Never seen that. What a lad. Brilliant interview
edit: also why is Tevez's english still awful?
I heard it was more a case of being shy about his English, and being on the spot you don't have time to really be careful about your translation. Its also fairly likely, learning your English purely on the training pitch, its mostly swear words.
Bellamys a half decent guy, I saw a interview with him recently basically saying he's probably not got too long left in the game and he wants to give 100% till the day he stops playing. He was saying with him its a case of, the mentality to put 100% effort into every game is just him, and he can't remove that mentality from the connection to his gob, he knows he's a mouthy git on the field but if he tried to reign that in, he wouldn't be the same player. Fair play to him, he's not like that off the field, bar getting drunk one night at Liverpool.
Most of his "problems" were with idiots like Souness simply not liking him so benching a decent scoring player for no real reason.
He was superb , yet still mouthy, at West Ham and played there on the wing aswell quite often, though injuries kept him out. He scored at all levels against some huge clubs in the champs league for Liverpool and has scored against every quality of team out there.
As for Ramsey, he won't be back as fast as Nasri, Nasri's was a pretty minor break as far as I know, not much more than a small fracture, he didn't snap his leg.
But likewise you can't instantly assume it will be as bad as Eduardo's, a bone's not supposed to break, its like when you snap pasta, it can snap in all sorts of bad shapes and pieces, it could be in a dozen shattered pieces, or one very clean break. Hope theres some good news soon, and having seen some of the replays again, I wasn't quite sure who the Stoke player was on the ground who was trying to talk to him, seemed to be trying to calm him down and stop him moving, well done to the guy.
One last thing, Sol, played pretty well and is still a beast, him jumping up and down in anger after seeing the injury, I wouldn't want to get in angry Sol's way, ever.