Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

what you think they stand outside their house looking at it themselves? can they see it from indoors or something.
is it so they can find their house from a mile away? landing lights for aliens?

You can't really see your own clothes. Do you wear clothes you like the aesthetics of? How about a haircut?

Why paint or maintain the appearance of your house? Can't really see it right?

I don't get these silly questions you are asking.
Who says they are doing it for you to see? One of them is even clearly on a house set back from the road where you can't even really see it all clearly.
They are doing it for everyone apart from them to see, so yeah.
The way things are at the moment, it is just an ego thing pointing out they have plenty of disposable income. Same with buying expensive cloths.

Maintaining your house is a completely different thing, you are...well..maintaining your property for the long run, you are not doing it for other people.
That's assuming the members voting represent the wider UK population. The members, party and most of the UK press seem to give no *****, we're sleepwalking into a disastrous winter.
The weather will be key that's for sure, mild short winter or long cold winter?
They are doing it for everyone apart from them to see, so yeah.
The way things are at the moment, it is just an ego thing pointing out they have plenty of disposable income.

Maintaining your house is a completely different thing, you are...well..maintaining your property for the long run, you are not doing it for other people.

Lol, aesthetics has nothing to do with it. I love how people will go down such a silly route of logic and keep digging a hole.

I bet you are the kind of person who is amazed women put make up on to make themselves feel good. You probably think it is always for you.
maybe they are having christmas early whilst they can still afford the childrens presents, electricity to cook the turkey, the turkey, and the house is warm.

Chip shop closing -
when you look at what McDonalds have - 20 year fixed price power purchase agreement from 2017 , ~100MW
most consumers would love that, in comparison, you see how poor UK OFGEN and it's crap cap cartel, linked with wholesale price.
Many people don't want to live in flats though, even more so when starting a family.

A modern detached house can be very energy efficient if the developer chooses to put the effort / money in. Plus you don't have to deal with noise coming through the walls and you have some private outdoor space.

Not UK flats as they are really small with no spare space, everything done to keep the developer in huge profits. No outside space balcony due to some obscure law by some Tory minister in the 50`s

Again its Tory MP and donors on the boards of housing stock to keep the plebs down and pay for it through the nose at the same time.
Maybe you have a specific set of circumstances. I can see there've been below inflation pay rises but not no pay rises for nearly 10 years.

I can't speak for the others, but I know we've not had one. Thinking back, the first year I started I think we got 1% so it's probably more like 9yrs.

Personally, it's become something of a running joke and most people have now given up which can be hilarious at times, especially in managers meetings.

The special circumstances is having a group of directors who are utterly, utterly useless. If I told you some of things I know, you wouldn't believe me. In the private sector they would be sacked, but in the public sector, where we get government funding (taxpayers money) they can get away with it.

I've seen countless projects over the years where we have lied and wasted literally millions and millions of pounds.

Believe it or not, the root cause is actually the lack of funding. This drives a business type mentally, headed up by people who have only ever known education.

Example, someone came up with the bright idea to create a giant engineering building in the middle of nowhere (literally no students for miles). They invested four million on expensive machinery only to close the whole thing down a few years later.......because of the lack of students. You'd think someone would have done a little market research before hand.

We have a saying "we never learn" which is quite something considering we do education.

It's got to the point where it's so bad, it's actually become funny. Last year we spent £15k on exam licenses for courses we don't teach. That was a beauty.

My dad worked for the prison service before he retired. He said that was just the same.
Anyone seen any comments on the expected price cap prices for E7 suppliers? I know Martin Lewis published a rough regional average for gas and elec single rate but I cant find anything for the E7 tarrif
I can't speak for the others, but I know we've not had one. Thinking back, the first year I started I think we got 1% so it's probably more like 9yrs.
I can't think of any other public sector employees who've had no pay rises in the last 9-10 years. Whoever represents you in pay negotiations doesn't seem to be doing a very good job.
I can't think of any other public sector employees who've had no pay rises in the last 9-10 years. Whoever represents you in pay negotiations doesn't seem to be doing a very good job.

No, the pay is shocking. Thing is, I'm highly respected (not hard in this place lol) and enjoy the work. I've managed to get myself into a place where I can pretty much do whatever I want. I can steer my department as I see fit, and if I want to work from home one week, and come in the next I can. Plus it's only a 5min drive from my house. It's also quite secure, which these days means a lot especially since my mrs job isn't.

Fortunately I have taken on a second role for one of our sub companies and get a decent bonus each year which keeps me happy.

It's annoying though, and it is a pain losing staff and having to recruit. Let's be honest, if you are paying well below market rates, you get below market rate people.

I'm surprised we haven't gone on strike.
My average daily electricity usage is around 20kWh. While we were on holiday the idle consumption of the house was 7kWh per day. I think I need to go around and see what's using so much.
holy smokes. I use a similar amount of electricity per day when I am in but when I was on holiday we were using 4kwh max. that is a good sized fridge and freezer (a rated) but also a crappy wine cooler which I dread to think of its rating as well as has a broke. seal which I have so far failed to repair. also the usual sky box, broadband router and separate 8 port switch and alarm clocks , cooker & microwave etc.

edit someone asked how you can record that data.. I have an app on my phone which ingot when I got my solar.
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