Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

The French are very good at kicking off when things happen that they don't like. We are very good at tightening our belts and saying thank you for letting us have this tiny meagre existence. Thank god the 2% are richer than ever eh. The world is a ****** up place, it really is. How can people be making more than 10 people could spend in a lifetime while others are barely living and we call this a good system.

The people defending companies and individuals who profiteer on the backs of the poor blow my mind.
Thanks, that was quite informative

Not really great reading per se as its quite formal and boring etc but good to know stuff is out there. Suppliers, the regulator and generators can work on it better than just oh lets pass this on to the consumer. The supplier should break down exactly where your SC is being spent although you can appreciate how it can be tricky.
Yes wasn't it recent with the Australians going with US/UK over something and they went mental.

I think it was a little more complicated than that but yes, the French are "emotional". Its mainly their people who don't put up with any ****. Perhaps its just a reminder that "we had one revolution and we could have another..."
I think it was a little more complicated than that but yes, the French are "emotional". Its mainly their people who don't put up with any ****. Perhaps its just a reminder that "we had one revolution and we could have another..."
Hence why they were jumped on pretty smartish by other nations at the time. Can't have the plebs standing up for themselves.
Thats really going hurt people.
What worries me most about Ukraine is that it's far too early to tell if Western citizens will step up to the plate and take their share of the pain, which is financial rather than physical. The government will have to support low incomes, but this could get a lot worse -- especially if Russian gas gets turned off -- for a long time before it slowly starts to get better.

I honestly don't think we, collectively, have the appetite for it. But I'm planning for energy bills to rocket way beyond current fears and have started to unplug anything which doesn't need to be sipping energy. Can't really lower the central heating too much because Mum's not mobile, but next winter I can turn her bedroom into the living room and just leave the bathroom and bedroom radiators on. Not ideal, but better than letting Russia get away with... well, murder.
Just been quoted £1.61 inc vat per litre for heating oil!!!!!! I filled up before xmas at 51p per litre.

Thats really going hurt people.

Its getting close a point where it’ll soon be cheaper to run the boiler on diesel (local sainsbury was 160.9 last night) which is absolute madness and shouldn’t even be possible with the difference in taxation between the two fuels
Just been quoted £1.61 inc vat per litre for heating oil!!!!!! I filled up before xmas at 51p per litre.

Thats really going hurt people.

Yeah £850 quote this morning made my eye's water. So a years oil will be £1700, plus electric which is currently £1600. Will definitely be cutting back and simply not spending on anything for hobbies, days out, if anything happens to my pc it'll have to stay broken.
What worries me most about Ukraine is that it's far too early to tell if Western citizens will step up to the plate and take their share of the pain, which is financial rather than physical. The government will have to support low incomes, but this could get a lot worse -- especially if Russian gas gets turned off -- for a long time before it slowly starts to get better.
Not a direct response to you but more of a spring board. With the cost increase happening all round especially with regards to fuel, I feel like developing nations are going to get stung by these sanctions as well. Is this true?
Its getting close a point where it’ll soon be cheaper to run the boiler on diesel (local sainsbury was 160.9 last night) which is absolute madness and shouldn’t even be possible with the difference in taxation between the two fuels

Can you use normal diesel in an oil tank? We use kerosene.
How on earth is your usage so low? That's an average ~130w, my house when "idle" in the middle of the night is ~200w with nothing on except for the fridge/freezer, LED nightlight and a few devices which get left on like the router and thermostat etc, never mind during the day when actually using things!

A few things I guess:
  • Modern house (very high B on energy efficiency rating)
  • Modern appliances (A+++ washing machine and A+ Fridge/Freezer)
  • LED bulbs
  • Nest thermostats (set to 19oC on schedules and also with home/away assist)

I doubt there is much more I can reasonably do to lower my consumption but I'll still expect my bills to triple from current £30/month in May (I'll let you know in a few weeks).

Apologies, Ive never really bothered to look into it. I naively assumed the standing charge was a fixed cost of getting the energy to you plus whatever they charge to maintain/upgrade the network plus whatever the government want to take to subsidise green initiatives etc, with the unit price being whatever they buy at wholesale plus profit. I wasnt aware they juggled the standing charge and unit price for other means

This is why I am aggrieved about the standing charge going up by so much. Wholesale price has skyrocketed but the actual unit price has not went up by the same amount, the standing charge certainly has though.

Going by some quotes on here, my standing charge is looking to increase by 4-5 times what I am currently paying... Justifiable and reasonable?:confused:

I'll accept paying more per unit as this is directly passing on the wholesale increase and you are in control of how much you use but the standing charge increase is partly energy companies protecting profits as they realise people will try and use less.

"Penalise" me if I use more but don't rob while I try and be responsible with my use is all I ask.
I feel like developing nations are going to get stung by these sanctions as well. Is this true?
The energy market appears to be completely global, so unless contracts are in place to protect price and supply, I don't see how anyone escapes. Those with the biggest wallets will pay as much as they can for tight supply and the rest will struggle.

We printed money to stop covid destroying the global economy. I'm not sure how much room there is to survive another massive shock through energy costs, and energy is what civilisation's built on. We seem to be in Wil-e-Coyote territory again in a big way.
Its getting close a point where it’ll soon be cheaper to run the boiler on diesel (local sainsbury was 160.9 last night) which is absolute madness and shouldn’t even be possible with the difference in taxation between the two fuels

I know. it makes no sense. So much of road diesel is still duty and that duty doesn't apply to Kerosene plus the VAT is only 5% and not 20% so how on earth can fuel companies be quoting more for Kerosene than road diesel? Somebody somewhere is making obscene profits
Not so much energy but still a year long pay out.

The council tax arrived this morning and it's gone up £6 a month - next one on door mat will be water bill - Electric is fixed till June.
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