Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

This will probably happen but how much can prices increase before consumers say no to buying goods.

For example restaurants are going from 8k bill to a 45k bill. They can't increase their prices by 8x can they?

Bad example because energy bill is only part of what costs are covering, you don't need to 8 x prices to cover the extra.

I don't think anyone disagrees that business rates should also be capped, but no one here can really do much about it except for agree.
But it's OK to 'punish' people on variables, but not those on fixed rates when the prices rise?

You choose to fix, you live with it.

You choose to go with a provider that ultimately failed so they lost their credit balances... That's your choice to take... Live with it.

No, what happened is the rest of the population have to now pay a lot more to bail said customers out.
You choose to go with a provider that ultimately failed so they lost their credit balances... That's your choice to take... Live with it.

No, what happened is the rest of the population have to now pay a lot more to bail said customers out.

From what I have read the majority of the bill was not for lost balances but the compensation for the suppliers to take over supply to customers at a loss.

Eg look at Bulb now where the cost of another supplier taking them on is billions, and rising, thats not lost balances, thats compensation for being forced to sell at a loss.
We would just have had more nationalised debt.
From what I have read the majority of the bill was not for lost balances but the compensation for the suppliers to take over supply to customers at a loss.

Eg look at Bulb now where the cost of another supplier taking them on is billions, and rising, thats not lost balances, thats compensation for being forced to sell at a loss.
We would just have had more nationalised debt.

Fair point.

What I said is still accurate to an extent. I am fixed and have no termination fees so dropping back to SVR won't affect me however I know some may be affected and to say "tough luck, your decision" to people that were trying to be fiscally responsible is a little crass.

I gave an example from the other side.
Fair point.

What I said is still accurate to an extent. I am fixed and have no termination fees so dropping back to SVR won't affect me however I know some may be affected and to say "tough luck, your decision" to people that were trying to be fiscally responsible is a little crass.

I gave an example from the other side.


TBH my view is no they shouldn't be able to just cancel the deal. These things go both ways.
Most are lower than £300, but £300 per fuel is the worst I have seen.

If the "saving" is more than £300 per fuel then drop off and pay your fees, or whatever is relevant for your exit payment. If its less than £600 benefit, and I suspect it will be, then the fix still has some benefit since its fixed and who knows whats still able to happen.
You choose to go with a provider that ultimately failed so they lost their credit balances... That's your choice to take... Live with it.

No, what happened is the rest of the population have to now pay a lot more to bail said customers out.
I don't think that should have happened either, but unfortunately people keep voting for an incompetent government. The failure of those energy businesses is a direct result of the botched privatisation system.
Edwina Curry would make a better PM than Truss - she know how to put Martin Lewis back in his box
and the basic point that people still need to reduce their consumption stands.

to wit - The Germans have imposed a levvy on those with fixed rate tarifs to ensure they have incentive to reduce consumption,

The proposal to avoid blackouts by paying people on smart meters NOT to use energy at peak times is interesting
One prediction - if there are power cuts then it will get very noisy. Every street will have at least 1 house alarm going off because the battery in the control box is long dead but the one in the bellbox still has some juice.

I replaced mine last month so at least it won't be me !
How do they decide how much to pay for a prepaid meter ?

Also this is like some Orwellian nightmare parody **** to see energy bills as a prize for a spin the wheel, what next ? Free school meals for a month ?

You joke, but my son's school have just sent a message out advising they've put the cost of school meals up by 25% and after school club by 20%. Doesn't affect us since he takes a packed lunch anyway, but it's just another twist of the knife for people who are already struggling :(

Doesn't say if it's temporary or permanent but either way it's pretty bad, if a company of that size is having to close production down because of profitability issues it's definitely not going to bode well for all the smaller companies and their workers
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