English League Football ** spoilers ** [30th October - 2nd November 2010]

On papers that's not a terrible Liverpool side at all, apart from those 2 in the middle that would struggle in a sunday league under-12s tournament.
Thanks. Still prefer gerrard in midfield. The serb could play up front, wasn't he a striker in his old club?

Yup, looked OK there at the World Cup too. the only thing is that the closer Gerrard gets to Torres, the better service Torres gets, the more goals he gets, the more confident he gets, and the less relegated we get.
So with gerrard up front who's going cross/pass it forward?

Meireles and Lucas. Lucas has been one of our best passers of the ball for a year or so now, and Meireles is reasonably tidy.

My main qualm with that Liverpool side is Carra at right back. He's simply not good enough there any more and, I'd argue, on current form, shouldn't be in the side at all. Would much rather see Martin Kelly playing.
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