Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Currently on 35p Octopus go and 16p gas tracker. Not sure if it would be worth staying on those for the inevitable u-turn on a u-turn on a u-turn (540 degrees?) which will result in a cap, but not a cap whilst being fixed at January 2023 prices but brought forward 3 months.

Always a risk fixing, just as it was for us who were winging it on variable hoping some help would arrive.

Indeed, like I posted earlier, the true British way, punish those who try to help themselves whilst bailing out those who stick their head in the sand and wait for someone else to save them. :D
government will be paying the difference between their fixed 2.5K cap and the ofgen cap, the energy companies don't get carte blanch to (irresponsibly) charge market rate

But interest rates are going up. I'd prefer them to hit the profiteers and tax the billionaires instead.
yes there is still a Conservative smoke & mirrors going on with income inequality - the real levelling up that is required, ( that term was conspicuous in its absence in truss #10 speech,
the women thinks she has a new mandate and clean slate .. the phrase she used aboue uk have big energy reserves was ironic )

poverty is lower in the EU with higher incomes in the lowest 5 percentile.
@Haggisman If my maths are right staying on agile 35p might be worth it as it also comes with less than half price SC at the cost of 1-2p higher unit price.

The 16p gas tracker will definitely be way higher than the £2500 rate.
Currently on 35p Octopus go and 16p gas tracker. Not sure if it would be worth staying on those for the inevitable u-turn on a u-turn on a u-turn (540 degrees?) which will result in a cap, but not a cap whilst being fixed at January 2023 prices but brought forward 3 months.

Indeed, like I posted earlier, the true British way, punish those who try to help themselves whilst bailing out those who stick their head in the sand and wait for someone else to save them. :D

Elec at £2.5K cap will likely be above 35p.

Gas should be less, may want to revert gas.

Where have you seen it confirmed that applies to all suppliers?

Not necessarily all, but will likely be all.

Just what I heard anyway. Octopus have no exit fees so didn't dig into much deeper.
Currently on 35p Octopus go and 16p gas tracker. Not sure if it would be worth staying on those for the inevitable u-turn on a u-turn on a u-turn (540 degrees?) which will result in a cap, but not a cap whilst being fixed at January 2023 prices but brought forward 3 months.

Indeed, like I posted earlier, the true British way, punish those who try to help themselves whilst bailing out those who stick their head in the sand and wait for someone else to save them. :D
Octopus wanted 75pkWh to go on a fixed, there was no chance I was paying that, even if I could.

We had cut down loads on usage compared to last year so were prepared to see it out whatever happened, would have used less then they wanted us to pay anyway.
Higher usage doesn't equal rich.

Plenty of rich people have low usage as they can afford well insulated modern homes with solar panels, home battery storage and other gizmos.

Plenty of less well off people are stuck in a rut of paying for high usage as they can't afford to improve their home so end up wasting energy to keep the property warm.

You then have higher usage due to people being at home more (WFH, carers etc), pensioners use more as you feel the cold as you get older, families that are already struggling with living costs but still need their kids to have a shower etc etc

Its not as simple as people make out and the government needs to act quickly what with the wasted summer. Long-term it could be feasible, alongside funding to help people improve their home energy efficiency.
I agree it's not simple. But capping or subsidizing the unit rate is a much worse solution. Giving every property their first £60 a month of gas and £60 a month of electricity for free makes more sense than capping the rate and halving everyone's bills. Whether it's £120 or £4000
Ofgem are in consultation to allow time of use tariffs, so seems they need to specifically allow them to exist.

I wonder if its the same for tiered tariffs?

Hopefully in future we get both TOU and tiered tariffs to modernise billing options.

Is a shame they didnt do this upcoming cap as tiered as would have been a great opportunity to get people used to that type of billing and encourage lower use.
Ofgem are in consultation to allow time of use tariffs, so seems they need to specifically allow them to exist.

I wonder if its the same for tiered tariffs?

Hopefully in future we get both TOU and tiered tariffs to modernise billing options.

Is a shame they didnt do this upcoming cap as tiered as would have been a great opportunity to get people used to that type of billing and encourage lower use.
Why on earth would you want a tou tarrif unless you're a social outcast that sits up all night long?

Cooking, eating at wired times of the day.? Bizarre
Why on earth would you want a tou tarrif unless you're a social outcast that sits up all night long?

Cooking, eating at wired times of the day.? Bizarre

Octopus have really good API data and the batteries can often charge and discharge intelligently.

Shown with Octopus Go, but it can automatically pick the best time to charge up as well.
Ok so it would work with battery supplement? Is there a limit to how many batteries you can install?

inverters will limit battery charge rates, and batteries themselves have limits.

More inverters and more batteries, and enough know how, probably not really any limit except cash and willingness to risk setting your house on fire.

For fairly typical solar + battery installs though, these could help flatten grid demand, which is a good thing. If people pay less or get paid more (bit like Agile import/export) then it can all feed in to a better balanced system for everyone.

On a good day I can already charge battery on solar and use that long after sun goes down, in fact right now my battery is discharging at 22% charge remaining, I am drawing nothing from the grid until the middle of the night.
My cap estimates were wrong sorry I didnt take into account that zero costs wont move, the correct figures supplied by someone else puts it nearer to 35p electric and 11p gas.

If it is indeed 35p and 11p, I am keeping my current tariffs both of them (I am on 11p gas tracker and 35p agile), I will get cheaper electric SC and cheaper also if daily rates go down.
Why on earth would you want a tou tarrif unless you're a social outcast that sits up all night long?

Cooking, eating at wired times of the day.? Bizarre
Not everyone is only up at the normal defined hours, and some of us run equipment around the clock. For starters I am on call round the clock for my job.

Its not the year 1900 anymore.
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