Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I'm using between 17-20 per day as well. I have no idea what to do, I've changed all the lights to LED's, and I've turned off the immersion heater in the water tank. i've gone through my house with a fine-toothed comb and cut out and switched off all my vampire devices. I must have reduced my usage by at least 2-3kwn per day, but my smart meter is still saying I'm using exactly the same as before as if I've done nothing!! I'm going to watch it for another week and if it doesn't fall then I'm calling EDF as they could be ripping me off, laying about my usage or the smart reader is reading wrongly
Divorce and get your own flat, it's your cheapest option mate
That's not it, just me and the wife, our daily habits and not changed one bit. But the way we use electricity has. So we should have seen a substantial drop in daily usage on the EDF website by now, we started to make huge changes last weekend, but the latest figures up til Thursday say we're still using the same amount. Frankly it seems a little fishy now
Just to make you aware, your smart meter will not be faulty. If your SM is showing different usage data each day without fail (aka not the same amount each day), its not going to be wrong, it physically cant. You need to look into this deeper and maybe have difficult conversations with whoever you live with.
Just to make you aware, your smart meter will not be faulty. If your SM is showing different usage data each day without fail (aka not the same amount each day), its not going to be wrong, it physically cant.
Probably not but people are having issues with them and the suppliers are aware

That's a gas meter but its been acknowledged a defect can cause some issues with readings (2nd post down). Some speculation about a firmware update gone wrong but not confirmed.
Just to make you aware, your smart meter will not be faulty.
Is that so? Because mine is definitely wrong. Despite using 3-5kwh per day of electricity the highest £ value by meter has shown this week is £0.20 . Kwh reading is correct, unit price is correct, but £ reading is wrong. Has been since the last price cap increase in April
Is that so? Because mine is definitely wrong. Despite using 3-5kwh per day of electricity the highest £ value by meter has shown this week is £0.20 . Kwh reading is correct, unit price is correct, but £ reading is wrong. Has been since the last price cap increase in April
Your in-home display could be wrong, they go wrong all the time. That is NOT your smart meter no matter how many people like to mix them up.
The amount you are being charged will be correct (on the bill)
Probably not but people are having issues with them and the suppliers are aware

That's a gas meter but its been acknowledged a defect can cause some issues with readings (2nd post down). Some speculation about a firmware update gone wrong but not confirmed.
The IHD's go wrong all the time, they are not gaurenteed to work, assuming that's what they are referencing. Consumers have no room to whine about them not working either as its a nice to have not a need to have.

Your meter however will be working correctly and reporting the usage back to your supplier. Your BILL will be correct, the IHD is irrelevent. The screen on the METER itself can go blank or stop moving, that happens also but rarely.

I'm assuming you are relying on the IHD to report the correct information instead of using the meter itself.
The IHD's go wrong all the time, they are not gaurenteed to work.
Your meter however will be working correctly and reporting the usage back to your supplier. Your BILL will be correct, the IHD is irrelevent.
But her bills are based on meter readings and the response from Octopus implies the meters can go wrong.

Its not likely but possible.


Thanks for your message, hope you are having a nice weekend.

So sorry for my slow response to you.

I'm almost certain your gas meter was impacted by a smart meter defect.

I am just waiting for confirmation on this.

This is a well known defect that impacted many customers with your meter type for gas.

We will be able to make sure your billing is correct, if it is this defect, so once I have confirmation, I will do this and I will come back to you asap with more info.

Best Wishes,

Joanna M
Octopus Energy
But her bills are based on meter readings and the response from Octopus implies the meters can go wrong.

Its not likely but possible.
Firmware updates can mess them up, it doesn't happen often though.
A firmware update going wrong would mess up the bill completely (as in make it skyrocket or even stop all together)
Also keep in mind the adviser could just be saying anything to shut the customer up, it takes a LONG time to investigate and even have a solution to smart meter issues.
Also keep in mind the adviser could just be saying anything to shut the customer up, it takes a LONG time to investigate and even have a solution to smart meter issues.
Yes, why does it take so long? It took Octopus 4 months to investigate why our smart meter had stopped sending readings and book an engineer to come (and they wouldn't have done that without my fortnightly chasing up and getting it escalated) and 10 minutes for the engineer to sort it (power off transmitter, power back on, done).

They had all the info in the first email (what had happened, what the lights on the meter were doing) to have a good idea of what was going on.
Yes, why does it take so long? It took Octopus 4 months to investigate why our smart meter had stopped sending readings and book an engineer to come (and they wouldn't have done that without my fortnightly chasing up and getting it escalated) and 10 minutes for the engineer to sort it (power off transmitter, power back on, done).

