Got the panel running last night. Still need the adapter for the pump top. Will cover the red and white LED on the board with black vinyl.
Sadly at some point the LEDs in the CPU block have died. I noticed in earlier pics they were very dim. Now they don't work at all. Chased them down and tried other sockets and so on but yeah, seems they are brown bread.
There's no way I am bloody taking it out again now, even though I have a spare EK strip. Sod that.
I ran into a ton of stability issues also. It kept booting straight into the BIOS (which my X99 used to do it's friggin annoying) so I flashed the BIOS last night. The BIOS on there was from 2017, god knows how the previous owner put up with that they are truly awful on early BIOSes.
Any way, that fixed the stability issues I was having. Turns out my RAM is 2666 not 2400 which was nice. I thought the XMP was wrong at first. Then I had tons of issues with PUBG. I play with a few chums during the week. Every time I tried to launch it it would black screen crash, then continually go back to desktop and black screen until you shut down the PC. I was worried this was a hardware issue, but I played Doom Eternal for four hours last night without a single hiccup. I tried verifying it (one corrupt file) but same. Ripped every trace of it out and reinstalled it, same. I was beginning to worry I would never get it working, then I took a look into what was running.
"MSI Dragon App gaming mode !!!1111oneoneeleven". So disabled everything MSI and what would you know?
So I christen the Gigabyte app AIDs for your PC, this one is Ebola.
Oh yeah I also bought a 1tb SATA SSD on another site they were having a certain type of number day. So I fitted that last night also and moved a couple of games over to it so the mechs can spin down when I am gaming.