Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

It’s now being reported that there’s a different plan. Cap of £2500 being mooted.
Energy company profits will be held at what they are at at a minimum, and it’ll be paid by general taxation.
Everyone still happy with this? We are paying to allow the energy companies to have such huge profits. Whereas they could windfall tax, and let the energy companies pay for it themselves.

Much more tory. This is exactly the figure (if I was a tory) I'd have picked.
Capping it at £2500 seems ok I guess, as long as they include a clause that allows the price to fall should wholesale costs come down. Otherwise we'll be stuck paying it for 18+ months while the energy companies rake in record profits.

Higher cap. Shorter pay back.

If cap was 2k this coming year
And real price is 6k
Wed be (as a country) 4k per house
If there are about 22mln homes? You'd be looking at 88bln in debt added... To be paid back.

And that's before the commercial deal!

If it's. 2500..government debt is 11bln less

How much of this is going to be paid off? If the plan is going to be to pay it off from energy bills expect the cap to be 2.5k for 5-10 years
Probably more.

Thinking about it. It'll never be paid off. Even if the real wholesale cost dropped to 1500. I have your only be paying off 22bln a year.

Is not going back to that!
Isn’t it basically what was being said before but in a different way. The cap is the same as it is now and not increasing for a couple of years.
The rough figure was reached because households will still get the planned £400 a year off bills, taking the total to be paid to around £2,100 a year - just above the current price cap.

Tories save Christmas. Again.

Leftie riots cancelled lol.
The rough figure was reached because households will still get the planned £400 a year off bills, taking the total to be paid to around £2,100 a year - just above the current price cap.

Tories save Christmas. Again.

Leftie riots cancelled lol.
Kicking the can down the road is peak fiscal responsibility though.

At this point I kind of hope we reach emerging market status.
The cap also would have been better as it would have given those in my position less help.

A 2500 cap but with the 400 in Cash puts my cap at 1300 for the year. I think my cap is 1700 ish

1700 - 400 = 1300

If it was 2100 and no free cash I'd still be on 1700.
Only 400 better then the government cap
i am not normally a kicking the can down the road supporter......... but in this one instance, IF i were to put my ultra optimistic hat on, it may not turn out too bad.

IF the whole of the EU/UK look at this as a wake up call and crack on with wind and solar (+ other renewables) backed up with a core of nuclear (with an ever decreasing amount of gas used whilst nuclear gets up to speed) then 10 years from now we could see some very cheap energy production.

wind and solar is a fraction of the cost of Gas and once the nuclear powerstations are on stream, they are a reliable supply of a lot of energy too.................... so we may not notice the loan repayments so much in a decade. (I still think a substantial windfall tax should play a role however on the fossil fuel companies)

however this is making the (rather massive) assumption that governments do see this as a wake up call.

IMO this is just a little taste of the future if we do not sort our **** out. one way or another fossil fuels are on their way out as a major source of power.
i am not normally a kicking the can down the road supporter......... but in this one instance, IF i were to put my ultra optimistic hat on, it may not turn out too bad.

IF the whole of the EU/UK look at this as a wake up call and crack on with wind and solar (+ other renewables) backed up with a core of nuclear (with an ever decreasing amount of gas used whilst nuclear gets up to speed) then 10 years from now we could see some very cheap energy production.

wind and solar is a fraction of the cost of Gas and once the nuclear powerstations are on stream, they are a reliable supply of a lot of energy too.................... so we may not notice the loan repayments so much in a decade. (I still think a substantial windfall tax should play a role however on the fossil fuel companies)

however this is making the (rather massive) assumption that governments do see this as a wake up call.

IMO this is just a little taste of the future if we do not sort our **** out. one way or another fossil fuels are on their way out as a major source of power.
I'm cynical. I don't think we will learn. When things get tough the first thing that people call for is scrapping of green stuff.
Which country is going to deal with Russia as a reliable energy supplier. That horse has bolted.
Russia is stuffed long term............ I think they knew the writing was on the wall in terms of gas sales long term which is why they are doing this now whilst they still have that trump card but in doing so imo they may have hastend their demise.

I dont claim to be all that clued in in politics and i dont doubt there was shinanegans going on around breaking the minsk agreement before this but what Russia has done is unforgivable and long term i believe they will end up regretting it.... even when the war ends it will be decades or more before any country in the west trusts them again. Sure we may trade with them again when it benefits us but i doubt there will be much good will between us.

a few years from now our energy generation will hopefully be in a much better place in part because of what happened in 2022. Its gonna be a rough winter for some tho, esp those stuck in the Ukraine.

at least the nationality of the bond villain will be sorted for the next dozen films ;)
tax related loan recovery now seems top contender, as opposed to perpetually high cap rate.

Tories in being high tax scumbags shocker.
which is still going to break Truss's read my lips claim.
( As expected, the reaction from Russia has been more negative, with presenters on Gazprom-owned NTV describing Truss's election as a "catastrophe" for the UK. a stuck clock ?)

so - stacked on existing tax bands ?

BandTaxable incomeTax rate
Personal AllowanceUp to £12,5700%
Basic rate£12,571 to £50,27020%
Higher rate£50,271 to £150,00040%
Additional rateover £150,00045%
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