Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

5 Apr 2009
Oh, so we can expect even more empty shops on the high street in the near future then?
Anyone that wasn't operating with very healthy margins or without significant cash reserves they're willing to burn through whilst hoping this all passes are going to seriously struggle.
8 Mar 2005
London, UK
Higher usage doesn't always mean a higher income household though.

Some people have higher usage because they live in poorly insulated homes and can't afford to improve them (or don't have the right as they rent). They get stuck in a loop of higher than average energy bills to stay warm which means they have even less money to make improvements.

If the tier system was put in place with decent grants for home energy efficiency improvements then it could work.
I hear this and agree to a point but the insulation argument only travels so far in relation to heating. I suspect many will simply turn their central heating off this Winter (and perhaps beyond) in order to reduce costs but there is only so much you can reduce with respect to other electricity usage. Of course, none of that negates the SC.

I do like the tier proposals across both energy types.
14 Jan 2018
Does this potential 80% hike related to businesses too? Are they just going to start collapsing left and right now? If my bill goes up 80% in October, I'll be paying £270 a month. Yes that sucks, but we can afford it. What if you're a small business and your bill increases from £1000 to £1800 a month, that's a lot harder to swallow.
Businesses are already paying it.
27 Feb 2015
The cap doesn't affect business, so they're already paying significantly higher rates

Problem is this would disproportionately affect those who are stuck with electric heating. They'd have to either include gas units in the calculation, or have different tiers for people with and without gas
Single fuel customers, could do something like that yeah, but bear in mind it stops been tiered if you trying to cater for all usage without encouraging people to make cut backs.
I would also use the priority register to apply exceptions so e.g. people with expensive to use medical equipment and pensioners who need hotter ambient temperatures for their health.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
They should focus on peak periods of the day and encourage suppliers to offer more cheap rates to help balance the overall strain/demands. This was one of the benefits of rolling out smart meters all them years back, however they made such a fudge of it maybe this will push them to incentivise domestic users that if you have one you can try to save by off peak methods.
23 Nov 2018
It can’t be a shock - it’s been all over the news for a year now!

I think most people have their head in the sand until it actually affects them. My GF is the same, she keeps saying I'm "going on and on about solar"... Well... Yeah I am unless you want to be paying a crap ton more on electric! She knows it's going up because I keep telling her but when I try and discuss mitigating it I get moaned at! Lol.

She seems to think we will be able to afford a holiday next year as well... I think she is buried in sand to be honest!
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I think most people have their head in the sand until it actually affects them. My GF is the same, she keeps saying I'm "going on and on about solar"... Well... Yeah I am unless you want to be paying a crap ton more on electric! She knows it's going up because I keep telling her but when I try and discuss mitigating it I get moaned at! Lol.

She seems to think we will be able to afford a holiday next year as well... I think she is buried in sand to be honest!

I told the wife this well over a year ago, coming up to two. :)

Anyway we have solar now. First thing she said after a week of it was a bigger setup, batteries etc! As you say, even if you explain to folk time and time, the penny only drops when the current prices are in their face.
25 Mar 2004
Solar doesn't help with affordability though. You've payed thousands up front and won't see a return on that for several years (5 - 10).

Yes but missing the angle that if you don't get it and wait for 5 years, then you've just paid for 5 years of higher costs and that's money that could have been going towards paying for the panels.

Solar is great if you can install it for a reasonable price and have the affordability to get it, and the main benefit is the peace of mind it brings with monthly electric costs being lower.

Full solar install though is best if you can make good use of most of the energy generated, they will work better for people who use a lot of electric. Light users won't see much of a benefit.
24 Jan 2007
Just reading around on EU (in particular German) Gas storage. Fascinating stuff.

