Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

13 Jan 2010
Im a single guy on minimum wage working full time, how you cannot afford to live off £50k a year i really have no idea.

I got £30k left on my mortgage so Just under double my annual wage.

I guess the childcare must kill you?

Or maybe you are paying £300+ a month rental on a fancy car?

Has to be big mortgage and child care.
11 Jan 2016
Im a single guy on minimum wage working full time, how you cannot afford to live off £50k a year i really have no idea.

I got £30k left on my mortgage so Just under double my annual wage.

I guess the childcare must kill you?

Or maybe you are paying £300+ a month rental on a fancy car?
Childcare can be a killer. In our area every early years nursery is around £2k a month for 5 days a week. Hurts to pay it tbh. I know most other areas throughout the country tends to average half of that.

Of course.
Suppliers can probably see bankruptcy otherwise.

People won't be able to pay. The suppliers will rack up huge debt and go under.

These prices are economy breaking.
Yeah the writing is on the wall and they can see it. The ability for people to pay is going to disappear.

I am single income a smidge under £50k and my mortgage is only 2x Gross salary and if I hadn't been able to lock in March and looking to lock now I wouldn't be able to afford my mortgage payments.

My disposable income after mortgage, bills and childcare is £18 a month now as it stands. I have only Netflix at £15.99 and Mobile at £10.50 as luxuries to cut. I have car on finance but I travel to and from work 100 miles a day and my monthly on the car is £188 so not astronomical amount.

My food bill for the month is already at £100 only. Where am I meant to cut it or have any room to manoeuvre.

Totally understandable.
13 Jan 2010
So.. Do we think its going to be an actual genuine break down of society this winter?

If the tories don't provide substantially more how can it not be?

Let's face it, if they don't give money directly they are going to be taking on failed suppliers anyway.

Not going to lie, it's concerning. Even if you aren't impacted directly this amount of potential civil unrest will affect everyone.

I fully expect to see scenes on the news I've never seen in the UK in my lifetime

I expect it will fully get underway in November. Pre Christmas, grim weather, first real bills land
10 Mar 2009
  • Childcare is minimum 18% of Gross wage, not your net for whatever reason so that takes almost £1k out of takehome alone.
  • Mortgage and help to buy is another £600 a month
  • Gas & Electric £200
  • Council Tax £200
  • Car Fuel £450
  • Food & Clothes £100
  • House insurance £20
  • Car Insurance £35
  • Car Finance £188
  • Internet (will reduce when can but on a 24 month contract that only started January and is used for work) £55
  • Mobile £10.50
  • Netflix £16
So that gets you to about £2874.50 leaving me £18 out of my take home.

Thats quite scary to see someone on such a high wage(in terms of myself) struggling so much.

I would seriously not be able to sleep if i was down to £18 after all my bills(not that i have a huge amount left over, maybe £150)
13 Jan 2010
  • Childcare is minimum 18% of Gross wage, not your net for whatever reason so that takes almost £1k out of takehome alone.
  • Mortgage and help to buy is another £600 a month
  • Gas & Electric £200
  • Council Tax £200
  • Car Fuel £450
  • Food & Clothes £100
  • House insurance £20
  • Car Insurance £35
  • Car Finance £188
  • Internet (will reduce when can but on a 24 month contract that only started January and is used for work) £55
  • Mobile £10.50
  • Netflix £16
So that gets you to about £2874.50 leaving me £18 out of my take home.

At 18ppm it's worth even cutting down that Netflix.

Those car costs/finance doesn't help.

But man. That child care. That is grim
9 Jul 2003
I bet Russian troll farms will be going flat out over the next few months to try and stir things up but whether people will actually protest I don't know. A lot of it will come down to the message coming from Downing Street, are we all in this together with appropriate support or will Liz Truss gives us a motivational speech about how we just need to work harder.
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