Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Is that so? Because mine is definitely wrong. Despite using 3-5kwh per day of electricity the highest £ value by meter has shown this week is £0.20 . Kwh reading is correct, unit price is correct, but £ reading is wrong. Has been since the last price cap increase in April
Our meter hasn't even updated the unit/standing charge prices... our daily usage is right and the amount we've spent is right for the old unit/standing charges (shown on device in submenu) but we also have times it will just show £0 or go higher value and then drop down for no reason (think early estimation of usage but it's actually wrong).

The meter technically isn't faulty, the issue is that the data it uses for cost etc is gathered from a remote source via the mobile sim (at least in our case) in the 'outside meter' and there is some sort of issue with the communication (signal's not great here).

The concept of a smart meter is great, the issue is they have a remote backend and need to be regularly updated but that's also where the issues often lie, backend issues and no updates when needed....
Yes, why does it take so long? It took Octopus 4 months to investigate why our smart meter had stopped sending readings and book an engineer to come (and they wouldn't have done that without my fortnightly chasing up and getting it escalated) and 10 minutes for the engineer to sort it (power off transmitter, power back on, done).

They had all the info in the first email (what had happened, what the lights on the meter were doing) to have a good idea of what was going on.

Tacking on to what @MatsyLR said.

Suppliers can interact with the meters and fix a fair amount remotely however if when trying to communicate with the meters it slings out communication errors then we have to raise tickets with the DCC to do things for example, remotely reboot the comms hub. Depending on how long it takes the DCC to respond then dictates if the supplier tried a remote fix again or if they go for a site visit off the back of the DCC advice. One problem is the DCC has a habit of responding to the ticket, then closing and archiving it straight away but by doing so, (at least our guys) cant view the closed and archived tickets so they then need to raise another for the same issue, references the closed ticket, essentially asking WTF was the outcome. All this takes time.

If an engineer visit is need the common fixes tend to be removing and replacing/exchanging the comms hub part of the smart setup, or taking the front off both meters and pulling then replacing the internal fuses to reset them
I suspect your talking about your IHD which isnt the smart meter. Often incorrect displays with the IHD can be fixed by the supplier rejoining the IHD to the smart meters or by simply turning the IHD off fort 5 mins and turning it back on.


Sounds like yours just need linking which is about a 10 min job and can be done remotely by your supplier

Oh maybe, it's never really bothered me all that much though, I care more about units used than £ cost anyway, my mental arithmetic is usually good enough to quickly work out that from October 10kwh will be £5 :D
Mind you I've found it funny when I go food shopping that the price of 'essentials' keep going up due to 'rising costs' (understandable to a point) yet somehow, even though milk has massively increased in cost, chocolate is still the same price.....:o
Ha yes, I'd noticed that too!
Not for long guys chocolate its been made al least 8 months in advance i have a friend who works at NESTLE Halifax and all ready cutting corners on all chocolate to keep prices same buth waight is not the same for example quality street is down 40 grams compare to last year but tins are the same :D
Not for long guys chocolate its been made al least 8 months in advance i have a friend who works an NESTLE Halifax and all ready cutting corners on all chocolate to keep prices same buth waight is not the same for example quality street is down 40 grams compare to last year but tins are the same :D
I was more on about the multipacks etc, think dairy milk, twirl etc.

Haven't looked at 'Christmas chocs' yet but the 'shrinkflation' has been happening on tins for years, it's nothing new there lol
I was more on about the multipacks etc, think dairy milk, twirl etc.

Haven't looked at 'Christmas chocs' yet but the 'shrinkflation' has been happening on tins for years, it's nothing new there lol
Those big companys have a big contracts on supaly chain at the moment but if the world will go same direction like now is we will see everything price rise.
Those big companys have a big contracts on supaly chain at the moment but if the world will go same direction like now is we will see everything price rise.
It could also be a case of the big companies thinking, we'll take a cut in profits to keep selling 'everyday chocolates' because lets be honest chocolate/sweets/biscuits 'should' be one of the first things people cut from their shopping trips (obviously not nice but 'proper food' should be priority) if they're struggling etc. Basically lots of small profit is better than no profit due to no sales.
aren't nestle importing chocolate/beans via the eu/NL now and sending via road to the uk - brexit efficiency bonus

All white goods are rated for at least A-rated. We use the washing machine once every 2 days or so, rated at 0.49Kwh every use. The fridge pulls 80w when running but it's only on to maintain temp (about a 3rd of the time), so that's 0.64kwh per day. Unless someone is stealing electricity from us or the meter is faulty then I don't see how we're pulling on average 18kwh per day
eu post mar21 had redefined white goods/leds energy classification (like wltp for cars) for more realistic measures,
if products are fairly new maybe able to find new classification supposed to be an online datasbase
I don't know if we adopted this in the UK. - john lewis site had suggested no.

