Classic Wenger, play someone like Sheffield before a weekend game to Chelsea, rest half the team for the Sheffield game, lose and lose to Chelsea anyway, when the 3 points at Sheffield would have been almost certain with the strongest team.
On the 0.0004% chance we might win away to the best team in the world, he's decided to rest players and throw away both the league and the Champs league in a single week, the only surprising thing is it took this long and we didn't go out of 4 competitions in a singel 2 week period as we usually do.
No good, for some reason seem desparate to only play through Walcott, whose delivery has been mostly utterly useless, overruns it and gets poor cross blocked, or decides he'll dribble around the entire team and loses it, or just steps on the ball. Done a lot of running, been passed in behind, never seen someone so willing to smash it into a player when crossing/passing rather than trying to make a yard first.
Should have started with Nasri in the middle, again we tried a guy with no left foot on the left wing, why, just why? Rosicky has played plenty of times on the left, he's good there, Eboue has played all over and only sucks on the left wing, with so many options why does he go for the only one proven not to work?