Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

That's currently the case... We won't know if the suppliers do it for a while yet.

And let's not kid ourselves. The suppliers and the producers are quite often under the same umbrella company. They have been cute enough to make profit from the public by putting a proxy company between the profit making production arm of their company and the customer via the use of a supplier company which "is not very profitable at all"
The suppliers are separate companies and if they became to much of hassle, or too loss making, they could be shut down.
tax related loan recovery now seems top contender, as opposed to perpetually high cap rate.

which is still going to break Truss's read my lips claim.
( As expected, the reaction from Russia has been more negative, with presenters on Gazprom-owned NTV describing Truss's election as a "catastrophe" for the UK. a stuck clock ?)

so - stacked on existing tax bands ?

BandTaxable incomeTax rate
Personal AllowanceUp to £12,5700%
Basic rate£12,571 to £50,27020%
Higher rate£50,271 to £150,00040%
Additional rateover £150,00045%
Since when are we listening to Russia on this? If anything this is a boost to Truss.
They're paying 5% on balances?

In that case I might just dump enough in there to pay for winter and earn a bit on the side :D
5 percent?

Can I change my DD to 1k a month please
It looks like 3% pa. actually, paid monthly...which is ok actually, I'm not so bothered about having some money in there.....I just object to giving them an interest free loan :p

Your interest rate will also go up the longer you’re with us. In the first year you get 3%, in year 2, it goes up to 4%, and in your third year and beyond it’s 5%.
It looks like 3% pa. actually, paid monthly...which is ok actually, I'm not so bothered about having some money in there.....I just object to giving them an interest free loan :p
I think it starts at 3% and increases with how long you've been with them. I've been with them for 15 months and I get 4%, 5% should come in the third year.
I think it starts at 3% and increases with how long you've been with them. I've been with them for 15 months and I get 4%.
Ooh I just checked, I'm on 4%, will go up to 5% next month for me.

Can't complain at that. I wouldn't put any more in realistically in case they go bust, but makes me feel alright about leaving some balance in there.

I hope they reign in their demand for a DD increase if we do get a cap though.
i am not normally a kicking the can down the road supporter......... but in this one instance, IF i were to put my ultra optimistic hat on, it may not turn out too bad.

IF the whole of the EU/UK look at this as a wake up call and crack on with wind and solar (+ other renewables) backed up with a core of nuclear (with an ever decreasing amount of gas used whilst nuclear gets up to speed) then 10 years from now we could see some very cheap energy production.

wind and solar is a fraction of the cost of Gas and once the nuclear powerstations are on stream, they are a reliable supply of a lot of energy too.................... so we may not notice the loan repayments so much in a decade. (I still think a substantial windfall tax should play a role however on the fossil fuel companies)

however this is making the (rather massive) assumption that governments do see this as a wake up call.

IMO this is just a little taste of the future if we do not sort our **** out. one way or another fossil fuels are on their way out as a major source of power.

I'm with you on this one. Frankly I see the country only has two options. The first is that the government doesn't provide much assistance and a huge percentage of the population have a real rough couple of years. It's also likely we'll see the loss of businesses in their tens of thousands. As well as many-many deaths.

Or the second, the government provides a good amount of assistance to help people weather the storm and we accept that this is a big change to our lives in that we need to become energy self-sufficient. Even if it takes us all the next 10/20/30 years to pay for it.
I have a 6 year old..... i must be in a particularly glass half full mood today - odd as i have proper manflu!. - but if there is another good thing on all of this, i see potential employment for the next 30+ years if everyone decides to go johnny big balls on updating our energy generation throughout europe.

be it in design and engineering, or manufacture, or in construction (both in the infrastructure and upgrading peoples homes). There is going to be a lot of work for a lot of people imo - so long as they invest.
People moan if the cap goes up.
People moan if the cap is frozen.
People moan.

I was busy earlier but was going to post that there will soon be those annoyed they've locked themselves into a needlessly expensive scheme. Being old school I have refused all the pressure Scottish Power have brought to bear on me to go direct debit, so have total control over how much I pay, and indeed, when I pay. People do indeed moan, some are truly professional in the art... :)
People moan if the cap goes up.
People moan if the cap is frozen.
People moan.

I think people won’t be happy until the ”profiteering” energy companies* are held to account and fund the price freeze themselves - some £100bn :p

* Even though, they don’t set the energy price or determine the demand.
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