You think it's appropriate for an absolute career starter to blindly questions?
Not just appropriate but fairly impressive.
I consider it completely inappropriate.
There is no good reason to consider it inappropriate unless you think that the line of questioning was pursued
purely as some kind of political statement and not out of business acumen.
And if so, why would you think that? Why would you make that assumption when diversity in a workforce is so well understood to result in higher performing teams?
Isn’t your immediate assumption potentially an example of
you being political, rather than the candidate?
Large corporations don't actively consider and evaluate the level of diversity within their workforce for political reasons, they do so because increasing diversity in a workforce leads to significantly better results, which in turn translates into increased profitability.
To be clear, there are obvious exceptions or industries where you absolutely
would expect to see a strong skew along gender or racial lines, either because one particular demographic is particularly suited to the industry in question, e.g. higher average muscularity being a direct benefit for whatever reason; or because from a social perspective far less of one demographic might be inclined to apply for roles in that industry, and that's fine.
But your immediate dismissal of any candidate who would ask such a question perhaps says more about you than them.
The answer btw was because we hire fairly. Oh and typically for heavily quantitative roles (but also sales qualities) in a heavily competitive environment requiring long difficult hours.....we tend to get very few if any candidates who are women.
Then that would be you answer to their question, at which point you could have probed them further in order to understand their motivation. Why this immediate recoil?
We are a business focused environment, we exist to make money and solve difficult problems. People tend to either love the place....or wash out quickly. For the men and women that are here it's a very rewarding experience to prove themselves and be rewarded for it.
I have no doubt that all of that’s true, and I know nothing about your industry whatsoever. I therefore wouldn’t dream of telling you that you’re doing it wrong and I’m doing it right or anything like that; but perhaps it would serve you well to at least consider whether or not you may have missed some extremely fine candidates, purely because of your own prejudices or assumptions.