Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

31 Aug 2021
I've no gas, but have at least 2+ years worth of wood/coal to use for heat.
The only power I use during the night is for charging a MacBook, iPad and a fridge freezer.
I just can't see the estimated rises going ahead long term.
17 Mar 2009
To be completely honest, I don't really pay much attention to electric usage and just pay what I'm asked to.
But, I've recently had a Eon smart meter fitted and have been quite shocked at what I use.
I've Switched off the under the counter wine/beer fridge and am emptying a 2nd freezer so I can turn that off as well, and also stopped using the dishwasher every day or so.
So at present I'm using about £2-2.50 worth of electricity a day.
Ref what @Zenduri has posted, is it worth fixing at the V19 rate for 12 months?
I'm currently paying..

Day 34.18p
Night 17.88p
SC 38p

On V19
Day 66.27p
Night 49.97
SC 38p

What I'd rather not do is fix for 12 months and then for some reason the prices initially go up and then drop to the usual tariff and I end up paying more that variable.
You're in the same boat at me it seems. I'm E7 with EonNext as well and the V19 prices are mental which mean the V20 will be worse. There is basically no advantage to the night rate at the moment at the fixed prices so personally im going to risk it, stay on ofgem cap when it hits 1st october (im locked in until 29th Sept) then pray for gov intervention. Personally i cant stomach locking at those prices but please dont let my personal decision impact your decision. I'm playing a risky game basically and gambling for some gov relief before January, however i feel that the equivalent of sticking my knob in a beehive and expecting to not get stung :(

I should be about £250-300 in credit by the time the new prices kick in and that alongside the £400 from the gov should ease the pain this winter.
10 Jan 2012
I've no gas, but have at least 2+ years worth of wood/coal to use for heat.
The only power I use during the night is for charging a MacBook, iPad and a fridge freezer.
I just can't see the estimated rises going ahead long term.
So why not get off the E7 rate and totalise your tariff so you are charged one lower rate (compared to your current day rate). With a smart meter this can be done remotely by asking them to do it over the phone. It can easily be switch backed when needed, its not a perm thing.

On your most recent bill I'm assuming there is negligable costs during the night compared to your day usage. I think the ratio is 60/40 on if the E7 rates end up cheaper than 1 rate.
22 Jun 2007
Buckingham Palace
So these increased prices are due to the sanctions that have been put on Russia, these sanctions were meant to hurt the Russian people.
A lot of people here laughed, celebrated and even went as far as posting pictures of Russian shops with with barely anything on their shelves.

A couple of you did not but the majority of you did, personally I thought it was disgusting to be celebrating the misery of other civilians in this way.

Now six months on and what are the headlines we see

The head of the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann said in an interview on Friday that people can save a lot by using a washcloth instead of taking showers "

Germans are asked to take less showers, just wipe themselves with a cloth.

Huge rise in numbers forced to choose between eating and heating in UK, says charity

British citizens are to choose between heating and food.

Egg on the face of so many of you, no this is not me gloating as unlike most of you I don't get off on others misery.
31 Aug 2021
Tbh, the very thought of phoning up and speaking to some uninterested half wit is a no go, and if I'm going to fix, I'll need to do it this evening.
I can't imagine if I get off E7 it'll make that much difference as I use so little.
Maybe I'll just game at 1080p instead of 4K to save a bit :(
4 Feb 2018
So these increased prices are due to the sanctions that have been put on Russia, these sanctions were meant to hurt the Russian people.

Actually the price increase is mainly due to the suppliers price gouging. British citizens have had to choose between heating and food for many years its just a lot more are in that bracket now.
10 Jan 2012
Tbh, the very thought of phoning up and speaking to some uninterested half wit is a no go, and if I'm going to fix, I'll need to do it this evening.
I can't imagine if I get off E7 it'll make that much difference as I use so little.
Maybe I'll just game at 1080p instead of 4K to save a bit :(
That difference is going to be even bigger once the higher prices hit. It would take a 5min phone call, if that, to either totalise or fix. You should be able to do the fix part online without phoning.
Also don't go insulting the people on the other end of the phone at energy companies, they are in EXACTLY the same situation as you and have to deal with RUDE idiots shouting at them all day. I had to recently quit (got a new job) for my own sanity as I couldn't deal with the public phoning anymore to whine about there energy bills thinking we can do anything about it or we are doing it on purpose. Its hard to keep certain words to yourself in those situations. I feel sorry my colleagues I left behind, they are going to need massive amounts of mental strength over the next while.
22 Jun 2007
Buckingham Palace
Actually the price increase is mainly due to the suppliers price gouging. British citizens have had to choose between heating and food for many years its just a lot more are in that bracket now.

