Last night I came back home to a room temp of 5.6C, I honestly dont think my home has ever been that cold, it felt like I was standing outside in snow or something, walking through front door was a gust of cold air, it honestly felt like it was colder than outside. Hands painful and could feel on head, was concerned for my health the GCH was put on and has been on since, I figured since we about to get a boost of 10C outside so its just one day really. Plus if it was 12C outside tomorow and 5C inside, it would take a while for it to naturally heat up inside, better its already there.
So no data yet on the gas consumption, I will provide it tomorrow.
The radiator in my living room isnt fully up to temp, so that area isnt as warm, hallway has no radiator so also bit cooler, the bedroom hit 14.9C but now at 15.5C with PC on and will probably hit 16-17C, this is with boiler maxed out, no room thermostats, radiator maxed out. About 14-15 hours of boiler on.
Kitchen is pretty warm, not measured temp but feels like how it should be with heating on, it has a double glazed window, the only one in my property.