They had all the info in the first email (what had happened, what the lights on the meter were doing) to have a good idea of what was going on.
Fines. If they go out to a SM that is working and they exchange it, they are fined hundreds. They would rather do whatever they can to fix the problem remotely before going down physical appointment routes.
Also each appointment costs money.
All white goods are rated for at least A-rated. We use the washing machine once every 2 days or so, rated at 0.49Kwh every use. The fridge pulls 80w when running but it's only on to maintain temp (about a 3rd of the time), so that's 0.64kwh per day. Unless someone is stealing electricity from us or the meter is faulty then I don't see how we're pulling on average 18kwh per day
Watch your electricity meter's display (not the IHD, the one on the smart meter). Turn everything off on your fuseboard. Does the meter's display stop increasing?
Then turn each circuit on in turn. See how the load changes (the IHD is useful for that if it's working well) to get a feel for what's using what.
Fines. If they go out to a SM that is working and they exchange it, they are fined hundreds.
That's crazy, but so is much in the world :rolleyes:
They would rather do whatever they can to fix the problem remotely before going down physical appointment routes.
Also each appointment costs money.
I get that. Don't send a person out if you can avoid it. But if no data's coming from the meter and you can't connect to it remotely that must be a sign that it's going to have to be boots on the ground.
That's crazy, but so is much in the world :rolleyes:

I get that. Don't send a person out if you can avoid it. But if no data's coming from the meter and you can't connect to it remotely that must be a sign that it's going to have to be boots on the ground.
You also have to take into account how long it takes for the individual departments to speak to each other. I know at EDF if I had a smart meter issue to report, I'd have to fill in a form to the smart team and I was lucky if they even looked at it within 2 weeks. You then get a reply from them saying they will try remote fixes. Then you have to reply back to them as they either have not fixed the issue or you are still waiting and wait again for another week, its all a waiting game as the smart team are the only ones who can authorise an engineer to go out. Then you need to wait for an engineer slot to be available which could be another month+ wait. I despised opening SM complaints as they are open months sometimes and you have to keep in touch with the customer every week, its so bad.

Not sure about other companies but EDFs process is a crap shoot.
I'm using between 17-20 per day as well. I have no idea what to do, I've changed all the lights to LED's, and I've turned off the immersion heater in the water tank. i've gone through my house with a fine-toothed comb and cut out and switched off all my vampire devices. I must have reduced my usage by at least 2-3kwn per day, but my smart meter is still saying I'm using exactly the same as before as if I've done nothing!! I'm going to watch it for another week and if it doesn't fall then I'm calling EDF as they could be ripping me off, laying about my usage or the smart reader is reading wrongly
As I'm not on a smart meter I don't know if this will apply but have you taken meter readings from the actual meter and see what you use over the course of a day/week or anything? I'd recommend a wattage plug as well, very handy things just to actually see what things pull from the wall. I mean, it might seem mad but my mobile takes about 20w for most of its charge (and sometimes I let the phone die before I charge it) but it was just surprising to see. I think it actually slows it down from about 80% to 100%.. Apologies I digressed a bit but hope that might help a little :)
Is that so? Because mine is definitely wrong. Despite using 3-5kwh per day of electricity the highest £ value by meter has shown this week is £0.20 . Kwh reading is correct, unit price is correct, but £ reading is wrong. Has been since the last price cap increase in April

My IHD display has never shown the right price, I just use the watts/kwh used instead, can work it out easily enough usually.
As I'm not on a smart meter I don't know if this will apply but have you taken meter readings from the actual meter and see what you use over the course of a day/week or anything?
That might be one option but I'll have to wait until i have a day on annual leave
I'd recommend a wattage plug as well, very handy things just to actually see what things pull from the wall.
That's what i meant by going the fine-toothed comb, i got a wattage plug reader from Amazon and went through the whole house taking readings, it was quite an eye-opener!
I mean, it might seem mad but my mobile takes about 20w for most of its charge (and sometimes I let the phone die before I charge it) but it was just surprising to see. I think it actually slows it down from about 80% to 100%.. Apologies I digressed a bit but hope that might help a little :)
I have a 4-year-old Android and that was only pulling 10w and charged within the hour, seems like I have a pretty efficient mobile. But on that front, i have taken to fully charging my phone, smart watch and my battery power bank every day at work to minimize having to charge at home :D
Is that so? Because mine is definitely wrong. Despite using 3-5kwh per day of electricity the highest £ value by meter has shown this week is £0.20 . Kwh reading is correct, unit price is correct, but £ reading is wrong. Has been since the last price cap increase in April

I suspect your talking about your IHD which isnt the smart meter. Often incorrect displays with the IHD can be fixed by the supplier rejoining the IHD to the smart meters or by simply turning the IHD off fort 5 mins and turning it back on.


Sounds like yours just need linking which is about a 10 min job and can be done remotely by your supplier
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