Well if only that were the case, there is limited energy for European countries so raising the price fixes this.
Only those who can afford the high prices get to use as much as they want, the rest have to reduce their consumption.

Even Putin warned us of this, yes I know he is the devil and not to be trusted but he was right.

LONDON, July 8 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Friday that continued sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine risked triggering catastrophic energy price rises for consumers around the world.
31 Aug 2021
Also don't go insulting the people on the other end of the phone at energy companies, they are in EXACTLY the same situation as you and have to deal with RUDE idiots shouting at them all day.
I had no intention of being rude to anyone, but past experience of dealing with EON customer services lead me to make that comment.
And if you'd bothered to actually read what I'd posted, I said it was a "no go".
10 Jan 2012
I had no intention of being rude to anyone, but past experience of dealing with EON customer services lead me to make that comment.
And if you'd bothered to actually read what I'd posted, I said it was a "no go".
Was more with the "half-wit" comment, assuming whoever answers the phone is stupid. All the energy companies get negative things said about them but EON is probably the worst, along with Scotish Power.
That said, I would tend to agree a massive portion of agents are idiots as I spent more time fixing other peoples mistakes than anything, I guess its just down to pot luck more often than not

Also you'd be suprised how much you could save totalizing your tariff if your night usage is minimal. With the prices the way they are, why would you say no to less money being spent?
There is also probably other stuff you can cut out. Plugs (in wall socket/extension) can still being drawing power without anything actually plugged in (they will be warm), theres loads of little things.
4 Feb 2018
Well if only that were the case, there is limited energy for European countries so raising the price fixes this.
Only those who can afford the high prices get to use as much as they want, the rest have to reduce their consumption.

Even Putin warned us of this, yes I know he is the devil and not to be trusted but he was right.

Thats all well and good but what are you saying? Should Putin have been allowed to just storm into another country and take it? We should have had our own fairly secure energy and foods market long before all this **** happened then we wouldnt be in such **** now. We havent even got the workers anymore and food rotting in the fields again.

Im fairly sure this is how the industrial age was funded. Just pay your workers in food and lodgings that would sort it.
22 Jun 2007
Buckingham Palace
Thats all well and good but what are you saying? Should Putin have been allowed to just storm into another country and take it? We should have had a secure energy market long before all this **** happened then we wouldnt be in such **** now.

No I don't want to discuss the war as the mods throw their toys out the pram when I do, the point was how so many from here were celebrating the misery the sanctions had caused for Russian civilians but six months later and it is all back in our faces.

Look at Europe suffering now, the UK is heading for a recession and Germans are told to wipe instead of shower.....
4 Feb 2018
No I don't want to discuss the war as the mods throw their toys out the pram when I do, the point was how so many from here were celebrating the misery the sanctions had caused for Russian civilians but six months later and it is all back in our faces.

Look at Europe suffering now, the UK is heading for a recession and Germans are told to wipe instead of showering.....

The UK isnt just ****** because of the sanctions its the you know what that has made it far far worse for us. We were already rogered well before this started.
30 Aug 2014
Are you sure? Todays politicians has no leadership, don't know what they're doing and don't seem to be smart enough. All talk though. Populism and buzzwords.
I should add that will probably only happen once mad Truss has blown up the economy ;) .
25 Mar 2004
Which is ridiculous because delaying it has meant it becomes more expensive to fund.

How so? Unit rates are up, but they'd be up anyway.

The money will go to pay for the energy wholesale costs above the cap pricing.

I think cap would likely need to be around the expected October prices anyway when/if they freeze it. If you freeze it here, then the delta between the true market prices and the cap would be larger, which means more loan needed.
30 Aug 2014
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