Energy Suppliers

How do i take over the current supply though if I dont know who it was with?

They send a letter addressed to the new owner.
^^ this

literally DO NOTHING as filling out the wrong form/being proactive could cost you dearly.

This but also if your renting, the landlord/agent should tell you. If buying the sellers have to declare who it is on the property information forms that go though the solicitors.
Just got my first bill through having been taken over form British Gas. It's about £550 for the last 3 month period, but unfortunately they've estimated the elec by about half. The real bill should be about £850. So that's about £283 per month combined. I used to pay about £170 a month.
My tariff used to be about 13p elec and it's now 19.695
Gas tarif is now 3.97 can't remember what it was

That's some fairly heavy usage there. How many are in your household?

I thought solar had had its day in the UK in terms of ROI because all of the incentives and grants you could get have all gone away so the start up costs become too high? Also if you have a particularly bad year, you can be getting minimal strong sunlight here. I'd like to be wrong though. The pitch of our roof is East and West, but we have an outbuilding shed which has a flat ish but slightly angled south facing part and we also have a dormer roof (loft conversion) which is a flat roof, so assume this would be suitable. Not something I ever looked into seriously. Maybe I should.

Whilst all the incentives have gone from the government for solar, the cost of the parts has dropped significantly. For what would have been a 20-25k install 15-20 years ago would now cost about 4-6k.

Ah splendid.

The letter is triggered by the previous occupier submitting final readings. The supplier won't know who the new occupier is, so it'll just be addressed to the new occupier, or to the household, something like that.
That's some fairly heavy usage there. How many are in your household?

Whilst all the incentives have gone from the government for solar, the cost of the parts has dropped significantly. For what would have been a 20-25k install 15-20 years ago would now cost about 4-6k.

6 people. Yeah we use too much but not sure how to reduce. We do have a lot of TVs and screens and electronics but everything is set to sleep after x time. I use smart plugs a lot with schedules to reduce usage. We have led lights everywhere. We have a heat pump tumble dryer to try to be as efficient as possible. Fridge and freezer and dishwasher are all modern recent buys as efficient as you can realistically expect. Heating I am strict with.
I guess we do a lot of washing like all the time which doesn't help. PCs. game consoles. Several monitors and TVs. A server.

I might put a smart plug on the tumble dryer just to make sure it's not even higher than I expect it is.

Try telling kids to turn their electronics's like telling them they can't live
6 people. Yeah we use too much but not sure how to reduce. We do have a lot of TVs and screens and electronics but everything is set to sleep after x time. I use smart plugs a lot with schedules to reduce usage. We have led lights everywhere. We have a heat pump tumble dryer to try to be as efficient as possible. Fridge and freezer and dishwasher are all modern recent buys as efficient as you can realistically expect. Heating I am strict with.
I guess we do a lot of washing like all the time which doesn't help. PCs. game consoles. Several monitors and TVs. A server.

I might put a smart plug on the tumble dryer just to make sure it's not even higher than I expect it is.

Try telling kids to turn their electronics's like telling them they can't live

:cry: yeah I guess that's something that comes with a big household.
Take this with a pinch of salt but to be honest i dont think this is bad advice.

Martin Lewis from MSE is basically saying if you are offered a fixed price thats upto 40% more than what your current paying on a fixed price (not if on the SVT) then its probably worth fixing at that as the SVT in April will likely be higher
6 people. Yeah we use too much but not sure how to reduce. We do have a lot of TVs and screens and electronics but everything is set to sleep after x time. I use smart plugs a lot with schedules to reduce usage. We have led lights everywhere. We have a heat pump tumble dryer to try to be as efficient as possible. Fridge and freezer and dishwasher are all modern recent buys as efficient as you can realistically expect. Heating I am strict with.
I guess we do a lot of washing like all the time which doesn't help. PCs. game consoles. Several monitors and TVs. A server.

I might put a smart plug on the tumble dryer just to make sure it's not even higher than I expect it is.

Try telling kids to turn their electronics's like telling them they can't live

How much is gas and how much is elec?

