Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

And why are you going at 85 when the limit is 70 anyway? wonder how many speed tickets you have dodged.
Although I have more of an issue of people going slower than the speed limit, really gets on my nerves people going at 30-35 on a 40 road meaning I keep catching up and having to slow down. Or people who take FOREVER to get up to speed from a stop light.
Best of luck. Doing 35mph in a 40mph isn't a problem. Doing 25mph is as it is actually dangerous. It's a speed limit not a target. And how long is too long to get up to speed. Why do you need to rush to get about so much?
That headlines so misleading. Truss basically is hositng a meeting to discuss the energy crisis. Everyone and their dog wants and is requesting a freeze but SHE hasn't committed or hinted on talking about a freeze. You only need to see how she repeatedly dodges the question when people ask her about a freeze.

I hope im wrong but i dont believe Thick lizzy will freeze prices
I don't think there's any other meaningful action that can be taken tbh, but we'll see.
I don't think there's any other meaningful action that can be taken tbh, but we'll see.

Freezing prices (ie the cap) is a good holding position. It does not immediately cost money and is then for the government to negotiate any compensation with industry.

Additional help would then be targetted to the most in need.

I think we have to give her the benefit of a lead in period before slagging off and name calling. Your man may get a chance down the line if he is not deselected before.
I think they will announce something price cap related.
I doubt truss want it but I'm sure many will know it has to happen.

The whole industry knows it needs to happen.

A price cap is easy too.
Freezing prices (ie the cap) is a good holding position. It does not immediately cost money and is then for the government to negotiate any compensation with industry.

Additional help would then be targetted to the most in need.

Well, it would go against everything she said so far, you don't mean she was lying when trying to get the Tory membership to vote for her do you? I'm shocked I tell ya...

I thought the Conservative credit card was maxed out and any more borrowing would turn us into VeNeZuElA according to the right wing press :confused:

I think we have to give her the benefit of a lead in period before slagging off and name calling.

Why, I dont see that same concession being given to amyone else in politics, and its not like she's a new kid on the block, we've had years to see how useless she is already.

Your man may get a chance down the line if he is not deselected before.

My man? :confused: Oh yes, it's that weak minded thinking that if you don't support the Torys you must support Labour :rolleyes: I have stated multiple times I don't want any single party in power but much prefer a consensus driven coalition/PR political setup.
My man? :confused: Oh yes, it's that weak minded thinking that if you don't support the Torys you must support Labour :rolleyes: I have stated multiple times I don't want any single party in power but much prefer a consensus driven coalition/PR political setup.

But we need a majority party or else nothing will get done!!!!! /s

I hate that people argue against PR/for FPTP using the scenario we'd likely get hung parliaments/coalition governments, as though it's too much to ask our elected officials on tax-funded, near-£100k salaries to work together and compromise like adults :rolleyes: but I digress, this is an argument for Speaker's Corner :)
The Nord stream 1 shutdown was known on Friday so who knows what will happen tomorrow.
The indefinite shutdown was announced after markets closed Friday.

Gas prices up 35% this morning.

With other economies buying up Russian gas.. Can we really absolve ourselves of the responsibility of funding the war if we are buying goods and services from these economies?
? U-turn Lizzy ... no hand-outs ... hang on,

Maybe her first action is go and turn off the Blackpool lights ... and announce some energy saving gestures like germany at council/state level ... (and prohibit private pool heating)
If there was a price cap freeze again would that mean anyone that fixed at a higher price is stuffed? On svr myself but that would seem pretty damn unfair.

You forget this is the UK. Being responsible and taking sensible precautions for the future is simply not the done thing, and you quite rightly you should be punished for it. Instead of solving your own problems, you should stick your head in the sand and wait for government hand outs to save your **** (again)!
Not very Thatcherite of her to impose a price cap is it? So she's lied for weeks to the parties staunchest supporters and everyone is just supposed to find this acceptable?
Not very Thatcherite of her to impose a price cap is it? So she's lied for weeks to the parties staunchest supporters and everyone is just supposed to find this acceptable?
I am no flag waving Sunak supporter........ but no one can say they were not warned. All along Sunak has said Truss was talking pie in the sky economics and that he would try to be honest even if it cost him the vote.

given his background i would suggest he has a better handle on the money than Truss............. but assuming she wins - surely a foregone conclusion now? - it just reinforces that say what ever you need to to win regardless works so its hard to blame her really. imo
My man? :confused: Oh yes, it's that weak minded thinking that if you don't support the Torys you must support Labour :rolleyes: I have stated multiple times I don't want any single party in power but much prefer a consensus driven coalition/PR political setup.

The 'your man' comment was more generally aimed at those believing that Starmer and the Labour party would be the better bet.
Sunak has a lot of faults. But he was by far the better choice.

I agree with at least some of what he says. I do not agree with anything truss says.
out of the 2 no question for me either.... ultimately hopefully the poorest will get help regardless of which ones wins......... Surely no one wants to see anyone but esp children freezing and unable to eat?
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