Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Seems sensible right?
I'm guessing they are doing something similar.
I do wonder if it's quite common. The guy in this group travels the country doing it. For what looks like 250 pound a pop.

If he knows what he's doing it might be quite hard for utility companies to pursue it... If bit becomes a significant issue I suspect it will be looked into more.

Your idea would be great for crypto mining.
Add the miner to the separate ring.
And the miner would also provide plenty of ambient heat 24/7.

Don't tempt me any more please. :D
And the miner would also provide plenty of ambient heat 24/7.

Don't tempt me any more please. :D

I'm tempted! :D

I'm trying to understand how a power company would figure it out really? Especially if it's not visible.. The siphon.

As long as you aren't saying you use 0units how would they find out without a proper investigation?
Could certainly tap into the incoming main in my house under the floor boards, add a fused spur and run a dedicated ring or an extension lead so you can hide it, run the oven and charge a car from it.
*UK PM Johnson: Energy Support Package Will Get Us Through Until Energy Prices Abate
*UK PM Johnson: I Don’t Think Energy Support Package Will Lead to More Discretionary Spending
*UK PM Johnson, Asked if He Has Abandoned Free Market Economics, Says “Absolutely Not”
*UK PM Johnson, Asked if Energy Support Package Will Be Inflationary, Says “No”
Oh brilliant. Second home owners get the 400 pounds twice

I'd agree that it shouldn't go to people who are paying energy bills at multiple properties but realistically the administration work in doing that would be far higher than the saving from not paying the £400 to that small proportion of people.
Just seeing this thread again reminded me to update meter readings and get the possibly nice surprise that our fixed deal has 12 months left, when I had it in my head it was more like ~9 months. Just electric, so storage heaters and immersion heater with E7, £100pcm for two of us is breaking even... It's going to be one hell of a shock increase next year!
For all the people saying X people should/shouldn’t get this support, you really need to think about the practicalities of actually delivering that in the short term for a one off payment.

For example:

HMRC have a list of all the people who pay tax in this country, where they live and how much they pay but they have no mechanism to pay you outside of sending everyone a cheque in the post (not cheap).

Your local authority has a list of all the households in their area and knows how much council tax they pay and have a mechanism to pay the ‘household’ where council tax is paid by direct debit. Outside of that it’s back to the cheques. While they know how much council tax you pay and you can infer that lower tax is likely to be a lower income household, they don’t actually know. They also don’t have a joined up way to know if you have more than one property, particularly if it’s outside of their area which is normally is.

The DWP only really know about pensioners and those on benefits.

The energy companies only know about their customers. The can’t tell if you own more than one property, even if you are with the same supplier for both. They also don’t know how much you earn.

There is no good way to means test support for those outside of benefits because there is not one organisation that has all the information needed to complete the job. Making it system where you have to claim it and prove your eligible is just rife for fraud, would have an incredible admin burden and take time to implement.
For all the people saying X people should/shouldn’t get this support, you really need to think about the practicalities of actually delivering that in the short term for a one off payment.

You are correct up to a point but this is a good reason why we need a system that does allow this kind of thing to be better managed. IT systems between tax, local authorities and all the other branches of government should be able to collate the information required to better manage this sort of thing. As it stands, a huge amount of money will be paid out to people who don't need it. Billions. Having a system that can make educated guesses on household incomes is a useful tool not just for this.

The real reason its working like this is mainly because its a nice "gift" that will garner some good will from people towards the tories who could very much use it right now.
Given the £400 is it now worth considering fixing given my supplier is offering a 12 month fix at 30% over the current cap? It would be from June so would pay £200 more than staying on variable but would presumably save money after October and would also get the £400.. also can keep usage down over the summer..

No exit fee either..
Could certainly tap into the incoming main in my house under the floor boards, add a fused spur and run a dedicated ring or an extension lead so you can hide it, run the oven and charge a car from it.
Not a DIY job though, tapping in to a live cable.

Anything done in the meter box post main fuse would be visible.

Not sure how the cowboys are doing this tbh unless they are working on the live cable.
You are correct up to a point but this is a good reason why we need a system that does allow this kind of thing to be better managed. IT systems between tax, local authorities and all the other branches of government should be able to collate the information required to better manage this sort of thing. As it stands, a huge amount of money will be paid out to people who don't need it. Billions. Having a system that can make educated guesses on household incomes is a useful tool not just for this.

The real reason its working like this is mainly because its a nice "gift" that will garner some good will from people towards the tories who could very much use it right now.
I completely disagree with the last point, it’s 100% a limitation of what’s practical in reality.

It’s got nothing to do with having systems that are better managed, the systems were never designed to be used in this way in the first place. Data protection laws also restrict what and how information can be shared for good reason.

Not a DIY job though, tapping in to a live cable.

Anything done in the meter box post main fuse would be visible.

Not sure how the cowboys are doing this tbh unless they are working on the live cable.

Pull the main fuse probably. It’s not hard or difficult to do, just obvious and will be spotted by any competent meter reader. If there is a smart meter installed, it will also flag that it’s lost power and could prompt a response to check it.

Either way it’s really stupid and asking for a prison sentence.
Pull the main fuse probably. It’s not hard or difficult to do, just obvious and will be spotted by any competent meter reader. If there is a smart meter installed, it will also flag that it’s lost power and could prompt a response to check it.

Yeah I mean that's what I'm saying. The main fuse and meter are normally in the same box separated by maybe 12" of cable. Whatever you do in there is visible. Only way I can think to do it without being caught is to tap into live cable pre main fuse and wire off a spur there. It's doable but requires working live which can be done but needs special equipment and training.
I completely disagree with the last point, it’s 100% a limitation of what’s practical in reality.

It’s got nothing to do with having systems that are better managed, the systems were never designed to be used in this way in the first place. Data protection laws also restrict what and how information can be shared for good reason.

Of course they weren't. Half of the systems the government used are crap, archaic and don't talk to each other. That isn't by some masterful design, its from the public sector being a bit of a mess. Its the same in the NHS.

There are no data protection issues there either. They have all this information. Linking peoples profiles across systems wouldn't breach this unless there wasn't a justifiable reason for it.
Seems sensible right?
I'm guessing they are doing something similar.
I do wonder if it's quite common. The guy in this group travels the country doing it. For what looks like 250 pound a pop.

If he knows what he's doing it might be quite hard for utility companies to pursue it... If bit becomes a significant issue I suspect it will be looked into more.

Your idea would be great for crypto mining.
Add the miner to the separate ring.

How do these rings work then? Seems its common knowledge the way you guys are talking about it. ;)

Completely bypassing the grid would obviously get noticed bills based on zero usage are instant flag raisers, but if it was more subtle with just a usage reduction, then that would be something that could work.
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