Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

If elec prices go up some more then 5 years could be on the cards, its more like 7-8 really as long as you dont overpay on install
Max panels are only just over 400w so work on that not 500w each. And you wont get that real world unless perfect orientation (facing and pitch)

Honestly though I think houses with them are going to be more valuable unless the prices plummet at some point

This is why I'm no getting it at this house. I'll never see the benefit.

And if prices go Up to a point where I do... We will have bigger issue!
Nope, your confusing warranty with lifespan… constant nonsense as ever.
I am not so sure . my panels have a 10 year warranty with the fitters saying expect 20 years out of them .... after that all bets are of. I do expect them to degrade a little however. iirc they told me should be 85% as productive after 10 years as new. if the decrease is linear (no idea if it is) then if 70% after 20 years it may well be time to think about replacing then?.

either way they will have more than covered their cost at that point.

I get solar panels don't work for retrofitting all residential houses but surely they must work for businesses. there is a huge area on ware houses and large public buildings like swimming baths etc which really should be pressured to cover in panels. equally new buildings should be positioned with solar in mind and by law should have panels on and decent protection against weather extremes in their design.
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I think (as long as its run properly) nationalising EDF was a great move. Not much more you can do.

The Times are reporting EDF are €30bn+ in debt.

Have you seen the electricity futures prices in France? €1.50/kWh for December delivery - That’s about 3x our high prices !!
Some of their nuclear power stations are offline and they can’t meet demand.

The soundbites regarding France have been ridiculous. Their plan of stopping at year end is obviously flawed, they are delaying, and walking into a catastrophic mess. We are struggling but they are also not in a great place.

Solar panels aren't a permanent fixture though, they only last about 20 years and then need replacing as they degrade. They won't add much to the house value.
I thought the same thing, however newer panels generally come with a 25 year guarantee after which they will have retained 84.8% of the capability. That's pretty amazing longevity!

The inverters are more problematic and tend to fail after 3-5 years...
So I'm moving in early September and apparently the new property power is supplied by Ovo, but I can't even get a quote from them at the moment because of the mess of energy pricing at the moment. How does that work? I'm just supposed to sign up without any idea of the costs?
So I'm moving in early September and apparently the new property power is supplied by Ovo, but I can't even get a quote from them at the moment because of the mess of energy pricing at the moment. How does that work? I'm just supposed to sign up without any idea of the costs?
You take over the existing supply and if you don’t agree a fixed tariff, you go on the price cap. Fixes tend to be bad value anyway so I’d probably just go on the standard price capped tariff. You don’t need a quote for that, unless you are moving quite a distance, the prices should be the same or very similar as it’s capped!

If you are on a fixed tariff at your current house you bay be able to continue that if you switch back to your current supplier within a certain number of days. Speak to your existing supplier about that.
So I'm moving in early September and apparently the new property power is supplied by Ovo, but I can't even get a quote from them at the moment because of the mess of energy pricing at the moment. How does that work? I'm just supposed to sign up without any idea of the costs?

We are in the same dilemma, knowing the price cap increases in September.

But i do wonder how anyone can afford £500 - £600 a month, is everyone going to have to go through a Debt management to freeze all other lines of credit?
£500-£600 a month is about double typical usage on the upcoming winter price cap.

Bear in mind the average income is over £30k now so the likelihood of someone on a lower than average income to have energy consumption that is double the average consumption is unlikely.

What’s more likely that that those who have that consumption are at least middle earners but more than likely to be well above that.
My DD is £690at the moment :(

But i think thats based on previous usage which was a lot due to badly setup heating. My actual bill for the last 3 months has been 280 ish, thats for a 4 bed old victorian house, family of 5 plus my parents for 9 months of the year and my neice and nephew for most of the day. My moms got bad artheritis, so i have to heat the house. Winter will be painful, but im hoping i can work with octopus and keep the DD at a similar level post october.
My DD is £690at the moment :(

But i think thats based on previous usage which was a lot due to badly setup heating. My actual bill for the last 3 months has been 280 ish, thats for a 4 bed old victorian house, family of 5 plus my parents for 9 months of the year and my neice and nephew for most of the day. My moms got bad artheritis, so i have to heat the house. Winter will be painful, but im hoping i can work with octopus and keep the DD at a similar level post october.
Just a thought, wouldn't it be cheaper to burn £5 notes to stay warm?
I partly agree.
There are far far more ethical companies out there.
The nature of human activity is using resources we cannot get away from that.
But you can do it responsibly or not, and oil seems to take not to the extreme.

Part of the problem is most of big oil is american and they seem to have no morals at all.

Show me a large company that is ethical. Its almost impossible because you are at a massive disadvantage if you have even vague morals. Smaller companies yes. Large multinationals beholden to shareholders? Not a chance.

Those are the companies doing the real damage.
All we need to do is knock the house down and rebuild so heat pumps are useful.

It isn't just old housing stock new housing isn't built to required standards either. As per usual in this country rather than plan for the future, narrow short term thinking and cheaping out is the norm. I remember it being said 20-30 years new builds in germany are required to be double glazed by law and are routinely triple glazed here we just bumble along and cut insulation subsidies that might do something to reduce our huge energy consumption while they govt just washes its hands and says we have to live with it.
Too much plastic in them right now:p. Miy biggest issue by far was my mother walking past the thermostat and just jacking it upto max. Ive got a hive now, so will be able to prevent that wastage for starters. But none the less the house itself is not efficient. Im reluctant to spend on solar as i want to be out of this place in 5-7 years.
Too much plastic in them right now:p. Miy biggest issue by far was my mother walking past the thermostat and just jacking it upto max. Ive got a hive now, so will be able to prevent that wastage for starters. But none the less the house itself is not efficient. Im reluctant to spend on solar as i want to be out of this place in 5-7 years.

Same position as me.

Don't plan to stick around long enough for solar, new windows, new radiators, heat pumps etc.

Never see it back.
It isn't just old housing stock new housing isn't built to required standards either. As per usual in this country rather than plan for the future, narrow short term thinking and cheaping out is the norm. I remember it being said 20-30 years new builds in germany are required to be double glazed by law and are routinely triple glazed here we just bumble along and cut insulation subsidies that might do something to reduce our huge energy consumption while they govt just washes its hands and says we have to live with it.

Not like a lot of these things add hugely to the overall cost either.
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