Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

18 Oct 2012
They are still your kids when you go abroad.

Anyway this thread is going off-topic.
Indeed, I am not suggesting otherwise. However they calculate payment based on your wage which if you live in another country and earn completely different with completely different living costs that got to be a mess. It was more just a general fact/statement because I know someone whom was on about moving abroad.

At same time his ex was like when you get married I get more as you have joint income and it took a letter from CSA for her to stop trying to get her payments increased cause he got married!
6 Oct 2004
I wish it was that. Unfortunately it isn't close to correct. They never explain why. They also have literature on their site and what they send you with different % figures. For a start the base is a flat 18% now which the calculator doesn't even do as that would be £727.50 and then as mentioned there some back payments because she changed her mind on paying an agreed sum so I just have to deal with basically.

It sounds like you're better off without her, even though it obviously leaves you in a poor financial position. I hope you get some good luck come your way :/
30 Nov 2005
The NOAA forecast for winter 2022 said, “It’s looking more probably that La Niña will lock in by this winter.” This year will probably be a “second-year La Niña”. This means an increased chance of colder conditions and above average snowfall until spring 2022.

El Niño and La Niña have their biggest impact on global climate during the Northern Hemisphere winter. During past La Niña winters the Alps has seen record amounts of snowfall! So early signs are looking good for UK skiers desperate to make up for lost time on the slopes due to the pandemic
14 Dec 2004
Bridgwater, Somerset
So 2 interesting facts

Custody I would have to show negligence and harm for that. I can go to court to try and get say every other weekend with them over night but that actually wouldn't change how much I pay as I wouldn't qualify as having them overnight enough and so would need to be 3 weekends out of 4 minimum. With that it is 10% reduction on what you pay out so saving about £74 on normal rate I would be paying.

The second is that if you go abroad and work you can still be liable to pay CSA so you have to pick a place where they wont take that payment and if you don't pay in agreement they charge you 10% fee for collecting the monies on behalf of the other person direct from your wage.
I believe the bit in bold is wrong, its 20% and then the 'collecting' parent has to pay 4% to have it received. It never makes sense to do it that way, but I'm waiting for the day that'll happen... Oh and the fact they threaten to take your house away as payment if you don't pay... Wonderful system, it really is. Not.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
The NOAA forecast for winter 2022 said, “It’s looking more probably that La Niña will lock in by this winter.” This year will probably be a “second-year La Niña”. This means an increased chance of colder conditions and above average snowfall until spring 2022.

El Niño and La Niña have their biggest impact on global climate during the Northern Hemisphere winter. During past La Niña winters the Alps has seen record amounts of snowfall! So early signs are looking good for UK skiers desperate to make up for lost time on the slopes due to the pandemic
I wouldn't be surprised, huge energy price increases and a really, really bad winter sounds just awesome.
18 Oct 2012
I believe the bit in bold is wrong, its 20% and then the 'collecting' parent has to pay 4% to have it received. It never makes sense to do it that way, but I'm waiting for the day that'll happen... Oh and the fact they threaten to take your house away as payment if you don't pay... Wonderful system, it really is. Not.
Oh is it 20% I couldn't honestly remember. Just knew it was a big amount and never got to the point of take house away etc. I hadn't fortunately got that far tbh.
6 Oct 2004
I believe the bit in bold is wrong, its 20% and then the 'collecting' parent has to pay 4% to have it received. It never makes sense to do it that way, but I'm waiting for the day that'll happen... Oh and the fact they threaten to take your house away as payment if you don't pay... Wonderful system, it really is. Not.

And people wonder why male suicide rate is multiple times higher than female...
19 Nov 2021
BG sent me this

The Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS)​

The EBSS is part of the government’s wider support to help households with the cost of living. It’s open to all domestic households who use electricity.​

How much will I get?​

Every household will get £400, paid over six months starting from October 2022. So you’ll get the following each month:​
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
January 2023
February 2023
March 2023
If your electricity bills are less than £66/£67 a month, you’ll still get the same amount. You can carry on using the discount to pay for your electricity after March 2023 (until all the £400 is used up).​

How do I receive the discount?​

For Direct Debit customers, we’ll send the discount straight to your bank each month – like a refund – once your Direct Debit has gone through.

For example:
If your Direct Debit is £100 a month, you’d pay that as normal. Then a few days later, £67 will be paid in to your bank account. If your Direct Debit is less than £67 a month, say £50 for example, £50 will be refunded to your bank account and the remaining £17 will be applied as credit to your energy account.
Now that octopus forecast jobbie makes sense.
This way of doing it makes NO sense though.
14 Aug 2006
Land of Dragons
That means the Government will be paying all my bill for the next year, if I use the same as the last year.

