Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

14 Aug 2006
Land of Dragons
No idea what these people are on! you can't make this stuff up FFS,

Taken from the bbc site.

"under plans drawn up by the Treasury, doctors would be able to write prescriptions to give people money off their energy bills.
Under the proposal, GPs would hold a patient consultation and verify they need help, before writing a prescription. Money would then either be given in cash or as a voucher."
30 Sep 2008
Won't be just pubs tho will it?
a lot of different types of business will just simply just call it a day when some businesses are going from 2k a month energy to 12k a month they simply won't be able to carry on

If the government don't do anything now they are going have a massive problem with unemployment

I work in construction I know full well I'm going be unemployed some point next year

Decreasing tax is apparently the solution, Truss. Cons never gave a single solitary **** about SME's, so you can forget it.
9 Jul 2003
No idea what these people are on! you can't make this stuff up FFS,

Taken from the bbc site.

"under plans drawn up by the Treasury, doctors would be able to write prescriptions to give people money off their energy bills.
Under the proposal, GPs would hold a patient consultation and verify they need help, before writing a prescription. Money would then either be given in cash or as a voucher."
Yeah read that earlier and thought wtf.

First thing, good luck getting to see a gp and secondly they shouldn't have to make the call on who gets to use the heating this winter.

Surely it's better to avoid the situation in the first place rather than waiting for people's health to deteriorate.
1 Sep 2013
Decreasing tax is apparently the solution, Truss. Cons never gave a single solitary **** about SME's, so you can forget it.

Tory just not fit for purpose now brexit is done with they haven't got a clue

Truss won't last 12 months the damage that woman will cause will be horrendous

We might aswell just surrender to putin now with that ***** in charge
13 Jan 2010
She might go down as the most damaging prime minister ever, and at least in living memory.

What a legacy

Could ruin the tories for a decade. And they are voting her in by a land slide.
17 Apr 2009
Decreasing tax is apparently the solution, Truss. Cons never gave a single solitary **** about SME's, so you can forget it.

TBF, this is politics. The contenders for the Conservative Party leadership are currently playing to the party membership. As soon as the contest is over, the new leader will need to start thinking about the next election (which really isn't that far away) and the ~14m people who voted for the party at the last election. Once that's over, if they win that election, we might finally see what the new leader actually wanted to do.

What's being said now, and what will be said over the next 21 months, is little more than electioneering.
27 Feb 2015
I'm sure this has been stated numerous times already in this thread but the constant chimes of "Look to energy usage and reducing use ...". The sting in that tail is the doubling / tripling / quadrupling etc of standing charges which somewhat negates any effort in reduction efforts.

I'm not sure why standing charges cannot be rolled in to the unit costs thus high energy users subsidise low the energy use households.
One thing that seems to have high support across many who comment on the idea is tiered units, "use more pay more" on unit rates.

However not a sniff of the idea either from the government or the suppliers, it seems the appetite is to discourage light usage rather than encourage it, and of course it means not only households with low usage pay more proportionate to their usage but also households with only one adult pay more per adult than households with more adults.

Historically we seem to have no issue with this on all sorts of billed things, so I dont see tiered units ever coming into affect sadly, and now we have this proposal from two of the suppliers where they will take a big loan with gov as guarantor to keep the cap frozen, if the gov agrees to that, guess whats going up to recover that loan? yep probably the SC. The future sadly is heading more and more to higher SC.


I seen 413x's post and the reply to it.

Should be easy to implement, do it on units used per month for SVR, first X units subsidised. Rest not. Or could add more tiers so its more granular. This would also make any subsidisation far cheaper as it wouldnt be a blanket cost reduction on all consumer energy used.
26 Apr 2013
Does this potential 80% hike related to businesses too? Are they just going to start collapsing left and right now? If my bill goes up 80% in October, I'll be paying £270 a month. Yes that sucks, but we can afford it. What if you're a small business and your bill increases from £1000 to £1800 a month, that's a lot harder to swallow.
25 Mar 2004
No idea what these people are on! you can't make this stuff up FFS,

Taken from the bbc site.

"under plans drawn up by the Treasury, doctors would be able to write prescriptions to give people money off their energy bills.
Under the proposal, GPs would hold a patient consultation and verify they need help, before writing a prescription. Money would then either be given in cash or as a voucher."

I saw that, prescription for money, whatever next?
9 Jul 2003
One thing that seems to have high support across many who comment on the idea is tiered units, "use more pay more" on unit rates.

However not a sniff of the idea either from the government or the suppliers, it seems the appetite is to discourage light usage rather than encourage it, and of course it means not only households with low usage pay more proportionate to their usage but also households with only one adult pay more per adult than households with more adults.

Historically we seem to have no issue with this on all sorts of billed things, so I dont see tiered units ever coming into affect sadly, and now we have this proposal from two of the suppliers where they will take a big loan with gov as guarantor to keep the cap frozen, if the gov agrees to that, guess whats going up to recover that loan? yep probably the SC. The future sadly is heading more and more to higher SC.


I seen 413x's post and the reply to it.

Should be easy to implement, do it on units used per month for SVR, first X units subsidised. Rest not. Or could add more tiers so its more granular. This would also make any subsidisation far cheaper as it wouldnt be a blanket cost reduction on all consumer energy used.
Higher usage doesn't always mean a higher income household though.

Some people have higher usage because they live in poorly insulated homes and can't afford to improve them (or don't have the right as they rent). They get stuck in a loop of higher than average energy bills to stay warm which means they have even less money to make improvements.

If the tier system was put in place with decent grants for home energy efficiency improvements then it could work.
6 Oct 2004
Does this potential 80% hike related to businesses too? Are they just going to start collapsing left and right now? If my bill goes up 80% in October, I'll be paying £270 a month. Yes that sucks, but we can afford it. What if you're a small business and your bill increases from £1000 to £1800 a month, that's a lot harder to swallow.
The cap doesn't affect business, so they're already paying significantly higher rates

Should be easy to implement, do it on units used per month for SVR, first X units subsidised. Rest not. Or could add more tiers so its more granular. This would also make any subsidisation far cheaper as it wouldnt be a blanket cost reduction on all consumer energy used.

Problem is this would disproportionately affect those who are stuck with electric heating. They'd have to either include gas units in the calculation, or have different tiers for people with and without gas
5 Apr 2009
Does this potential 80% hike related to businesses too? Are they just going to start collapsing left and right now? If my bill goes up 80% in October, I'll be paying £270 a month. Yes that sucks, but we can afford it. What if you're a small business and your bill increases from £1000 to £1800 a month, that's a lot harder to swallow.
I don't think businesses get the luxury of the consumer price cap protection, they've likely already seen larger increases and potentially will see larger rises again.
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