There is a (slim) chance gas prices could come down sooner than we think

Germany has enough storage capacity (~242 tWh) to see them through winter if usage is cut by ~20%
They are on track (so far) with building storage (~3.3 tWh per day, with 0.5tWh coming from Nordstream 1)
At 4tWh per day useage, with (say) 2.8 tWh of imports (assuming Russian gas stops completely) then German storage should see them through winter

Risks are:
Very cold winter
LNG and other imports not maintaining pace
Consumption reduction not successful
Russia reducing exports to Asia (thus adding more demand to Qatar/USA LNG etc)

Russia has been playing games with Gas pipe flows since before the Ukraine invasion (in an attempt to influence German political decisions on Nordstream 2)

But the market has priced in all of the above risks already, and everyone holds a massively nervous/negative outlook position

Once EU countries are happy with Gas storage for 22/23 winter, it will be interesting to see what happens to prices

Could backfire on Putin, if this winter proves Europe can survive without Russian gas and the politics of making decisions for local energy security (e.g. fracking) are made easier.
23 Nov 2018
Yes but missing the angle that if you don't get it and wait for 5 years, then you've just paid for 5 years of higher costs and that's money that could have been going towards paying for the panels.

Solar is great if you can install it for a reasonable price and have the affordability to get it, and the main benefit is the piece of mind it brings with monthly electric costs being lower.

Full solar install though is best if you can make good use of most of the energy generated, they will work better for people who use a lot of electric. Light users won't see much of a benefit.

Unfortunately for us, we are quite light users as we aren't using much during the day, unless it's school holidays.

My plan is that during the winter if there's enough sun, I want to leave some electric radiators on to keep the temps up in the house. That way if the battery is full then we can use that energy to heat up the house for when we get in.

Most of our use is during the evening when there's going to be no light, so we need 15-20kw of battery storage to use some electric heaters etc.

Then they can be topped up over the next day or two if there's enough sun. If we can get on a cheapo night tarrif then if there's no sun we can just charge the batteries on the night tarrif.

Unfortunately, we don't have an EV vehicle and aren't likely to be getting one soon either so I'm not sure how we can sneak on to the Octopus Go tarrif!
14 Jan 2018
Yes but missing the angle that if you don't get it and wait for 5 years, then you've just paid for 5 years of higher costs and that's money that could have been going towards paying for the panels.

Solar is great if you can install it for a reasonable price and have the affordability to get it, and the main benefit is the peace of mind it brings with monthly electric costs being lower.

Full solar install though is best if you can make good use of most of the energy generated, they will work better for people who use a lot of electric. Light users won't see much of a benefit.
Solar won't help people heat their homes in winter either which is the main problem coming.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Does this potential 80% hike related to businesses too? Are they just going to start collapsing left and right now? If my bill goes up 80% in October, I'll be paying £270 a month. Yes that sucks, but we can afford it. What if you're a small business and your bill increases from £1000 to £1800 a month, that's a lot harder to swallow.
They don't have a cap, so much higher...



13 Aug 2003
Solar doesn't help with affordability though. You've payed thousands up front and won't see a return on that for several years (5 - 10).

Yeah, I remember them telling me I wont see any return for 20 years if I was to get it but the price they're wanting is too much. I cannot remember the exact price but they wanted 15 - 18,000. Which was quite a big panel for the back of the house.
30 Nov 2005
I think most people have their head in the sand until it actually affects them. My GF is the same, she keeps saying I'm "going on and on about solar"... Well... Yeah I am unless you want to be paying a crap ton more on electric! She knows it's going up because I keep telling her but when I try and discuss mitigating it I get moaned at! Lol.

She seems to think we will be able to afford a holiday next year as well... I think she is buried in sand to be honest!
I don't think most people understand just how bad it will get

Unchecked and If take last year's usage on the latest ovo fix rate my bill for Jan would be £1200.
Obviously I will be trying to use a lot, lot less energy this year. I'm already 20% down on the summer months so I expect I can get that to 40-50% less.

That's 700kwh of leccy and 2500kw of gas.

When my eldest son lived with we had hit 900kw if electric during the winter months.




13 Aug 2003
I don't think most people understand just how bad it will get

Unchecked and If take last year's usage on the latest ovo fix rate my bill for Jan would be £1200.
Obviously I will be trying to use a lot, lot less energy this year. I'm already 20% down on the summer months so I expect I can get that to 40-50% less.

What happens when people get to the stage only their fridge and freezer is being used and it's still too costly by April/Summer?
25 Nov 2009
The UK will probably export their gas to Germany because the Brits will simply not be able to afford it, our gas usage is going to be well below average.
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