Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

If that happens its poor, no certainty so leaves fixers in the lurch as they dont know what the second 8 months would bring, but not surprised its always short termism by our parties, even unable to give a year of certainty.

If was 12 months then fixers could exit.

I wonder what made them not consider the industry loan option proposed.
It says minimum 4 months reading it again.
We can't store it though. They're looking at re-opening Rough gas storage.
What I mean is, we should take what we need first without having to do without. If any other countries want the excess, fine, but if they expect to siphon our supply from us to the extent that we are without gas, they ought to pay for that privilege.
4 months says to me it'll be past winter before its any actual use, ie. storing more cheaply available gas to be used later such as a harsh winter, etc. Russia is immediately cutting supplies in the middle of a heat wave because they well know, allowing a buffer to be stored up reduces their stranglehold on europe and to them thats how to bargain.
We just have to hope this winter is a blazer, 20c Greta special in December would be nice :p
What I mean is, we should take what we need first without having to do without. If any other countries want the excess, fine, but if they expect to siphon our supply from us to the extent that we are without gas, they ought to pay for that privilege.
Our supply from North Sea gas doesn't cover our own usage, we import gas from Europe and also from around the world via LNG.

At the moment we are exporting gas from LNG as its summer and it's sold at the market rate. I don't think the UK can buy it cheaper from the north sea than the market rate as its all in the hands of private companies.
UK gov can borrow money but they cant spend without a plan for repayment and it being long term beneficial. The reason being we already have a ton of debt, Truss or whoever doesnt matter but they cannot overstep the line in terms of credibility for national debt security or it will be doing more harm then good. There is zero free money, it is a question of being smart about not screwing up the economy, tax revenue, efficient usage etc.

It will be at least until 2030 till this is under control imo just because Germany lost the plot on any secure plan for their energy so if anything UK has to overproduce to make up for the failure across Europe, we are not an island in this respect.

The bolded part is simply utter nonsense.. The UK's total lack of resilience has NOTHING to do with Germany AT ALL. It is the repeated failures of successive UK governments who have totally failed to invest in power infrastructure and decomissioned almost all our gas storage.

This really smacks of another "Lets blame the EU, Lets blame Europe, Lets blame Germany" trope and it's utter BS.
4 months says to me it'll be past winter before its any actual use, ie. storing more cheaply available gas to be used later such as a harsh winter, etc. Russia is immediately cutting supplies in the middle of a heat wave because they well know, allowing a buffer to be stored up reduces their stranglehold on europe and to them thats how to bargain.
We just have to hope this winter is a blazer, 20c Greta special in December would be nice :p

Well another paper now is saying its 2 years which sounds much better. Seems maybe the tory deliberate leaks stuff to test public reaction.
Anyone upsized any radiators recently? I've dropped my flow temperature a lot on my combi, but even prior to doing that my kitchen and dining room were poorly sized radiator wise. Not under sized by an online calculator but undersized by the rest of the house unfortunately.
They're all two panel, two pipe or whatever, but looking at going 3/2
Anyone installed solar panels lately?

At this point a small loan would pay for them while giving you extra money in the bank.

Past two months £165 quid in electricity
Anyone installed solar panels lately?

At this point a small loan would pay for them while giving you extra money in the bank.

Past two months £165 quid in electricity
I'm assuming you're on the FIT rates? Kind it very hard to believe you could make that much selling only excess at 7p a kWh
I've known a couple of people who found the electric meter on their house was actually for the neighbour. Both cases appeared have been a construction error and that way since the houses were built.

I've also known someone who bought a house and found eventually it was the neighbour's garage that was the idle load on the house - in that case it looked deliberate but couldn't tell how long it been happening !
They buy energy a year in advance and the Ukraine invasion started on February 24th so.....

Sure - for the customers they had at that point in time.
What about new customers that joined a supplier from March, right up to today?! No supplier buys energy a year in advance, for customers they didn’t have. Hence why new fixed deals are not at Feb prices.
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