Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Well most things are geared towards the majority.

Pandering to minorities may be all the rage but it seldom the best course of action.
Todays minority might be tomorrow's majority.

If we did what you said would be no GO tariffs, No agile, No trackers and even no standard fixed as most people have always been on SVR.
@Haggisman If my maths are right staying on agile 35p might be worth it as it also comes with less than half price SC at the cost of 1-2p higher unit price.

The 16p gas tracker will definitely be way higher than the £2500 rate.

Elec at £2.5K cap will likely be above 35p.

Gas should be less, may want to revert gas.

That would be based on the assumption that they don't do a u-turn on any cap implemented a month down the line - not sure how safe a bet that would be!

If we're playing the linking game then:

Or as power is needed by everyone a flat council tax type system instead of all suppliers and producers creaming it in.
Or as power is needed by everyone a flat council tax type system instead of all suppliers and producers creaming it in.
'Suppliers' is nonsense anyway.

It all comes from the same supply, this pretence of competition is just about what website you get your bill from.
Works if you can afford solar & battery otherwise unfairly penalises working families. Imagine having to not feed your family until the cheap rate kicks in at 11pm

It doesnt unfairly penalise working familes at all
The current system does not promote the grid operating as efficiently as possible, and means that inefficient and expensive production has to be brought online at peak times. It gets averaged out and with no incentive to do anything differently it means there is no motivation to change nor transparency on what actually changing would do.

I suspect medium term the on demand tariffs will soar in popularity (as a way to see lower bills, people like pensioners, people working from home more, people just at home more, people working outside the 9-5 M-F routine etc all see the benefits) and the people insisting they pay the same rate 24/7/365 will see the price go up and up as their inflexibility and bloody mindedness groups them with other people with similar views. IE causing expensive generation to need to be added in order to fulfil their demand at peak times.
I suspect medium term the on demand tariffs will soar in popularity (as a way to see lower bills, people like pensioners, people working from home more, people just at home more, people working outside the 9-5 M-F routine etc all see the benefits) and the people insisting they pay the same rate 24/7/365 will see the price go up and up as their inflexibility and bloody mindedness groups them with other people with similar views. IE causing expensive generation to need to be added in order to fulfil their demand at peak times.
Forgive me but I don't get how it doens't penalise anyone who works? (among others)
Finish work at 5PM, get home by 5:30PM you want to relax after a long day but you have to wait till 11PM otherwise you have expensive rates, by that point you will be going to bed though. How doesn't that penalise normal people? Peak times are well....peak for a reason. Its also not something many people can actually change as its tied to them having a job.

Solar is stupid expensive so a battery/panels isn't viable for the majority of people.
I suspect medium term the on demand tariffs will soar in popularity (as a way to see lower bills, people like pensioners, people working from home more, people just at home more, people working outside the 9-5 M-F routine etc all see the benefits) and the people insisting they pay the same rate 24/7/365 will see the price go up and up as their inflexibility and bloody mindedness groups them with other people with similar views. IE causing expensive generation to need to be added in order to fulfil their demand at peak times.


How can you accuse someone as being inflexible and bloody minded simply because they work a 9-5 M-F and therefore use energy at peak times?

If someone finishes work at 5, are you.suggesting they wait until, say 10pm, to turn their heating on and start cooking their evening meal or turning on the TV?

Tell me I have picked you up wrong here.
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