Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

30 Jul 2005
So blunt and aggressive! :D

Only goes to people on the following benefits and is in 2 installments £326 in July and £324 in "Autumn"
  • Universal Credit,
  • income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance,
  • Income Support
  • working tax credit
  • child tax credit
  • pension credit

and how to get those benefits?
18 Oct 2012
So sorry to hear this. Makes it more real when you hear a real story.
Hope things get better soon!
Does seem like you've done pretty much everything you can at this point. :(
Thanks buddy. My other consideration is trying to find a part time second job to do two nights a week at least like at Pub/Bar. I could do maybe a 6 hour shift Monday and Wednesday night. Means home from main work at 7pm, dinner then work at 7.30pm or something. Finish midnight and then back up for main job at 5.30am for 7am office start ha. But shall see.
and how to get those benefits?
Be my ex!! She gets 5 of those benefits as a single mum!
18 Oct 2012
one of those benefits being pension credit? guess you like them all wrinkled :cry:
  • Universal Credit,
  • income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance,
  • Income Support
  • working tax credit
  • child tax credit
  • pension credit
There you go ;) I mean those are what I know. PIP is another one I know she has filled out paperwork for recently too
6 Oct 2004
Can't rent out property as was help to buy and so that isn't possible and I could rent out room (did for a while) but I am trying to get to point of having my children over night and so I can't really rent the second room if I want that to happen which course catch 22.

Yeah fair enough - makes sense.

That calculator thing is about 15% off because when I done it initially it worked out at around £675. When they do a detailed calc and because she on benefits it works out at £776 however because she went to CSA 4 months after we split and initially agreed £500 a month they are now taking back payment for the shortfall thus increasing my amount further. I also don't qualify for a reduction for mileage travelled cause I am 2 miles short on a round trip to visit my children each week and yet I have them both all day Saturday and Sunday but because they still sleep at her house I also don't get a reduction there either. It a bad system.

How the hell does her being on benefits affect it? That's just ****! On the plus side, if you were only underpaying ~£270 for 4 months and you're now overpaying ~£250, that shortfall should be made up within a few months?

It really is a terrible system which is extremely unbalanced towards one of the parents, you have my sympathies. To be honest if I was in that situation, I'd be doing everything I could to try and get custody, purely out of spite! (Or failing that, leave the country :p)
18 Oct 2012
Yea, another OCUK bro hug from me @Curlyriff - hopefully it gets a little easier once the back payment is caught up, I can understand how frustrating it must be for you right now.

Yeah I have 6 months back payment I believe but appreciated. Will mean about £200 better off. Just need to get energy bills down or get a few more days at home to save travel to help with increased fuel costs.
18 Oct 2012
Yeah fair enough - makes sense.

How the hell does her being on benefits affect it? That's just ****! On the plus side, if you were only underpaying ~£270 for 4 months and you're now overpaying ~£250, that shortfall should be made up within a few months?

It really is a terrible system which is extremely unbalanced towards one of the parents, you have my sympathies. To be honest if I was in that situation, I'd be doing everything I could to try and get custody, purely out of spite! (Or failing that, leave the country :p)
So 2 interesting facts

Custody I would have to show negligence and harm for that. I can go to court to try and get say every other weekend with them over night but that actually wouldn't change how much I pay as I wouldn't qualify as having them overnight enough and so would need to be 3 weekends out of 4 minimum. With that it is 10% reduction on what you pay out so saving about £74 on normal rate I would be paying.

The second is that if you go abroad and work you can still be liable to pay CSA so you have to pick a place where they wont take that payment and if you don't pay in agreement they charge you 10% fee for collecting the monies on behalf of the other person direct from your wage.
6 Oct 2004
So 2 interesting facts

Custody I would have to show negligence and harm for that. I can go to court to try and get say every other weekend with them over night but that actually wouldn't change how much I pay as I wouldn't qualify as having them overnight enough and so would need to be 3 weekends out of 4 minimum. With that it is 10% reduction on what you pay out so saving about £74 on normal rate I would be paying.
And let me guess, she by default gets custody because she's the mum? :(

The second is that if you go abroad and work you can still be liable to pay CSA so you have to pick a place where they wont take that payment and if you don't pay in agreement they charge you 10% fee for collecting the monies on behalf of the other person direct from your wage.

If they can find you ;)

But it was a relatively tongue in cheek comment.
14 Dec 2004
Bridgwater, Somerset
For 2 kids that seems way too much, putting the figures in here:

With an income of £48,500 (£50k-3% pension) and them never staying with you overnight: "Your child maintenance calculation is £143.60 a week or £621.84 a month"
Never believe that web site and calculator, its complete junk. Been there many a time with the CSA saying that your calculator says this but your asking me to pay this much, why?! They say over the phone, oh its wrong but when I ask is it getting fixed there's a bit of silence followed by another question/answer related to something else. I've had 7 years of hassle with them and not seeing my eldest very often, its a pain I don't wish on my worst enemy. I had a problem with my back in March and then after a day of being back to work in April, I fractured both bones in my left leg and then ended up with blood clots in my lungs after a couple weeks.. I said it then and say it again, I don't think 2022 is going to be my year!! lol

Just literally getting back on my feet and walking about more and more but they said it's about 6 months or more to get back to where I was before. Whoopee!! /s

It does seem however that many people are going to have issues and more issues with the cost of living and with interest rates going up. Without my mortgage I'm in a good position but how long that might last is going to be anyone's guess. No sooner do I think things are going well, something will surely batter me down and I'll be having issues :( Guess you have to roll with the punches so to speak, however hard that might be :)
18 Oct 2012
For 2 kids that seems way too much, putting the figures in here:

With an income of £48,500 (£50k-3% pension) and them never staying with you overnight: "Your child maintenance calculation is £143.60 a week or £621.84 a month"

I wish it was that. Unfortunately it isn't close to correct. They never explain why. They also have literature on their site and what they send you with different % figures. For a start the base is a flat 18% now which the calculator doesn't even do as that would be £727.50 and then as mentioned there some back payments because she changed her mind on paying an agreed sum so I just have to deal with basically.
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