Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Wonder who can apply for the £400, the home owner, or just anyone living in a property? As I'm living in a friend's 1 bed apartment, paying him rent off course and council tax, but it's all unofficial. Can I apply for it or will he have to..

It would definitely help with the energy bills but £400 is also my usual buy into a poker cash game at the casino... :p
Is it not? I was under the impression that was what was happening?

as @Jono8 has suggested, the admin of means testing everyone and excluding those who don't strictly need it would probably cost more than just giving it to everyone, particularly given our government's track record for efficiency...
People are already means tested for the tax and benefit system so this isnt down to admin cost, and I doubt admin costs 10s of billions either. ;) The 400 is for everyone I think for political reasons. At least they have added a second payment on top for the poorest though.
I can see that going on burgers-fizzy pop -crisps -drugs -fags etc

As 413x said give credit on bills
That's only because you have a complete lack of empathy towards those most in need.
Predicted nearly 9 million people will hit fuel poverty by the end of the year - guess McDonalds are going to be real busy by your logic.
Wonder who can apply for the £400, the home owner, or just anyone living in a property? As I'm living in a friend's 1 bed apartment, paying him rent off course and council tax, but it's all unofficial. Can I apply for it or will he have to..

It would definitely help with the energy bills but £400 is also my usual buy into a poker cash game at the casino... :p

The £400 will be credited to your energy account. So it goes to the bill payer. Everyone gets it, you dont need to apply.
That's only because you have a complete lack of empathy towards those most in need.
Predicted nearly 9 million people will hit fuel poverty by the end of the year - guess McDonalds are going to be real busy by your logic.

I'm saying that some people aren't good with managing money. People purposely take a limited amount of cash on holiday.
Or don't take out credit cards because they know they aren't.

Dropping significant sums of money in people's accounts that is supposed to be directly for energy cost rises would surely be better to come directly off energy rises.

The net result is the same.

I'm absolutely not saying most or even x percent will. But some people will. And it will only hurt themselves.
If it comes off the energy bill I'm gonna be dropping my DD by £50 and having a couple of extra Sir Beer Kormas every month. Seems like the right thing to do... :D

I'll be doing the same (minute beer!). I'm already in credit by a ridiculous amount and was going to let it tick down. But as the 400 is credit I'll need to either request it or drop more.

Sounds like 400 off the bill.
The result might be effectively cash?
Wonder who can apply for the £400, the home owner, or just anyone living in a property? As I'm living in a friend's 1 bed apartment, paying him rent off course and council tax, but it's all unofficial. Can I apply for it or will he have to..

It would definitely help with the energy bills but £400 is also my usual buy into a poker cash game at the casino... :p
I'd assume it would only be applicable to those who pay for gas/electric. So in your case I guess your friend is paying for gas/electric (regardless of whether you're contributing or not) which would likely mean he'll get a rebate.

I suspect similar for those where they have things like gas/electricity included as part of their rent.

I'm sure the finer details on how this will work will be revealed in due course.
Personally I do think this is a mistake.
It should at least be some sort of credit against a bill.

I imagine that's a lot of faff to put in place.

I don't think it's completely touted as help for your energy costs, but more for general living expenses. Whether someone uses that to pay for food, council tax, rent is pretty irrelevant.

With a high proportion of low income families falling into poverty, I can't see people irresponsibly spending this on rubbish, as they'll still have the energy/food costs to pay for.
I do a lot of self assessments for sole traders, especially at the micro-end of the market.... I saw what they spent their Covid grants/loans on, this'll be no different :p

People who are poor at managing money will blow it, people who are sensible will use it as it's intended.
£650 for the low-earners like myself will be nice, but I think it should be %age based. E.g. 20% knocked off from £2800 or whatever the new amount is. So £560 would be knocked off £2800, £400 would be knocked off £2000 etc.

Then send the bill to Greta Thunberg :p
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