
what case is this? I kinda love it! new build looking good also!


Those will be what you want. I gotta say they look ace. And they will be amazing quality like everything they make. That Kolink one is nasty. I had one I was going to use as a NAS but never finished it.

Just note it's a pain to work in. Sadly the lights have packed up on mine (both side panels) so it was time to retire it for now. No doubt I will at some point replace all of the lights with DRGB and build something back into it, but until then it can go with the others haha.

Back home now for a "break". Will be headed back over Friday. I cleaned out the res last night and rebuilt it. Going to do the CPU block today, as both were at my place.
First Corsair SSD I have bought in years after numerous failures. I hope they have sorted that.


Instead of buying tons of cables and messing around.


And of course one for the 12v


Just to make life a little easier.


And then I ordered the wrong coolant.


I had put that one in my wish list, before deciding on black UV. So hopefully they get my web note in time.

Back with it now. I can get on later and fit some more stuff.
You've got black carpet to go with the black coolant right? Even then, I still picture CSI coming in with the UV lights and having kittens! "My god, what happened here, it ALL glows!" ;):p
Kittens. How did you know?

I'm going to stand it in a litter tray until I am certain it won't leak. And no, I **** thee not. Well, not exactly a litter tray but it may as well be (will be one of those cheapo plastic storage tub things)

And yeah it would be catastrophic given I have a 100% wool cream berber carpet lmao.
Dark liquid and cream carpet have an attraction. You can idiot proof something....but you'll always find a more talented idiot! Usually, it's me! If you ever run the pump to either drain or fill that loop make sure you didn't leave a connector open at the top to allow the air in....or you get an indoor fountain...complete with colourful language-laiden air!
The one thing that is great about 19 13 hosing is when you spanner up all the fittings they don't leak unless a rotary fails. I thankfully managed to sniff out all of the crappy 45' rotaries and replaced them all with very large tank like ones.

I just fitted the res and looped it in. Just the block to go now, needs taking apart and cleaning out.
Time to stop being scared, break out the hair dryer, remove the extremely stubborn stock cooling and fit the RAM coolers.


Remembering of course that two modules will be upside down, so fit two on upside down so they are all the right way up when fitted :D This is the other side.


And back where they need to be for now, with a quick test.

They are generic RGB ram coolers (4 pin 12v) I got elsewhere. But... OCUK do much better ones.


Well, they are the same obs but they are Jonsbo with a nicer logo on IMO. They cost me £1 less from elsewhere, but had I known OCUK had Jonsbo ones I would have gone with those for sure. They do ARGB ones also.


I never knew either of those existed, so I kinda kicked myself in the ass when I found them the other day.

The RAM itself is just generic Crucial Sport? something like that. Ballistix sport. 2400? It will be getting replaced (not the coolers) eventually when I can get a decent "raw" (no heat spreaders) 32gb 3000 or 3200 kit but for now it will do. Obs I can keep the coolers.

I like using these coolers. I know many would just go buy RGB RAM, but there is a catch to that. When you use quad channel RAM two sticks are the "wrong way" up. And RAM manufacturers don't take that into account, so your RAM ends up with upside down logos etc. With these you fit them any way you like, so you can fit two upside down and then they are all the correct way up when you fit them. I will demonstrate this more once they go into the TR board.

I have also fallen in love with this build now (it was bound to happen) and thus I have decided to give it a proper name and a theme. I'm keeping that under wraps for now, as I ordered something very rare from the USA and will need it to make sure the theme pulls off properly. Not counting eggs just yet....

Work for that will continue in private, then be added at the end. If everything arrives....
OK. It is time to combobulate the discombobulated.

Right now it is just a rig. Which I was happy with. However, I kinda like it. Enough that I want to turn it into a fully blown mod.

For about ten years now I have had this mod in my head. It was going to be a fully scratch build. Using all sorts of weird stuff that came from song lyrics, that I visualised in my head and cooked up into this mod that would need about 20 grand's worth of machinery to pull off. Hey, we can all dream right?

Now I wasn't going to visually mod this build at all. I was going to mod what needed modding (and have) to make it work from a mechanical P.O.V.

TBH? I had all buy forgotten about my dreams to do the mod I mentioned. Mostly because of said needed tools and machinery and most of all money.

Then last night I was browsing Ebay. IDK why, but the Pandemic ep of South Park had got me watching it again so I returned to one of my fave eps ever (Scott Tenorman Must Die) and was rolling around. So I started having a poke around on Ebay to see what my old collection of South Park dolls would have been worth had I not had to get rid of them when I moved back to the UK. I had about 50, and this enormous collection had to be sold in three removal boxes in 2008.

And then I stumbled across these.


They are a promotional item (stickers) from that episode back in 2001. They were released in the USA only, and were to promote the episode Radiohead were in (mentioned above) as they starred in it. Cartman told them there is a boy with cancer in his ass, and Radiohead showed up to see him. Only it was a trap, and they laughed at Scott Tenorman much to Cartman's delight. It's a pretty dark, sick episode but if you have a dark sense of humour it's one of the best.

So my idea for a mod was basically <a> fake plastic trees. It is the first song on the EP on CD. This also happens to be my favourite song ever. It's an absolute masterpiece of misery, yet reality. I never knew what it was about (I just knew it meant the world was basically fake crap) but then when I watched Radiohead live at Astoria I noted that before singing the song Thom Yorke says "This is a song about Canary Wharf". And then it all made sense. Thom was visiting Canary Wharf when he penned the song, and the place just made him miserable because everything around him was fake. Fake plants, fake watering cans etc.

So I started ordering things for the mod. Firstly this, which is a parking token from Canary Wharf.


And then a green plastic watering can.


For a fake Chinese rubber plant.


And the fake plastic earth.


Then the ideas began to flow. So I ordered some fake plastic grass.


And fake plastic decking.


For a while I have been watching guys on Youtube create these Dioramas and fancied a go at that myself. So the PSU shroud will be a diorama of Canary Wharf.

I have drawn up a sign for the side of the PSU shroud.


As well as lots of other references to the song. I won't show that stuff yet.

But yeah, expect this to get very strange.
Not modding this now. Not with the theme. I will do a scratch build at some point for that.

I do have plans for this, but just basic stuff to make it look tidier. Coolant should arrive later today. I put in a GT 610 and fired it up very quickly last night, starts up fine. That was a weight off my mind let me tell you.

OCUK have shipped my parts I need to finish it, but they are not tracking yet. Am hopeful they are being collected today and will arrive tomorrow :)
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