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Additional jobs. Currently, we've been told that there are significant and serious worker shortages, probably because people are too bone idle to want to work and just want everything to fall into their laps.

It amazes me how many of these same people who are currently up in arms about the "cost of living crisis" were only too happy to buy a rip-off over-priced brand new PCP car in the "good years". I'd hate to actually think about how much money they've blown over the years whilst thinking the party would never end, or not thinking at all most likely.

Last thing I'd want to do is finish my job at 5PM and then do another job, or work a 6th or 7th day a week.
Additional jobs. Currently, we've been told that there are significant and serious worker shortages, probably because people are too bone idle to want to work and just want everything to fall into their laps.

It amazes me how many of these same people who are currently up in arms about the "cost of living crisis" were only too happy to buy a rip-off over-priced brand new PCP car in the "good years". I'd hate to actually think about how much money they've blown over the years whilst thinking the party would never end, or not thinking at all most likely.
LMAO Okaaaaaaaay then.
Survival of the fittest. No such thing as a free lunch i'm afraid.

Although there is base logic in "survival of the fittest" if you want to apply that to society then can I recommend the 16th Century? With some hubristic sauce?

Thankfully, most sophisticated societal structures acknowledge concepts such as "assistance", "help" and "equality" :D
Ok, say your car fails it's mot and you have to spend £500 to fix it, it's £500 you don't have and your car is only worth 1k.

What do you do, lose your job or take out a loan in desperation?
You don't only have £500. That's a laughably low amount. Said person is also the same type of person who falls for scams like in that video advert I posted above.
I'm unsure if @purplesky is trolling, has no empathy at all or is just thick.

Let's have a look at your points (and clarify if I get them wrong).

You state that only stupid people are affected by the cost of living crisis as the low paid should just go get a second job.

Let's say they do. How many hours a week in total between both jobs do you advise is enough on minimum wage to not only not be affected by increasing costs but to earn enough to be able to save some money each month for a rainy day?

I'd like @purplesky to answer this please.
Indeed, which is exactly why people rely on cheap credit.

No such thing as cheap credit for people on low incomes, interest rates are often between 20-40% for these people.

As for the "just get another job", well for the past 2 years we've been drilled repeatidly about work from home, work life balance by the government, now you expect people to go out and work 6-7 days a week just so they can just about get by. Forget about savings, holidays or anything nice. For many people there is no choice between heinz beans or smart price beans. They have only one option and even that is becoming a concern. A year ago a tin of heinz beans were 50p, now they are 90p, a tin of smart price beans are currently 40p, they used to be 18p. 10 years ago they were under 10p.

RPI alone has massively increased in the past 10 years, accounting for roughly a 50% increase in prices.
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I'm unsure if @purplesky is trolling, has no empathy at all or is just thick.

Let's have a look at your points (and clarify if I get them wrong).

You state that only stupid people are affected by the cost of living crisis as the low paid should just go get a second job.

Let's say they do. How many hours a week in total between both jobs do you advise is enough on minimum wage to not only not be affected by increasing costs but to earn enough to be able to save some money each month for a rainy day?

I'd like @purplesky to answer this please.
It is mainly financial buffoons who are affected by the cost of living crisis. It's not unique to low paid people. Indeed, I know people who aren't paid well, but have managed money well over the years and now have a nice buffer to shelter them from price rises for a sustained period. If anyone who isn't well off (the majority of people) have been stupid enough to blow money left right and centre on new iPhones and other junk every year when that money could have been saved or invested for a rainy day, they only have themselves to blame.

I couldn't say how many hours someone should work. That will depend on the individual. The more crap they want, the more they need to work. Those who have a nice financial buffer however who have been planning properly don't need to worry.

Certainly nobody in my social circle ever mentions the so-called cost of living crisis, let alone complains about it. The problem these days is that a subset of people want to have their cake and eat it, and as soon as the piper comes knocking on their door, they cry, because nothing is ever their fault in life.
No such thing as cheap credit for people on low incomes, interest rates are often between 20-40% for these people.
Some people have taken out loan upon loan upon loan over the years, thinking the music wouldn't stop. They have become addicted to debt, and it's mainly these people we are hearing from about the cost of living crisis. The truth is, they have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves, and as soon as they're called out, they spit their dummy.
Some people have taken out loan upon loan upon loan over the years, thinking the music wouldn't stop. They have become addicted to debt, and it's mainly these people we are hearing from about the cost of living crisis. The truth is, they have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves, and as soon as they're called out, they spit their dummy.

Is there any evidence of this....
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