Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Tbh what else would Labour do? Nothing more probably from the average persons perspective.

Sure Labour wouldn't reduce tax for the wealthy. But people generally like the tories it seems. So all they have to do is copy labour's policies that are popular.

Hard to see how Labour can win. People don't like em. I don't like em.

Kicking the can down the road is a vote winner
Honestly it is utterly IRRELVANT what Labour would do.

Tories need to be held accountable and punished for the crap they have done to this country over the last 12 years. They do not deserve to see power again for at least a generation.

This is NOT about Labour, it's about the disgusting self-serving arrogance of the Tory leadership for the last 12 years.
Honestly it is utterly IRRELVANT what Labour would do.

Tories need to be held accountable and punished for the crap they have done to this country over the last 12 years. They do not deserve to see power again for at least a generation.

This is NOT about Labour, it's about the disgusting self-serving arrogance of the Tory leadership for the last 12 years.

They are been pretty decent to be be fair,

Gave us brexit
COVID contained
Energy crisis diverted.
All factually correct.
Only if you're a blinkered, partisan Tory supporter with zero objectivity.

They "gave us Brexit" - Except it was not the "Brexit" they had campaigned on, not the "Brexit" they had promised, not the "Brexit" anyone wanted, voted for or even expected.
"Covid Contained" - Was that before, during or after they sat around for weeks watching the rest of Europe suffer from covid while taking ZERO precautions against it themselves? Or was that while they were busy partying it up in 10 downing street while the general public had to have their parents die alone in a hospital bed?
"Energy Crisis Diverted" - You mean the one they helped cause by shutting down all our gas storage, not investing in power infrastructure for decades and generally kicking the can down the road constantly ?

You have a very warped definition of "they have done well"
Only if you're a blinkered, partisan Tory supporter with zero objectivity.

They "gave us Brexit" - Except it was not the "Brexit" they had campaigned on, not the "Brexit" they had promised, not the "Brexit" anyone wanted, voted for or even expected.
"Covid Contained" - Was that before, during or after they sat around for weeks watching the rest of Europe suffer from covid while taking ZERO precautions against it themselves? Or was that while they were busy partying it up in 10 downing street while the general public had to have their parents die alone in a hospital bed?
"Energy Crisis Diverted" - You mean the one they helped cause by shutting down all our gas storage, not investing in power infrastructure for decades and generally kicking the can down the road constantly ?

You have a very warped definition of "they have done well"
True brexit was thwarted by a small number of self serving MP 's, which has slowed progress. Truss well now accelerate the brexit process. May's deal was a disaster, anyway that's enough talk of the b word as it's not popular in these parts
True brexit was thwarted by a small number of self serving MP 's, which has slowed progress. Truss well now accelerate the brexit process. May's deal was a disaster, anyway that's enough talk of the b word as it's not popular in these parts
"Accelerate the Brexit Process" LOL. This is exactly the problem with Brexiteers... They didn't actually get the Brexit they were sold on and they are still frantically trying to redefine what Brexit is and how it's obtained..

Here's a hint....

Brexit already happened

It's done. Finished.. Completed... What we have now is the aftermath OF that Brexit.
Brexit is done , whilst the aftermath isnt over - the UK has left the EU; kinda wierd how some are still harking on about it

I think it’s because it’s because the people who said it was a good idea lied, and it’s the opposite and they are still in power.

It’s like going to a restaurant based on the picture outside of a steak and then pay more than the advertised price and receive a turd. Then send your compliments to the chef. Then return to try the rest of the menu.
I imagine those on a fix would remain on a fix - it's a contract at the end of the day with clear exit fees.
Not to mention that any "fixed contract" is a "hedged bet" against the idea of increasing prices.. It is a gamble..
Way too many people are being self-centered and assuming that a fixed price contract should ONLY apply when the fixed price if it's lower than current market rates.

You win some, you lose some.... Everyone on a fixed term contract needs to accept that reality instead of screaming about not getting cheaper rates themselves... they sure weren't complaining when it looked like their fixed rate would save them a fortune.
I fixed with scottish at 55p a kw and the exit fee is £150.. Has she just ****** me over?

Might be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow, but I'm sure even paying the exit fees you'll be better off than on fixed.

I'm assuming the government will only subsidise variable tariffs, so fixed tariffs are going to be pretty much non-existent for the next 12-18 months.
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