
Enpoo finito.



Good news. The CPU block LEDs didn't die at all, they are just completely blocked by the black coolant haha. I spent ages peeling the decals off the PSU, designed new ones and etc then thought "Sod it, looks better like that".


I must be getting old.
Nope sadly none.

There is no block available for it. Well, that's not strictly true. There is one, in France, at some weird looking website I trust about as much as Bawbag Boris.

If something comes up either with a block or has the possibility of a block then yeah man, for sure. that is why I put that U bend in the loop there to complete the flow for the distro. I can literally remove that U bend, and feed and return a GPU from there.

Being the weakest GPU I have it doesn't run terribly hot tbh. It's also much more of an office PC than my others. You can probably tell from the setup (plotter, enormous great A3 printer etc). I do have plenty of fittings left over too, so if something does come up it will be a ten minute job.
Thanks guys. It's been a lot of fun.

Am going to get a better chair soon. No arms and it makes my bum go completely numb. I mean I have heard of firm chairs but this thing will give you Farmer Giles.
I think you can get good and bad in both varietes. I upgraded from an office chair that was supposed to be "good" but just didn't last. I don't doubt that if I'd spent similar money on an office chair I may have got similar comfort, longevity etc. Depends if you like or loathe the styling to be honest. I can attest that the Noble Hero and Nitro Concepts S300EX are both very comfortable. The former a bit softer and perhaps suited to a slightly smaller frame, the latter stiffer but still comfortable and more suited to larger frames - although I'd probably classify as fairly average myself.
Ever annoyed I decided to pummel a few search engines trying to find a block for the GPU. It kept taking me to the site in France, so I decided to do some detective work. Turns out they make blocks for where blocks don't exist. I contacted the owner, got it all sorted and ordered. I got the clear finish acryl with the black Duraluminum block. It's basically copper alloy, 30% copper and 70% alu. Normally I would want full copper, but it adds 50 euro. Still, at least they are honest about that. I bet lots of Byskski and so on use that too. I would be concerned, but this card is not what I would call a hot sausage. It's much more cucumber like.



Should come with DPD some time next week.
Aluminium isn't a bad heat conductor but as @Chaos666 said, you have the potential (no pun intended) for galvanic corrosion. The further the metals are apart on a chart of galvanic potential, the worse the corrosion is going to be. I can't find much info on a 70/30 alloy but a chart shows "aluminium alloys" to be quite far apart from copper. Aluminium bronze is fairly close but that is only 5-10% aluminium, not 70. Unless the surface of that block is sealed and stays sealed, I think you may have corrosion issues if you have any copper, brass or nickel in the loop. All very common metals used in water cooling fittings and blocks and all very close in galvanic potential - ie won't set up a galvanic cell and corrode.
Could be that it's very well coated but it may be worth at least asking the question. It looks like the aluminium will corrode but also, I think you'll get build-up on the other metal parts - or it could just fill the coolant with the debris.
I was very careful about that. I know EC6 is compatible with anything because I've been mixing metals in my other loops for years. So I was very cautious about Mayhem, given their track record for blaming everything they can.

However, this particular one seems pretty much the same thing as EC6, being based on some sort of PG (the stuff I vape all day lol).

The copper option cost nearly half what I paid for the card tbh. I mean, at least they are honest. I bought this Bitspower block lately for my other TR rig...


Yeah, ain't never seen no copper look like that before..... This is what X1 states..

Properties & Benefits
- Can be used with all of Mayhems Dyes to make your own colours.
- Blended with non-toxic corrosion & scale inhibitors for protection of Copper, Brass, Steel, Nickel and Aluminium. Proven to ASTM D3306 and BS6580 standards.
- Very low oral toxicity, less than propylene glycol.
- Contains all the biocides you will need.
- -15c freezing point (dependant on mix ratio).
- Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) by the US Food & Drug Administration as a food additive.
- Mobilizes to prevent scale or sludge filming.
- Boiling Point: up to 100° C (pressure dependent).
- 85% Bio-degradable within 30 Days.
- Bitter taste additives to prevent consumption.
- Can be stored for up to 3 years (in a cool dry environment).
- Made in the UK.

So yeah, I reckon it's some kind of PG mixture. Same read out as EC6, and the only issue I have had with that is that after two years you get like a "fatty" deposit ring in the res. Which appears to be it separating (hence the 3 year shelf life, EC6 only claims two).

The bottom line? there is no other option whatsoever. This card does not have a block made by anywhere or any one else.
Remember how I said I hated 20 series GPUs because of the water blocks? well times that by a ****** MILLION. So I check and double check the website for my GPU. This is the GPU I have*


As listed on their website, hnyar.


OK, so simply match the dimensions, buy the block for my card et voila !


Totally sorted. NOT. Tonight by off chance I glanced into the rig.


Eh? that looks totally different. That is because IT IS. So I go back to KFA2.


So one SKU of card on the page for it shows two completely different PCBs. The one I thought I had.


And the other one I didn't think I had.


Un bloody believable. Thankfully he does actually have the actual block that actually fits this actual Fing card. Or that would have been one hella expensive return back to France.
Looks like it may just be a matt finish to that copper. Have a look where it's been chamfered around the screws and it looks more like what you're used to. Also, perfectly possible to get different compositions (alloys) of "copper" in the same way you get different compositions of steel. Just changes the properties a bit. For ease of machining, you wouldn't want the copper to be too gummy as it just fouls the tooling so doping it with something that makes it machine better would help cut down on costs and improve the finish.
Looks like it may just be a matt finish to that copper. Have a look where it's been chamfered around the screws and it looks more like what you're used to. Also, perfectly possible to get different compositions (alloys) of "copper" in the same way you get different compositions of steel. Just changes the properties a bit. For ease of machining, you wouldn't want the copper to be too gummy as it just fouls the tooling so doping it with something that makes it machine better would help cut down on costs and improve the finish.

Possibly. Normally I would assume with Bitspower it would be pure copper, but tbh? their new stuff seems way cheaper than their old, and it felt pretty light. That said whatever that is? it works much better than whatever Bykski used on their nickel plated one I have in this rig now.

that gpu is so far away from pcie slot.. i guess its good for head heat dissipation but it just seems weird...
no wonder you can't find waterblock for it so easily

Nobody makes a block for this card. No company, other than this guy in France who seems to be very talented. I mean dang, you wanna see some of the stuff he creates man. Some of it is just pure art. He also has a service where he charges 130 euro for making a completely custom block. He seems to get off on making blocks for cards that you are otherwise screwed on.


For example. Only Bitspower made one that actually worked (Bykski's one wouldn't even fit lmao) and BP wanted £250 for theirs.

I have had the card about 11 months now (checked the order earlier) and never could find a block for it.
I get what you are saying... normally I would advise to just buy another GPU but we all know how it is now with availability ..

with cnc you have to remember that if its not mass made it will be expensive..
I get what you are saying... normally I would advise to just buy another GPU but we all know how it is now with availability ..

with cnc you have to remember that if its not mass made it will be expensive..

I'm very happy with the price tbh. Still cheaper than EK. I don't really want or need a new card either. The monitor it runs is 1440p 70hz, so it's more than good enough. I just don't want the noise of it spinning up and stuff.
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