The correct workings are for the new Go tariff. on last years metered usage

Night rate 1560.7Kw @ 7.5p a unit = £117.0525

Day rate 160.6Kw @ 0.4229p a unit = £67.9177

SC 365 days @ 0.4731 per day= £172.6816

Total of £357.6528p

The joy of a small solar and battery setup.
14 Dec 2004
Bridgwater, Somerset
Oh is it 20% I couldn't honestly remember. Just knew it was a big amount and never got to the point of take house away etc. I hadn't fortunately got that far tbh.
I've never got that far, but I think back to the few wonderful conversations that I've had with the CSA, the angry lady (more so but there have been one gent I think I spoke with) on the phones don't help. Thank god there's a messaging system in there but yes its just utterly unbelievable...
And people wonder why male suicide rate is multiple times higher than female...
Where I work there was a few people in the same situation, some better than others, some massively worse than others but its a sure fire way in some cases to have to pay enough money over to the ex for them to afford a 4 bedroom house for example. I know of the guys there I think his bill was about £700 a month, others about the £500 mark. I swear a child doesn't cost that much a month or even two for that much a month...
I know I have disbelief when I have to fork out for clothes, shoes and such because my eldest literally comes down with just the clothes on her back but we'll move on quickly from that...

But apologies - topic - electric and gas prices - I'm doing all I can to lower mine down as much as possible. I mean instead of using my AMD or Intel systems, I'm on a Dell 3080 micro PC because it uses 6w rather than 200w at idle or 700w in full load.. Can't afford to run that over night for a few games!! :( Gone back to Plants VS Zombies or Virtua Pool 3 at the minute as my eldest is having her second PC built today/tomorrow for her birthday.. And she seems to be getting into it as well. One way to keep the costs of the electric down lol :)
10 Mar 2009
I've never got that far, but I think back to the few wonderful conversations that I've had with the CSA, the angry lady (more so but there have been one gent I think I spoke with) on the phones don't help. Thank god there's a messaging system in there but yes its just utterly unbelievable...

Where I work there was a few people in the same situation, some better than others, some massively worse than others but its a sure fire way in some cases to have to pay enough money over to the ex for them to afford a 4 bedroom house for example. I know of the guys there I think his bill was about £700 a month, others about the £500 mark. I swear a child doesn't cost that much a month or even two for that much a month...
I know I have disbelief when I have to fork out for clothes, shoes and such because my eldest literally comes down with just the clothes on her back but we'll move on quickly from that...

But apologies - topic - electric and gas prices - I'm doing all I can to lower mine down as much as possible. I mean instead of using my AMD or Intel systems, I'm on a Dell 3080 micro PC because it uses 6w rather than 200w at idle or 700w in full load.. Can't afford to run that over night for a few games!! :( Gone back to Plants VS Zombies or Virtua Pool 3 at the minute as my eldest is having her second PC built today/tomorrow for her birthday.. And she seems to be getting into it as well. One way to keep the costs of the electric down lol :)

Its called child maintanence but in reality you are paying for the mum to have a better standard of living too, even though most of the time it was her choice to leave the partner or run off with another man that probably didnt work out either
6 Oct 2004
But apologies - topic - electric and gas prices - I'm doing all I can to lower mine down as much as possible. I mean instead of using my AMD or Intel systems, I'm on a Dell 3080 micro PC because it uses 6w rather than 200w at idle or 700w in full load.. Can't afford to run that over night for a few games!! :( Gone back to Plants VS Zombies or Virtua Pool 3 at the minute as my eldest is having her second PC built today/tomorrow for her birthday.. And she seems to be getting into it as well. One way to keep the costs of the electric down lol :)
I seem to remember there being a thread about this in general hardware, and it turned out that the difference in running cost wasnt that much. 500w is 15p/hour at the current cap, so 2 hours/day every day is only going to cost you ~£10/month. Obviously if your play time is into double figures every day then that's going to soon add up, but for us "responsible adults" who sadly only get a few hours gaming a week, it's not worth stressing over
15 Aug 2005
Just discovered that, ever since switching over to a variable Direct Debit, British Gas have been ignoring (or not receiving) my smart meter data, so they've been using estimated usage figures without telling me thereby rendering the whole purpose of a variable DD completely pointless.

This company is genuinely inept.

Sage resolved, hopefully: I spoke to someone last week on the phone who was raising this as a complaint on my behalf. Didn't hear anything back so did live chat this time on the website, apparently my smart meter readings were being received just fine the whole time, I was just switched over to billing via estimated readings for no apparent reason. Utterly baffling. They've switched it back onto actual usage now.
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