Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

When your historical usage is a certain amount and you start reporting a fraction of that figure it'll raise suspicions.
Yes it would, and they would trigger a manual reading. If the meter reader comes and verifies the reading, and doesn't see any issues then you'd be ok probably. Obviously sensible people would still make sure some usage goes through the meter, and the spur was done completely out of sight and inaccessible to the meter reader.
Yes it would, and they would trigger a manual reading. If the meter reader comes and verifies the reading, and doesn't see any issues then you'd be ok probably. Obviously sensible people would still make sure some usage goes through the meter, and the spur was done completely out of sight and inaccessible to the meter reader.
Sensible people wouldn't be bypassing their meter.
There is a reason for that and its entirely cynical. They don't care unless their customers and their investors care. Have a look at ESG and how they are trying to force companies to act in the way they want or they will essentially be cut off from investment.

If these companies cared they would pay their workers fairly, they wouldn't exploit poor countries and workers, they wouldn't try to pay as little tax as possible, they wouldn't put profits above pretty much everything else.

This idea of sustainable goes completely against the idea of capitalism as well. Capitalism relies on infinite growth. Companies are expected to grow every year. If they are not then they will have to make cutbacks to increase profits again. Usually the first port of call is to cull some minions.

Big business should be terrified of governments but they haven't been for years because they own the governments.

Like I said I'm not going to convince you you already have your mind made up clearly

What if I told you my global business is audited by another global business, and most of the things you talk about are that audit, things like making sure we restrict our overtime, is our pay market rate or above, do we source products ethically etc etc etc

Tax I partly agree, but being a director literally one of your duties is to max shareholder wealth so whilst we do lots of things as ethically as possible and are getting to net zero faster than any country will, your legally bound as part of duties to fulfil other roles.
If countries cant keep p and have tax law fit for purpose (and they dont) thats not the companies fault.

Capitalism doesn't require infinite growth. They don't HAVE to make cut backs to increase profits again.
Capitalism relies on efficiency to improve profits more than growth, better, cheaper, faster etc etc

Business shouldn't terrified of government, its a symbiotic relationship and in some places like the US the companies under Trump were going much further and basically saying they would stick to Paris agreements etc even if the government scraped it as a requirement
Companies saying they will support, even pay for staff to have abortions in other states to get round legislation.
Its not a simple good bad relationship, nothing ever is that simple.
Yes it would, and they would trigger a manual reading. If the meter reader comes and verifies the reading, and doesn't see any issues then you'd be ok probably. Obviously sensible people would still make sure some usage goes through the meter, and the spur was done completely out of sight and inaccessible to the meter reader.
You'd hope the energy companies are more savvy than that.
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Well first friend that has decided to get an electrician round to "bypass the meter".
I would be havbing a quiet work with him to be honest. If he has a family, whats worth more, money or burning the house down with the family inside at worst or at best getting a criminal record, fines, possible prison time and even losing their Job. I would 100% be ratting the electrician too.

There's going to be an uptick in gas explosions and houses burning down from bypassed meters this autumn/winter.
Debt management companies are going to be taking on lots of new staff...

The main ones are charities that get funded by either government or the coucil, limited funds means that may not be possible. Cannot say for certain about national debtline etc, but citizens advice where I worked for almost a decade were almost entirely reliant on volunteers for a bulk of the work and had a handfull of specialist debt advisors. This was a decade ago so things may be different now but even still there was limited capacity and it was a struggle to keep up back during the 2008 crash with increased funding, when that was pulled in 2013 the service capacity was drastically reduced.
I would be havbing a quiet work with him to be honest. If he has a family, whats worth more, money or burning the house down with the family inside at worst or at best getting a criminal record, fines, possible prison time and even losing their Job. I would 100% be ratting the electrician too.

There's going to be an uptick in gas explosions and houses burning down from bypassed meters this autumn/winter.
He knows my feelings on it. I think he's an idiot but he'll do what he's going to do. This is a guy that works a 2nd job just to pay the bills so he's already justified it in his head.
I know i'm not going to convince you but my experience is the opposite
Many globals are now trying really hard to become net carbon, sustainable etc
And yet I see a lot of small businesses acting like total douches. And this seems to boil down to the same attitude you see from many individuals, i wont make any difference, the UK isnt big enough to make a difference etc etc

Many of them are reliant on green loas or having quality ESG reporting to enable them to trade on the markets. Yeah, they've got a long way to go.

