Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Every time I've posted in a forum my comments get ridiculed. First time I've been here but it seems that people seem to have all the answers yet get annoyed when people suggest something that is aligned to the official view.
Not sure how the general public can be blamed for any of this (other than voting the Conservatives in).

@purplesky believes people have themselves to blame by leveraging themselves too much with, in his opinion, expensive houses, credit debts and the like.

This is despite the fact that energy bills have quadrupled in 12 months - his belief is that it's an individual's fault if they end up being unable to afford their mortgage/rent/energy/credit repayments.

He further believes that energy caps will peak at £15k and then fall to the new norm of £8k and that people should just go get a better paid job or work 2+ jobs if they are struggling.

His lack of empathy or just lack of interest in understanding individuals circumstances is staggering.

One of his iconic quotes is:
Plenty of people can afford 15k per year for energy. I've already stated in another post the timescales.
Plenty of people can afford interest rate increases.

The type of people who can't to the above have something in common with a certain class of people.

He is in the fortunate position to own his home outright and, in an effort to understand how his opinions are formed, I have asked him how this came about in the SC thread but, as yet, no response.

I have also asked him to elaborate on the part I bolded in his last quote... Again, no response.

At this time, my opinion based on most of his posts involving this topic, is that he's a troll.

Every time I've posted in a forum my comments get ridiculed. First time I've been here but it seems that people seem to have all the answers yet get annoyed when people suggest something that is aligned to the official view.

You've made 6 posts on here and 4 of them involved the Steam Deck... Where are you being ridiculed for the CoL topics? :confused:
You've made 6 posts on here and 4 of them involved the Steam Deck... Where are you being ridiculed for the CoL topics? :confused:
I haven't posted on this topic. I was told that I shouldn't be listened to in the steam deck thread yesterday by someone who makes money from linux. Not exactly a warm welcome and have noticed this behaviour in general.
I guess nothing ground breaking is going to happen unless people riot. A bad recession, lots of excess deaths, increase in crime and they might take notice.

Put it this way I wouldn't want be in a 100 mile radius of central London when the police go on strike perfect opportunity for the Joe public to riot
I haven't posted on this topic. I was told that I shouldn't be listened to in the steam deck thread yesterday by someone who makes money from linux. Not exactly a warm welcome and have noticed this behaviour in general.

I read your posts and the replies in there... A difference of opinion is all I see. If you class that as being ridiculed then you are equally as guilty by "ridiculing" @jonneymendoza and his Linux skills.:

Things do break. Everything breaks, including Windows. If you don't think things break in Linux, then I reckon you're simply an end user of a Linux system who is nowhere near close to the metal.

Anyways, off topic for this thread...
I read your posts and the replies in there... A difference of opinion is all I see. If you class that as being ridiculed then you are equally as guilty by "ridiculing" @jonneymendoza and his Linux skills.:

Anyways, off topic for this thread...
See there we have it. Couldn't wait to have a jab. You don't expect to be told that you shouldn't be listened to and expect no comeback. What is that all about? Seems like a very hostile forum
Won't work though in a globalised world. Companies won't pay people more in the UK when they can get cheaper labour elsewhere. The Bank of England have also warned people not to ask for wage increases. Any widespread sign of this would be met with aggressive interest rate rises.

The only real option at this point is the natural one that we've seen before. Bankruptcy, job losses and repossessions. This will initiate mass demand destruction and start to bring inflation down. It should be noted that for every loser, there's a winner on the other side. Once the worst is over, I could only hope that people learn from their previous mistakes.
Funny, France and Germany have managed to give decent pay increases compared to us, "and" they have lower inflation, your bubble burst right there.

Think about what you are saying, you are effectively saying the solution is to make people poorer, inflation and making people poorer both have the same impact, lack of affordability. Whenever I hear someone say cap wage rises, in simple terms they mean "I need my wealth protected".

You honestly think there is nothing wrong with say 10% inflation 5% wage increase, 2% inflation 1% wage increase, 20% inflation 10% wage increase? The current inflation is not wage driven. Its shareholder driven. Yet I hear no talks of dividend or share buy back caps, why are you not proposing caps on shareholder or executive income?
See there we have it. Couldn't wait to have a jab. You don't expect to be told that you shouldn't be listened to and expect no comeback. What is that all about? Seems like a very hostile forum

What I posted was not a criticism, it was an observation from the posts involved... You felt ridiculed by jonney but went onto ridicule him then called foul when it was presented back to you. That's called hypocrisy.

I think the issue is you seem to feel anyone disagreeing with you as "having a jab". You're in for a tough ride in life if that's how you see things all the time.
See there we have it. Couldn't wait to have a jab. You don't expect to be told that you shouldn't be listened to and expect no comeback. What is that all about? Seems like a very hostile forum

It's not hostile but it has its fair share of numpties.
Funny, France and Germany have managed to give decent pay increases compared to us, "and" they have lower inflation, your bubble burst right there.

Think about what you are saying, you are effectively saying the solution is to make people poorer, inflation and making people poorer both have the same impact, lack of affordability. Whenever I hear someone say cap wage rises, in simple terms they mean "I need my wealth protected".

You honestly think there is nothing wrong with say 10% inflation 5% wage increase, 2% inflation 1% wage increase, 20% inflation 10% wage increase? The current inflation is not wage driven. Its shareholder driven. Yet I hear no talks of dividend or share buy back caps, why are you not proposing caps on shareholder or executive income?
Ouch. What a load of unsubstantiated nonsense backed by nothing but hot air.
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