On the different loadings to be considered in tests and calculation of the Energy Efficiency Index: stakeholders generally welcomed the introduction of small loadings in the index, some Member States preferring a fixed load (for example 2 kg) to the proposed quarter of the full load;
lights (had looked this up because it explains why gu10s often seem to have poorer output than globe shaped bulbs - 50% of light can be outside advertised beam angle)
The average energy efficiency of LEDs quadrupled between 2009 and 2015, and prices dropped significantly
he average household in the EU bought 7 light sources per year in 2010, 4 per year in 2020, and this figure is projected to drop to less than 1 per year by 2030.
Class limits are proposed with a 25 lm/W difference between consecutive classes: all light sources above 210 lm/W are class A. All light sources below 85 lm/W are class G
— for directional light sources with beam angle ≥ 90° it is the flux emitted in a solid angle of π sr (corresponding to a cone with angle of 120°);
— for directional light sources with beam angle < 90° it is the flux emitted in a solid angle of 0,586π sr (corresponding to a cone with angle of 90°)

Our prime minister literaly begged us to keep the consumption of energy to the minimum, absolute minimum, its good for the nation he said. Its gonna be a funny winter i am tellin ya
You also have to take into account how long it takes for the individual departments to speak to each other. I know at EDF if I had a smart meter issue to report, I'd have to fill in a form to the smart team and I was lucky if they even looked at it within 2 weeks. You then get a reply from them saying they will try remote fixes. Then you have to reply back to them as they either have not fixed the issue or you are still waiting and wait again for another week, its all a waiting game as the smart team are the only ones who can authorise an engineer to go out. Then you need to wait for an engineer slot to be available which could be another month+ wait. I despised opening SM complaints as they are open months sometimes and you have to keep in touch with the customer every week, its so bad.

Not sure about other companies but EDFs process is a crap shoot.
What you say sounds familiar to the process I am going through with EDF right now. They email the SMO team a few weeks ago, who have yet to respond, to fix the issues I am having with my IHD. I won't bore myself by typing or pasting a reply into this post, but if you want a little more detail you can see my post here.
I know they almost make these numbers up, but just read on sky news that by April 2023 the typical household energy bill could reach £7,700.

It'll get to a point where 99% of the country (residential and business) won't be able to afford energy. A deal for energy whether it's buying Russian gas by proxy will have to happen soon.

As much as everyone wants to stand by and support Ukraine, it can't come at the cost of destroying many UK businesses, or the deaths of hundreds/thousands of UK citizens.
I know they almost make these numbers up, but just read on sky news that by April 2023 the typical household energy bill could reach £7,700.

It'll get to a point where 99% of the country (residential and business) won't be able to afford energy. A deal for energy whether it's buying Russian gas by proxy will have to happen soon.

As much as everyone wants to stand by and support Ukraine, it can't come at the cost of destroying many UK businesses, or the deaths of hundreds/thousands of UK citizens.

Few people know what’s coming, the new October price cap of 52p kWh elec / 14p kWh gas isn’t even touching the sides. The April 2023 rates are going to demolish business and households.

Fingers crossed the Government can provide some serious financial support for the people & businesses that need it.
if you are a big business your energy is locked in on a cheap rate - like McDonalds

e: lol
Nestlé UK has agreed an indexed fixed price agreement with Ørsted to purchase the output of 31MW from the Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm, which was commissioned in 2018 and has a total capacity of 573MW from its 91 Siemens Gamesa 6MW wind turbines.

Guess what they don't grow Coco in the UK.. bloody brexit right?
climate is getting warmer so you never know - they were talking about figs&avocados today in uk & hopefully we do get a mild 22 winter , even if that messes up crops next year

[guilty as charged
Statistics showed $2.1 Billion of chocolate was imported to the UK during 2018-2019.
Chocolate supplies could become an issue because the cocoa beans are delivered through EU ports. For example, Mars brings its cocoa beans into the U.K. via Rotterdam port which then get processed in factories in the Netherlands and Germany.
The UK imports 40% of its food and 30% of that comes from Europe. Leaving the EU could lead to delays getting the produce across border control.
Few people know what’s coming, the new October price cap of 52p kWh elec / 14p kWh gas isn’t even touching the sides. The April 2023 rates are going to demolish business and households.

Fingers crossed the Government can provide some serious financial support for the people & businesses that need it.

The problem is that nearly every person will need support. And if the government is having to subsidise nearly 5 grand of an 8 grand energy bill for almost every household, the cost to the taxpayer will make the furlough scheme look like penny change.
Few people know what’s coming, the new October price cap of 52p kWh elec / 14p kWh gas isn’t even touching the sides. The April 2023 rates are going to demolish business and households.

Fingers crossed the Government can provide some serious financial support for the people & businesses that need it.

i don't see how that helps really, money has to come from somewhere and be paid back, this is not just a uk thing, most of Europe is in the same space.
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