the same).
Sure - the electricity use will increase over night, at lot, but National Grid would rather that was during the night, than add it onto day use.
Charging overnight means it's not being used/ added onto the current day demand.

- Current peak day demand is about 25GW
- If you have majority of EV's charging in day (say 20GW) then peak day demand increases to 45GW, which means commissioning new power stations to meet the increase in day demand. This costs a lot of money.
- Set an overnight low tariff price and people with EV's will charge during the night. That 20GW of charging has no additional impact on the Grid capacity, because it's not higher than the demand in the day. (The number of power stations required for day and night use stays the same).

This is the way :)
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