Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

You don't think that the price per unit isn't at least a little crazy right now?...
When you factor in the wholesale costs, no its not. Its still well below what it costs for the suppliers to buy it.
The prices themselves are high sure, but they have always been high just subsidised for a long time instead of gradually increasing over 20 years+, along with wages to compensate.
Its worse due to recent horrible things that have happened but once the government stopped subsidising it would have went up massively to a point that most people just cant afford it anyways.
Its only high because our government has made it that way to keep our costs as low as possible for a long as possible for whatever reason and not looking ahead.

France is mostly EDF, the government are still subsidizing the costs so their increase is about 5%, but they cant keep throwing money at it forever.
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When you factor in the wholesale costs, no its not. Its still well below what it costs for the suppliers to buy it.
The prices themselves are high sure, but they have always been high just subsidised for a long time instead of gradually increasing over 20 years+.
Its worse due to recent horrible things that have happened but once the government stopped subsidising it would have went up massively to a point that most people just cant afford it anyways.
Yea that sounds pretty crazy to me buddy
The unit price of all electricity generation types is set at the cost of gas, which means it’s artificially higher than it should be.

This should be de-coupled, so renewable generation is priced at the correct lower level.

Somethings going to give soon i reckon and i think it will be people in the streets both homeless and protesting.

Im currently paying £90 a month and im in contract until the end of sept. Think I was looking the other day and it was set to jump to £160 for me. My fathers paying £60 a month for gas and electric combined (and thats overpaying for his summer usage) but his contract ends in a month and he will see a 2.5x on his electric price (18.36p ish to 44.75p) and 3.5x on his gas (3.26p to 11.43p).
Somethings going to give soon i reckon and i think it will be people in the streets both homeless and protesting.

Im currently paying £90 a month and im in contract until the end of sept. Think I was looking the other day and it was set to jump to £160 for me. My fathers paying £60 a month for gas and electric combined (and thats overpaying for his summer usage) but his contract ends in a month and he will see a 2.5x on his electric price (18.36p ish to 44.75p) and 3.5x on his gas (3.26p to 11.43p).
Keep in mind that's just the April increase not including the October one. That £160 will be closer to £260 come October time.
This is assuming you are on standard price cap at the £160.
Come September time you will either be on the price cap at around £260 or pay MUCH more for a fixed deal. If your wanting a fixed tariff, looking north of £300+ when yours ends.
Keep in mind that's just the April increase not including the October one. That £160 will be closer to £260 come October time.
This is assuming you are on standard price cap at the £160.
Come September time you will either be on the price cap at around £260 or pay MUCH more for a fixed deal. If your wanting a fixed tariff, looking north of £300+ when yours ends.
Lol yeah im well aware, it's my job after all :D

The figure for myself would be if i move to the current price cap so obviously the october pain will come and maybe double it :( Im teetering on locking my fathers energy prices in. I've done the math on the original expected 42% increase as well as a 52% increase for october and its borderline if its worth fixing for him at the moment as the offered price is about a 45-47% increase over current caps.

Fortunately if any huge increases are in the works to our pricing i'll at least get half a days notice typically so i can lock him in before anything takes effect and the pricing is changed. Obviously if i hear of any impending price increases i'll give a shout out to folks on here too. Did that several months ago and managed to prompt about 10-12 people on here locked in before the pricing was pulled at midnight and much higher pricing came into effect
Lol yeah im well aware, it's my job after all :D

The figure for myself would be if i move to the current price cap so obviously the october pain will come and maybe double it :( Im teetering on locking my fathers energy prices in. I've done the math on the original expected 42% increase as well as a 52% increase for october
Its apparently 65% not the 52% that was reported a few weeks ago.
Also yeah, I work at one of the big 6 at the moment also haha
The alarm bells were triggered ages ago if your into your finances/utility/overheads following the inflation and recession patterns.

I was eventually going to get solar at some stage but this amplified my efforts massively. OK the gov are going to subsidise some of this in the short term where your £400 might get you out of a difficult spot, but long term you have to have made solid lifestyle adjustments to ride out this and its not looking like a few months. Try applying it to a few years. I cant see how any government will be able to help everyone out so you need to control what you can.
Are people generally putting the heating on? My gas has been around £11 for the last three or four months. And that’s just because I have a gas hob and to heat water and the standing charge. If you’re putting heating on, you’re mad! If I don’t need it on in my 1920s semi in Glasgow I doubt many others need it.
Are people generally putting the heating on? My gas has been around £11 for the last three or four months. And that’s just because I have a gas hob and to heat water and the standing charge. If you’re putting heating on, you’re mad! If I don’t need it on in my 1920s semi in Glasgow I doubt many others need it.
Right now its not an issue for most people but once it starts getting colder the OAP are going to start dying off in droves.
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