Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I thought the £650 was for cost of living and the £400 for energy bills???

Our finances are separate, rent is separate, bills are separate so we aren't getting £650 we are getting £325...
Some more detailed reports came out now, includingon

As you said £400 is energy bill relief, goes to billpayer for energy account.
£650 for those who qualify is per person, and doesnt matter if they are a billpayer, however if its a couple who are joint recipients of a means tested benefit, its £650 between both. Its a cost of living payment. Also not everyone on means tested benefits will qualify according to the site, but the exceptions I think is going to be a very low amount of people (housing benefit or council tax relief claimants who dont claim a mainstream benefit). This likely explains Sunak's "almost everyone" comment.
Good to see there's some real dye in the wool Tories left, I was getting worried with these Lefties in power who just keep giving out free money to everyone!

Tory MP Richard Drax accuses Rishi Sunak of throwing red meat to the Socialists


Though it seems most of the fiscal conservatives have gone quiet, guess they like sucking on the teat of Socialism when things get difficult :p
Anything involving the power companies knowing who their customers are at the point in time(s) the credit will be applied will be fraught with difficulties due to their sheer inability to manage their data to that degree.

The point being the relationship is already there, an account needs paying they should know who owes what, however I know what you mean as the suppliers cant cope when things need doing as it is. Just cannot see the money going where its meant to if you hand out cash.
Yes it would be best but paying it into bank accounts means that some will "leak" into the retail economy from.some people which helps the government show they have a healthier economy.

If there was no underhanded-ness about it, they would pay this amount direct to the energy companies against the customers bills.

Edit: I believe the £400 is being paid to the energy bills directly as only the means tested amounts are stated as being paid into bank accounts
Would it be better for the £400 (plus more if on benefits) to paid directly to the energy accounts? As some people spend it on other things.

I paid my £150 straight into my account.

With the state of things I imagine the majority will spend the money responsibly, for those that waste it on luxuries, pleading poverty will fall on deaf ears because everyone will ask what you spent the payment on.
I just got invited to a telegram group
It's kind of scary.

Looks like this guy is changing people's meters to go off grid. Telling them that "it should be free" etc etc.

The group is 11k strong. Looks like it's real, people are getting it done.

Wonder what the final Consequences are? When you start ignoring letters etc
With the state of things I imagine the majority will spend the money responsibly, for those that waste it on luxuries, pleading poverty will fall on deaf ears because everyone will ask what you spent the payment on.
A late family friend spent her heating allowance on Christmas presents. Her son kept telling her not to do this. Fell on deaf ears.
I just got invited to a telegram group
It's kind of scary.

Looks like this guy is changing people's meters to go off grid. Telling them that "it should be free" etc etc.

The group is 11k strong. Looks like it's real, people are getting it done.

Wonder what the final Consequences are? When you start ignoring letters etc

Tampering with meters and effectively stealing electricity is a crime so the consequences would be a fine or prison.
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Would it be better for the £400 (plus more if on benefits) to paid directly to the energy accounts? As some people spend it on other things.

I paid my £150 straight into my account.
It is getting paid directly??? For direct debit and prepayment smart meters its going straight onto your bill/smartmeter. For prepayment they are giving out vouchers that you take to the shop to top up.

For the other money, like the £650 and £150 those are for cost of living, not energy bills. People are allowed to spend it how they want.
I just got invited to a telegram group
It's kind of scary.

Looks like this guy is changing people's meters to go off grid. Telling them that "it should be free" etc etc.

The group is 11k strong. Looks like it's real, people are getting it done.

Wonder what the final Consequences are? When you start ignoring letters etc
Probably end up with the guy killing himself or burning a house down.

Plus I think the electricity suppliers will suspect something if all these people are in the same area :p

The sneaky way to do it would be to run a minimal amount through the meter and the rest bypasses so it looks like you have solar or a battery. But I'm sure they can detect it anyway, they've been fighting meter fraud for decades and you'll end up with either a massive fine or criminal sentence.
Honestly, the power companies really don't have that level of analysis going on I don't think.

The big suppliers still send people to read meters that were in buildings that were demolished 10+ years ago, their data is that bad.

My mate recently got a massive bill because somehow Scottish Power had reset the readings on his account and charged him for the entire usage from 0 to the actual reading the next time they got one.
Probably end up with the guy killing himself or burning a house down.

Plus I think the electricity suppliers will suspect something if all these people are in the same area :p

The sneaky way to do it would be to run a minimal amount through the meter and the rest bypasses so it looks like you have solar or a battery. But I'm sure they can detect it anyway, they've been fighting meter fraud for decades and you'll end up with either a massive fine or criminal sentence.

From sound of it this is what is being done as it said 'cut your electricity bill'

Looks like the service is provided nationwide.

Quite the little money earner I'm sure.
Is this £650 being paid direct to people and in 1 go? that would be madness
yea how can we trust people with such a massive sum of money? it's like winning the lottery surely they should be forced to consult with an independent financial advisor first?
What if they blow it all on things they need like trainers, clothes etc shouldn't they get vouchers so they can only spend such a huge financial burden on Heating or Eating? I think it's too much responsibility for them
yea how can we trust people with such a massive sum of money? it's like winning the lottery surely they should be forced to consult with an independent financial advisor first?
What if they blow it all on things they need like trainers, clothes etc shouldn't they get vouchers so they can only spend such a huge financial burden on Heating or Eating? I think it's too much responsibility for them
consult with a FA? lol fa's are not free you know....
Probably end up with the guy killing himself or burning a house down.

Plus I think the electricity suppliers will suspect something if all these people are in the same area :p

The sneaky way to do it would be to run a minimal amount through the meter and the rest bypasses so it looks like you have solar or a battery. But I'm sure they can detect it anyway, they've been fighting meter fraud for decades and you'll end up with either a massive fine or criminal sentence.
If it were me, I'd continue to have my meter and fusebox wired exactly as they are, but just tap an extra ring in that would be dedicated to electric heaters. The energy company see my normal electric usage and (hopefully) assume that my gas usage is low because of the prices. Meanwhile, the heaters are keeping the house at a comfortable level.

Not that I would ever do the above, let alone endorse it. :)
If it were me, I'd continue to have my meter and fusebox wired exactly as they are, but just tap an extra ring in that would be dedicated to electric heaters. The energy company see my normal electric usage and (hopefully) assume that my gas usage is low because of the prices. Meanwhile, the heaters are keeping the house at a comfortable level.

Not that I would ever do the above, let alone endorse it. :)

Seems sensible right?
I'm guessing they are doing something similar.
I do wonder if it's quite common. The guy in this group travels the country doing it. For what looks like 250 pound a pop.

If he knows what he's doing it might be quite hard for utility companies to pursue it... If bit becomes a significant issue I suspect it will be looked into more.

Your idea would be great for crypto mining.
Add the miner to the separate ring.
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