Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

What do they base the 1kw saved off?
Mines the same 17:00 - 18:00 tonight.
I'll just try turn everything off for the hour. But don't I even use 1kw during that hour normally.

0.27kwh yesterday
0.1kwh Sunday
0.23 Saturday

So how am I meant to cut 1kwh from that?
To me it just looks like it will benefit people who use a lot, people who use little or are being careful already will get nothing.
I average around 0.7kW at that time. I’ll turn everything off and use the iPad/go out for a walk or something to pass the time.
I think it will also encourage people to game the system by load-shifting into peak times, so they can load-shift back out when paid.

It seems like it's self-defeating in some ways, which is why I think something like encouraging off-peak usage with agile like tariff makes more sense.
i agree its a well intended idea i am sure but its easily exploitable......... if you are not on a dual fee tarif there is nothing to stop you deliberately pushing your energy as much as you can to 3:30pm-6:30pm which is the worst possible time to hit the grid (so should be when these offers are normally added) just so you can profit on the special days. I hope people dont do this as it will actively force rolling blackouts.......... but I have little faith in my fellow human when you can make a few bob.
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i agree its a well intended idea i am sure but its easily exploitable......... if you are not on a dual fee tarif there is nothing to stop you deliberately pusing your energy as much as you can to 3:30pm-6:30pm which is the worst possible time to hit the grid (so should be when these offers are normally added) just so you can profit on the special days.

That's a lot of faffing about for £2.00 and presumably if it doesn't help with reducing demand they will just scrap it.
If people can game a system for a few £ you can better believe they will.

People paying the same rates all day long will just throw on everything and burn a few kwh in the peak times. This will not change their underlying cost if they needed to use the energy at some point.
Yeah I mean if I was a pensioner I would be 100% using as much as I could during that window.
Do the washing, tumble drier, oven meal etc at that time

When a savings window comes in just not doing them things would save you a fortune!
Eat a bit earlier that day and put the washing etc on earlier

I am trying right now to load switch into 0:30-4:30am window as much as I can

I will certainly be telling other half to time washing machine etc for 5-7 pm now.
Will then try to put it into tumble for 0:30 window as much as possible. (in winter months)

You can game it a bit, but only in regards deliberately timing usage you would already have had but into the most likely savings window.
They would not count usage occurring since the scheme was announced was my take. They said previously it requires a history of usage to qualify in order that they can compare your average to now.

I saw a provider in NI with 1p for elec units over night and 14p during the day, no idea why I was assuming I must have it wrong. Some parts of the world are fine because of localised hydro power excess production
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you're not going to game the system over 10 days ?

problem is UK households use too much gas in the household mix ... if we had electricity used for heating, then turning that off for an hour would be easy;
they should allow people to demonstrate a gas saving, to free that up for electricity generation
especially if colder, most homes would be using more than a kwhr/hr for heating.
They would not count usage occurring since the scheme was announced was my take. They said previously it requires a history of usage to qualify in order that they can compare your average to now.

I saw a provider in NI with 1p for elec units over night and 14p during the day, no idea why I was assuming I must have it wrong. Some parts of the world are fine because of localised hydro power excess production

Well for Octopus your take is wrong, not sure what others have annouced or if its the same formula

Weekday save rate is based on last 10 weekdays usage.
Weekend save rate is based on last 4 weekend days.

IE its based on the last fortnight but weekends and weekdays are treated as different pools for averaging
Is it really worth it though for £2.25 lol. A lot of you are getting electric basically for free anyway.

I'm not doing it for the £2.25

I am a heavy advocate for demand pricing and as such I want it to appear that demand pricing (or rebating in this case) is capable of influencing customers significantly
Well I think we’ve finally got our credit back and a variable direct debit.

They’ve stuck us on their NextflexDD, but that’s actually cheaper than the Julyfixed24 we were on. I guess we’re at the mercy of the energy overlords now.

When we moved into our house years ago we were on a dodgy meter and didn’t exist on their records. Wish we had kept it that way now :p
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If people can game a system for a few £ you can better believe they will.

People paying the same rates all day long will just throw on everything and burn a few kwh in the peak times. This will not change their underlying cost if they needed to use the energy at some point.
Depends how octopus are buying their energy. Probs my some special circumstance has resulted in a big spike in wholesale price 5pm-6 and hence this a good way for then to avoid the cost?
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