Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

That they had to be kicking and screaming to do yea, since as I said it's against core Conservative principles. It's funny how all you fiscal Conservatives go running to the Socialist teet every time your system breaks down.

If it's being spent on the people, they aren't going to complain, compared to the weak Conservative govt ******* money up the wall giving it all to their mates and their fake PPE companies...
The fact that socialism is only relevant when dealing with a once in a 100 year event and as with all socialism turns out to be ridiculously expensive and that no one wants to pay back says everything we need to know about socialism.
Since when cant you take a fixed deal to a new house? first time I've heard of it, we've always let people take tariffs with them (EDF) at least the regular fixed ones (not special ones like Octopus go etc)
It depends on the supplier and/or what it says in your contract.

That suggests to me you don't understand what the cap is?

Regardless of whether you're paying less than the cap in total, it's still better to pay less per unit than the capped rates.

Yeah but it is still worth it to help prevent a putative overlord plunging eastern Europe back into chaos, penury and disaster. It is only thirty years since the Soviet Union collapsed, we don't want it back.
Obviously we help the poorest but most people will be paying a higher percentage of their earnings until the **** is dead.
If there was a price cap freeze again would that mean anyone that fixed at a higher price is stuffed? On svr myself but that would seem pretty damn unfair.
For those who fixed on a decent tariff it will be worse than COL payments, which they would have gained from. Thats the downside of this freeze idea, but those who are on SVR are going to be in complete nightmare land even with COL payments so a freeze is much better for them.

Whats fair is a matter of opinion I guess, but if they do a freeze on April 2021 prices, as someone who fixed, I will accept it as a reasonable way forward, but I would like them to do some COL for the poor on top of this, as the poorest are struggling with the April prices.

Ironically Europe topping up their reserves may have contributed to the higher cap, it seems it had a significant impact on gas daily prices?
Easy to solve, just allow people on more expensive fixes to drop back to SVR if they cap prices, or cap the fixes at the same prices.

Fixing is always a risk, but I disagree with the idea of punishing those who did it, and rewarding those who didn't. Should be equally applied.
The fact that socialism is only relevant when dealing with a once in a 100 year event and as with all socialism turns out to be ridiculously expensive and that no one wants to pay back says everything we need to know about socialism.
You mean considered expensive by the highest tax payers (selfservatives) who are very anti capital expenditure, kick the can down the road as long as it means their taxes are lower?

For more normal income people it saves them money and improves their standard of living.
Yeah but it is still worth it to help prevent a putative overlord plunging eastern Europe back into chaos, penury and disaster. It is only thirty years since the Soviet Union collapsed, we don't want it back.
Obviously we help the poorest but most people will be paying a higher percentage of their earnings until the **** is dead.

It makes a mockery of the whole thing though while other countries just buy the Russian gas & oil anyway and then we buy their goods and services produced from said oil & gas - if not the oil & gas directly as they just re-export some of it! (India I'm looking at you as well as China ofc)
You mean considered expensive by the highest tax payers (selfservatives) who are very anti capital expenditure, kick the can down the road as long as it means their taxes are lower?

For more normal income people it saves them money and improves their standard of living.
Spare us the ‘poor’ victimhood and division of the left.. magic grandpa is gone and there was never a magic money tree..
E 3355 51.57 1730.1735
G 6241 14.761 921.23401
Total £2651 or £220 / month as of Oct increase, still gone up and this will be the lowest amount anyone will be paying as its 1 bed flat, ground floor though so its colder from that pov.
I have electric and oil power at home and I was just looking at home oil pricing. Here is what my last few bills look like.

May 2021 = 0.429 PL
Nov 2021 = 0.516 PL
Feb 2022 = 0.629 PL

Today Quote = 0.924 PL

I was paying 0.325 back in 2016 and it was stable for a couple of years around 0.430.

I use very little oil (to heat water 2 times a week) but winter the heating is on a lot and it guzzles, even with a high efficiency boiler.

Ovo is now telling me my DD for Electric only is like to go from £125 to £210, so not huge (for now at least). I am currently £224.58 in credit at start of the month.

So in simple terms oil has gone up steadily over the last 18 months and my electric is gong up around 68% from October.
To be fair we are neither a capitalist nor a socialist country, we are a hybrid of both, and IMO thats the most logical thing to be.

All thats happens in the UK is the needle moves slightly in one direction or the other when governments change.

Boris has "lead" a time thats been more socialist than many proclaimed left leaning socialist governments.

I literally sat there with my mouth open when furlough was announced and described. The social care levy etc.
Boris was probably the most socialist PM we have had since the 70s.
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