Even if Arsenal won the Carling Cup the so called moaners/complainers would still be there moaning/complaining about what Arsenal hasn't won. Inevitable.
Well I know we've not spent 5 years developing a team just to win the carling cup!!!
I think that rather sums it up, Arsenal fans have spent millions in the past 5 years on tickets, not really to see us win the cup that for the previous decade we didn't deem worthy.
We're supposed to be building a team to win the title, in previous years we USED the Carling cup to help build the players that could help us win a title.
Carling cup up till this season was something the top 4 rarely gave notice to beyond a very good test in a more competitive atmosphere for mostly reserve/youth players.
I wouldn't call it a massive turn around if we play a much stronger team and win it, we could frankly of done that in every one of the past 5 years.
Honestly the harder we try to win the Carling cup, the obviously lower we're aiming, I don't think any Arsenal fan would be happy with that.
Sure win it, win it with youths, win it while winning the title or at least being truly competitive. But win the Carling cup, get spanked against our first big team in Europe, get spanked by most of the top 4 in most of the games, no, it won't be a sign of anything.
Ok, it was ruddy hilarious that we went and put out a pretty damn strong team against Spurs, infact, it still makes me laugh how upset Harry was when he realised who was starting for us. But theres the point, Harry knew up till that game for a decade Wenger disreguarded the competition and hadn't given two monkeys about winning the "easiest" cup.
So the only thing it will signal, is something Wenger deemed beneath Arsenal, has become our only chance at a title