Major issue is the old man government's attitude to net zero, "we'll decarbonise the grid, don't worry about reducing your energy consumption. Just wait 10 years and it'll be sorted."
You'd hope the energy companies are more savvy than that.
There are various factors taken into account, site visits are one to obtain a read and perform a visual inspection but there are other means :) Guy 3 doors up from me was growing weed in the spare room of his family home and western power rolled up and dug his garden up to check he hadnt bypassed the supply underground.

Admittedly this was after the police had been called to his house because a gang raided his house, slit his throat and stole his weed....
£500-£600 a month is about double typical usage on the upcoming winter price cap.

Bear in mind the average income is over £30k now so the likelihood of someone on a lower than average income to have energy consumption that is double the average consumption is unlikely.

What’s more likely that that those who have that consumption are at least middle earners but more than likely to be well above that.

The flip side of that is people on low incomes who live in poor quality housing with single glazing that they can't afford to replace with double glazing, electric heaters which they can't afford to replace with gas, and old inefficient appliances that they can't afford to replace, who are stuck on more expensive pre-payment meters because they have poor credit/payment history.

It's not worth the risk. The electricity companies do monitor consumption in the area and if the meter readings for all the houses don't add up to the regional consumption they know something is up. Also if you house consumption suddenly changes then they get suspicious. I mean to give you an idea of how paranoid they are, there are magnet detectors in Smart Meters. Smart Meters are not affected by magnets but they report YOU to head office for placing a magnet close to the meter! Gives the company a fair warning you are trying to fiddle the bill.

Interesting - that could explain why there's been a "Morrisons utility" (meter reading company) van parked outside my house for the last couple of days, as my consumption has dropped significantly after I've stopped mining (due to the weather) and turned off the pool heater (due to my cheap fix coming to an end).
  • Haha
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Technically, this electrician going to bypass the meter could add a variable resistor on the meter end, so current does flow through the meter but depending on the resistance more of it goes via the unmetered path.

If any criminal enterprises pick this up, be sure to credit me! :D
Yes, that's what confused me, I thought there must be more to it. The answer is very simple too: if they pay a lower levy then they have more money...

Yes, if everyone's bill was £100 and the levy was £100 the utility company would go bust.

The money for the levy comes from the customer bills but the customer bills are not effected by the levy.
As I've said several times, the customer bill is calculated by standing charge + (unit cost x units used). Levy doesn't come into the calculation.
Ok so you was just assuming they would profit the savings, I suppose given ofgem are not forcing them to spread it in a certain way thats possible on cap exempt tariffs, but I think the SVR they would be forced to lower the price. I accept your point.
Unfortunately if there was some way gas or any other commodity could be sold cheaply within the UK, there would be someone somewhere that would exploit the hell out of it for giga profits by selling it to someone else.
I think a potential compromise would be doable. We allow them to extract the gas on our shores, we dont keep all 100% at ringfenced lower prices, we allow them 20% or whatever to be sold on open market. However I dont see us going down this road as I think we would struggle to get them to do it, they would just say isnt enough money in it for them and seems to be lots of opposition to it.

Gas trading itself probably should be highly regulated, but because its a global market that regulation would need to be agreed on an international level which I cant see happening, so I still think ultimately it needs to be state owned extraction.
The flip side of that is people on low incomes who live in poor quality housing with single glazing that they can't afford to replace with double glazing, electric heaters which they can't afford to replace with gas, and old inefficient appliances that they can't afford to replace, who are stuck on more expensive pre-payment meters because they have poor credit/payment history.

Interesting - that could explain why there's been a "Morrisons utility" (meter reading company) van parked outside my house for the last couple of days, as my consumption has dropped significantly after I've stopped mining (due to the weather) and turned off the pool heater (due to my cheap fix coming to an end).

Brace yourself!
They'll be coming through your back doors any second....
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