Entitlement what can we do about it.

40 years ago it was pretty basic.

Roof, food, water, electric, outside toilet.

No Central heating.
TV 3 channels
Frozen food was a novelty

Not much else to spend your wages on.
40 years ago it was pretty basic.

Roof, food, water, electric, outside toilet.

No Central heating.
TV 3 channels
Frozen food was a novelty

Not much else to spend your wages on.

40 years ago was 1982, channel 4 started, 65%+ had central heating, mobile phones became available, fridge freezers were commonplace (Findus crispy pancakes came out in 1958 ffs), outside toilets counted for less than 10% of households. You're talking complete and utter ********.
40 years ago was 1982, channel 4 started, 65%+ had central heating, mobile phones became available, fridge freezers were commonplace (Findus crispy pancakes came out in 1958 ffs), outside toilets counted for less than 10% of households. You're talking complete and utter ********.

Channel 4 didn't start till November so he is right about three channels. :p
A few weeks ago, I was in a supermarket and a security guard asked a scooter riding kid’s mum to say riding scooters aren’t allowed in here.

“My son has rights to scooter where he likes”

He doesn’t.
A few weeks ago, I was in a supermarket and a security guard asked a scooter riding kid’s mum to say riding scooters aren’t allowed in here.

“My son has rights to scooter where he likes”

He doesn’t.
wow. maybe the security guard should go and take a scooter in her lounge.......
I hope he threatened to chuck her out if the little turd did not comply
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40 years ago was 1982, channel 4 started, 65%+ had central heating, mobile phones became available, fridge freezers were commonplace (Findus crispy pancakes came out in 1958 ffs), outside toilets counted for less than 10% of households. You're talking complete and utter ********.
Channel 4 didn't start till November so he is right about three channels. :p
And mobile phones might have been invented, but they didn't become affordable, practical and common place until the early 90's
And mobile phones might have been invented, but they didn't become affordable, practical and common place until the early 90's
I was at uni in 94. whilst many of the Asian (foreign not british) students had them most of us had either a pager if we were lucky or nothing. it seems strange now. I would never relax now if I didn't have my phone with me to arrange meetup times and locations etc .

I got my 1st mobile. a black brick of a Nokia (special features were it could text and it may of had snake on it - but maybe that was my 2nd one) for Xmas 1998 off my parents.
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I was at uni in 94. whilst many of the Asian (foreign not british) students had them most of us had either a pager if we were lucky or nothing. it seems strange now. I would never relax now if I didn't have my phone with me to arrange meetup times and locations etc .

I got my 1st mobile. a black brick of a Nokia (special features were it could text and it may of had snake on it - but maybe that was my 2nd one) for Xmas 1998 off my parents.

Yup. Nokia 3310 in 1999. The late nineties is when mobile phones just exploded onto the scene. before then it was just for very rich business men and stock brokers
Yup. Nokia 3310 in 1999. The late nineties is when mobile phones just exploded onto the scene. before then it was just for very rich business men and stock brokers
indeed. Things have changed a lot since then. in today's society I would agree that a smartphone is way beyond a luxury and is a necessity.

what ISNT a necessity however is a new phone every 2 years costing well in excess of £200. you can get a perfectly adequate phone for under £100 and a decent contract with all the data, minutes and texts which are necessary for most people for well under £10 per month

(currently posting from a probably 2 year old moto G8 which even that is a luxury and has hopefully at least 2 more years in it, I think I have seen them on HUKD for a little over a ton)
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I was at uni in 94. whilst many of the Asian (foreign not british) students had them most of us had either a pager if we were lucky or nothing. it seems strange now. I would never relax now if I didn't have my phone with me to arrange meetup times and locations etc .

I got my 1st mobile. a black brick of a Nokia (special features were it could text and it may of had snake on it - but maybe that was my 2nd one) for Xmas 1998 off my parents.
My first mobile Motorola m3788 from
1999. Only could store the last FIVE calls. On the One2One network! Got a contract phone when I was at Uni as it was cheaper. Remember the contracts had 100 texts a month!
Smartphones are definitely necessities now. Especially with some jobs/industries.

It’s better for us to have a smartphone at work as this is the way we communicate stuff when not working - WhatsApp. Plus check shifts and book annual leave. The only colleague without a mobile phone has left.
Credit card size sims on Mercury One2One network.
Pull up the aerial before making a call.
Pay per minute, no top ups.
No texting, calls only.
Mobiles the size of bricks.
Super expensive.

Now we all have a small computer we carry in our pocket less than £200. One good thing about being in this generation compared the previous.
Yes, the ability to Doomscroll on a smart phone totally makes up for having to fork out 2/3rds of your income in rent, having no hope of ever owning your own home, a wage that's kept artificially low and a climate emergency that Boomers are too stubborn/dumb to do anything about.
Yes, the ability to Doomscroll on a smart phone totally makes up for having to fork out 2/3rds of your income in rent, having no hope of ever owning your own home, a wage that's kept artificially low and a climate emergency that Boomers are too stubborn/dumb to do anything about.

They aren't stubborn or dumb, they just don't care because they will be dead by the time the **** really hits the fan and doing something about it would require a slight reduction in their own wealth/comfort. Its been me first for a long time now and unsurprisingly the generation holding a lot of the cards doesn't want to put anyone, even their own children first.
Credit card size sims on Mercury One2One network.
Pull up the aerial before making a call.
Pay per minute, no top ups.
No texting, calls only.
Mobiles the size of bricks.
Super expensive.

Now we all have a small computer we carry in our pocket less than £200. One good thing about being in this generation compared the previous.

Yes, but you could buy a house in 5 years on a single income. I know which I would prefer.

Channel 4 didn't start till November so he is right about three channels.

Well it's 2022 and I have 0 channels :p
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Yes, but you could buy a house in 5 years on a single income. I know which I would prefer.

Thats....not true. People still had mortgages for decades even when house prices -> earnings were a much better ratio. My parents had a tiny mortgage but they still didn't pay it off for 25 years or something. Part of the reason its so hard to compare because if I could buy a house now for 5x the average salary I could happily pay it off in 5 years with the combined salaries of my partner and I.
And mobile phones might have been invented, but they didn't become affordable, practical and common place until the early 90's

More late 90's. Nokia's 3210 was the big one that really kick started them. At least in my school circle as I wasn't an adult then. No one in school really had one until that point and the 3210 was released in 99.

We used to prank call each other because none of us had any credit so kept 10p for emergencies. A double prank call and your parents would ring you back. My daughter gets annoyed when she uses 20gb of data on her sim!
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Thats....not true. People still had mortgages for decades even when house prices -> earnings were a much better ratio. My parents had a tiny mortgage but they still didn't pay it off for 25 years or something.

How is it not true?

In 1982 the average house was £24,852.

The average wage for a man in full time work was £154 a week, or £8,008 a year, for women it was £4,888.

For men it was 3.1x the average income, for women it was just over 5x. 4.05x on average.

Now the average wage is £38,131 for a full time worker, however earning disparity being so much greater skews this somewhat with the median income for full time workers being around £31,000.

fez said:
Part of the reason its so hard to compare because if I could buy a house now for 5x the average salary I could happily pay it off in 5 years with the combined salaries of my partner and I.

Yes... but you can't. Which is the issue I was pointing out.
How is it not true?

It not true because if it was as great as you are suggesting then people would have been mortgage free within 5-10 years. They weren't. Why do you think that was? They weren't living the high life because of cheap houses relative to salaries.
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