We have a 2 person household and both full time work from home.
Our electricity is only about 70 a month

6 people where you're a family? 800 still seems a lot. Unless half of that is heating?

Heating/gas can't really compare as houses are so different
6 people. Yeah we use too much but not sure how to reduce. We do have a lot of TVs and screens and electronics but everything is set to sleep after x time. I use smart plugs a lot with schedules to reduce usage. We have led lights everywhere. We have a heat pump tumble dryer to try to be as efficient as possible. Fridge and freezer and dishwasher are all modern recent buys as efficient as you can realistically expect. Heating I am strict with.
I guess we do a lot of washing like all the time which doesn't help. PCs. game consoles. Several monitors and TVs. A server.

I might put a smart plug on the tumble dryer just to make sure it's not even higher than I expect it is.

Try telling kids to turn their electronics's like telling them they can't live
Do u also work from home?

Also, this is the problem with everything going digital…
How much is gas and how much is elec?

We have a 2 person household and both full time work from home.
Our electricity is only about 70 a month

6 people where you're a family? 800 still seems a lot. Unless half of that is heating?

Heating/gas can't really compare as houses are so different

Yes family. We have gas central heating and gas hobs. The gas over the last 3 months October to end of December was about £230 which is accurate. So that's about £75 a month.
Elec was about 3000kwh over that period or £600. So about £200 a month. Gas 3.97 and elec 19.69 now.
I wonder if British gas would give me a smart energy monitor tablet thing. We have a smart meter in the elec cupboard outside but no way of monitoring exactly what is hammering it. I would be 99% sure it's just collectively our life style as opposed to any one thing. :(

Do u also work from home?

Also, this is the problem with everything going digital…

Yeah I work from home. I currently heat only the shed/office when I am at home though. It's costing about £30 a month just on that because it's a 2kw electric oil heater. That's fine though and I accept that in the cold months. £1 a day is better than £35 on the train plus lunch.
Yikes, 3000kwh in a quarter!

That’s not far off our household usage for an entire year (EV excluded!) and there is two of us working from home. That said there is only the two of us but we don’t exactly skimp either.
I was with Peoples Energy who went bust on the Monday in September and was around £130 in credit with them and their customers got shipped off to British Gas.

However the Friday before their collapse I completed my switch for both gas and electric so no longer a customer of Peoples Energy, so not sure who/how/when I get my credit back, as I spoke to British Gas and they have confirmed I am with Octopus and they will give me the credit when its all be settled.

Is this a case of waiting more time, or should I be on Octopus/Ofgem case about this?
I was with Peoples Energy who went bust on the Monday in September and was around £130 in credit with them and their customers got shipped off to British Gas.

However the Friday before their collapse I completed my switch for both gas and electric so no longer a customer of Peoples Energy, so not sure who/how/when I get my credit back, as I spoke to British Gas and they have confirmed I am with Octopus and they will give me the credit when its all be settled.

Is this a case of waiting more time, or should I be on Octopus/Ofgem case about this?

I'm in the same position but with different suppliers.

Arranged the switch and had it confirmed but both old and new suppliers went bust a week later.

Immediately cancelled the direct debits and I'm waiting for a either octopus or EDF to contact me.

We are taking regular meter readings and putting the money we would have spent aside for when the bill finally arrives.
So many unknowns at the moment it's hard to know what to do.

All depends how they will change things.
Will they change the costs on the variable but give an increased winter fuel payout?

Will give cut vat or some sort of unit price cap?

Will charges for the support for the poorest be placed on energy bills for everyone else? Or will it be paid by general tax?

Has a reason been given why they cannot/wont drop the green levy?

The short term solution is obvious, either they subsidise the energy companies to allow them to drop bills, or they drop the levy.

The long term solution is obvious as well, build a load of energy storage and power stations. Both require the government to spend money which obviously they wont be keen on.

They are going to do the cheapest option I think which is probably a boost to winter fuel payments, and then telling everyone else tough luck get on with it, they will also wait long enough so no one gets this boost for winter of 2021/2022. However I dont think they will allow the cap to go up unrestrained, politics will mitigate the rise to a degree.
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