Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

It would be a nightmare.
How would you know? It would be near impossible to set up. It's not really something you can validate if someone is a high user due to medical reasons.
You certainly can because medical reasons such as that would be on benefit if they are in need to support that and so all that is needed to send to your energy supplier would be evidence of medical and benefit requirement and they can make allowance for such in that regards.
You won't do it because there's no way of verifying how many have signed up and, of those that have, how many go through with it.
Id be looking for a number substantially more than the million they are targetting, plus a great deal of media coverage on the topic in the days prior. Additionally my approach would be to cancel the DD, leave for a few days maybe a week, then set a new one up again at a lower amount.
You certainly can because medical reasons such as that would be on benefit if they are in need to support that and so all that is needed to send to your energy supplier would be evidence of medical and benefit requirement and they can make allowance for such in that regards.

Ah this would help a lot. Makes me wonder why they didn't use it for the cost of living payments. Or maybe they did?

I guess some will invariably slip through the net
It’s easy. They already use deemed averages based on No of rooms. Use that. If you have a 3 bedroom house yet use the same as a 2 bed you get charged the lower tier.
That doesn't solve the problem at all.

You could have someone very well-off in a huge 6 bedroom house with proper insulation, modern appliances and solar panels using well below average so paying lowest tier but someone in a small 2 bedroom house with single glazed windows, crap insulation and electric heating paying one of the high tiers because they can't afford the home improvements to reduce consumption.
Id be looking for a number substantially more than the million they are targetting, plus a great deal of media coverage on the topic in the days prior. Additionally my approach would be to cancel the DD, leave for a few days maybe a week, then set a new one up again at a lower amount.
You might as well admit you won't be doing it in any fashion.
Rishi isn’t lazy he’s been working hard on reversing the flow of money to poorer communitie
he didn't start the fire - enough said

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