Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Then there is the old chestnut of insulation. Whilst it is something which should not be overlooked, its far too easy to parrot this as a solution which sidesteps the issue. I mean I had to laugh when I built my house recently. Adding vents to rooms without thinking about the contradictions, you can have the best insulation in the world but when regs or inspections sign off, they want you to drill a big hole in the wall.
Then there is the old chestnut of insulation. Whilst it is something which should not be overlooked, its far too easy to parrot this as a solution which sidesteps the issue. I mean I had to laugh when I built my house recently. Adding vents to rooms without thinking about the contradictions, you can have the best insulation in the world but when regs or inspections sign off, they want you to drill a big hole in the wall.
It is a genuine problem though. You want to keep the warm air in your home inside, but you don't want damp. So you need air tightness but you also need to ventilate. Catch 22.
Then there is the old chestnut of insulation. Whilst it is something which should not be overlooked, its far too easy to parrot this as a solution which sidesteps the issue. I mean I had to laugh when I built my house recently. Adding vents to rooms without thinking about the contradictions, you can have the best insulation in the world but when regs or inspections sign off, they want you to drill a big hole in the wall.

Houses need ventilation though, so you have to put the vents somewhere.

Heat exchange systems can ventilate (and filter pollutants) while keeping the heat in the building but its expensive.
It is a genuine problem though. You want to keep the warm air in your home inside, but you don't want damp. So you need air tightness but you also need to ventilate. Catch 22.

It’s not really a catch 22, ventilation with heat recovery systems exist and have done for years.

The main issue is we still build rubbish housing despite knowing they they contribute massively to the countries emissions output.
It amazes me that all new build aren't required to have solar panels.
Government should go a lot further in encouraging others to have them fitted as well.
I'd be happy with a 0% loan or similar to be honest, would like prices to come down a bit though as well.

They do in Scotland at least, all the new builds in the last year ish have solar panels fitted.
It amazes me that all new build aren't required to have solar panels.
Government should go a lot further in encouraging others to have them fitted as well.
I'd be happy with a 0% loan or similar to be honest, would like prices to come down a bit though as well.
Devolved responsibility to local planning authorities ridiculously. Additionally, no minimum install size based on square footage of the property so there are 1800sqft new builds in South Glos with 1.2kw solar installs...
Hopefully when everyone moves to electric cars, we can get our diesel and petrol cheaper as less people will be buying it!

Surely what will happen is there will be some sort of (milage?) tax put onto all cars.
You drive X miles you pay Y pounds.
This would be on top of fuel tax.

What they can't ever have is petrol and diesel being cheaper than eV.

We all know fuel tax has to be acquired somehow as eV takes off
Surely what will happen is there will be some sort of (milage?) tax put onto all cars.
You drive X miles you pay Y pounds.
This would be on top of fuel tax.

What they can't ever have is petrol and diesel being cheaper than eV.

We all know fuel tax has to be acquired somehow as eV takes off
People will just clock cars if that happens.
Reminds me of when we switched away from lead petrol and some cars required it but it became less supplied. This isnt more then 10p variation in the price I guess, diesel is around for decades more as its in all kinds of industrial engines
Price relates to efficiency, its already true that electric can be cheaper presently from the tax bias but later in any case it might be true.

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People will just clock cars if that happens.

Pay per mile would likely be done via GPS so won't be popular but the treasury has to replace the lost taxation. Its been talked about for years but no government has wanted to tackle it until the loss of income forces their hand.

Whether they make it compulsory for older cars will have to wait to be seen but petrol / diesel will only get more expensive as EV ownership increases.
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