Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

It’s now being reported that there’s a different plan. Cap of £2500 being mooted.
Energy company profits will be held at what they are at at a minimum, and it’ll be paid by general taxation.
Everyone still happy with this? We are paying to allow the energy companies to have such huge profits. Whereas they could windfall tax, and let the energy companies pay for it themselves.

It is the energy producers that make huge profits, not the providers who risk going out of business as some have like Bulb.
It is the energy producers that make huge profits, not the providers who risk going out of business as some have like Bulb.
Yea, everyone knows that… :confused:
The energy producers sell for the market rate. The energy suppliers buy at that, but the cost above the cap is paid for by us, through general taxation under this plan.
So, my point stands…
if prices drop can pay the debt off faster (like payback on university loans if you have higher wages)

We are paying to allow the energy companies to have such huge profits. Whereas they could windfall tax, and let the energy companies pay for it themselves.
windfall taxes are being applied , by uk, on uk producers, and similarly by other countries, with eu proposal to unify their approach. ...
now ? - maybe the value of that tax is currently inadequate, the criteria seemed unclear
if prices drop can pay the debt off faster (like payback on university loans if you have higher wages)

windfall taxes are being applied , by uk, on uk producers, and similarly by other countries, with eu proposal to unify their approach. ...
now ? - maybe the value of that tax is currently inadequate, the criteria seemed unclear

Who controls how much the energy companies take from the loan fund. What if the amount they take is more than what the price cap would enforce? It results in protecting the profits of the suppliers whilst relying on the public to cover those profits.

The companies can't be allowed to take these loans and continue to post record profits at the same time - it's just siphoning money from the lower income to the fat cats.
Who controls how much the energy companies take from the loan fund. What if the amount they take is more than what the price cap would enforce? It results in protecting the profits of the suppliers whilst relying on the public to cover those profits.

The companies can't be allowed to take these loans and continue to post record profits at the same time - it's just siphoning money from the lower income to the fat cats.
The companies making record profits aren't the companies who'll be receiving money from the fund.
The companies making record profits aren't the companies who'll be receiving money from the fund.

That's currently the case... We won't know if the suppliers do it for a while yet.

And let's not kid ourselves. The suppliers and the producers are quite often under the same umbrella company. They have been cute enough to make profit from the public by putting a proxy company between the profit making production arm of their company and the customer via the use of a supplier company which "is not very profitable at all"
Capping it at £2500 seems ok I guess, as long as they include a clause that allows the price to fall should wholesale costs come down. Otherwise we'll be stuck paying it for 18+ months while the energy companies rake in record profits.
They talk about the taxpayer paying for this, my question is which taxpayers. Still, this is actually better than I expected but my expectations were very low; it's not as good as Labour's plan from the scant details we have.
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