Epic Games Store now open!

Oh wow dude you really got me there, what a zinger :rolleyes: did I meet your mum in a dilapidated bar? Is that the level of jabs we're going for here to defuse an argument?

It was a joke mate, if you want to be all serious about it then that's up to you, but I prefer to have a little fun from time to time. Being overly serious all the time can lead to mental health issues in the long term.

As for my mum, she doesn't drink, so is very unlikely to frequent any kind of bar, let alone a dilapidated one! :D

Also, what argument? :confused:
Your majority contribution to this thread is to harp on about how much you hate what epic are doing, we get it, way to beat a dead horse. The original post was simply pointing out the free games offer for those interested.

This thread seems to have emerged as the main one in which to discuss the Epic Game Store... there's no requirement that you can only post in here if you have positive things to say about it (shall we split up the whole forum over any issues people don't agree on so that nobody ever sees a comment they don't like?). Why are people posting the "free" offers? To help each other out... why I am posting reasons why those offers could be in support of something damaging to the industry/community we all enjoy? Same reason... We can have a civilised discussion about it if you don't agree, like bigmike20vt and I are doing above... or we can resort to weak insults attacking the person not the argument and then try to go "oh yeah I was just joking" when they fall flat

Also, what argument? :confused:

An argument is a discussion between two people over something on which they don't agree, for example how we probably don't agree that the first part of this latest response of yours consisted of deflecting with "it's just a joke lol" but then for some reason you felt the need to follow that up with an equally transparent backhanded insult in the very next sentence... I believe you started this when you tagged onto someone else's comment to indirectly imply that me not thinking Epic's free games are amazing said a lot of bad things about me (thinly-veiled insults like that are great for backing-out of if the other person reacts to them in any way)...
Anyone seen an MD-0011 error on the Epic launcher before?

Launcher runs but can’t download or install anything. Son’s been telling me for three days that he can’t wait to get home and play Subnautica. Typical...

Reinstalled the launcher but that didn’t do a thing. Epic’s support pages however are not epic. :(. Error code isn’t even listed.
Anyone seen an MD-0011 error on the Epic launcher before?

Launcher runs but can’t download or install anything. Son’s been telling me for three days that he can’t wait to get home and play Subnautica. Typical...

Reinstalled the launcher but that didn’t do a thing. Epic’s support pages however are not epic. :(. Error code isn’t even listed.

Did you resolve this? Guessing it was downtime on their servers but interested to know for the future.

Check their twitter feed as well, good for maintenance schedules etc.
Worked eventually but Store was up and nothing official for downtime.

I definitely prefer Steam!
I used to hate Steam as well back in the Half-Life 2 days and I still don't agree with it's forced installation if you want to play a Valve game. However that gets overlooked when you consider the amazing sales and work Valve do with the open source community and in driving Linux gaming, especially as i've switched to gaming on Ubuntu fully now.

If Epic, EA and/or Microsoft want to get back in my good books and make me consider installing their software and giving them my money then doing something positive for the PC gaming community would surely help, rather than just trying to force themselves onto me by buying up exclusives. Plus it's not like their launchers even work that well on Linux anyway, even with Wine. It's a hell of a lot easier to avoid all this triple AAA tosh with too much style and too little substance when it won't even work. There's plenty of good games on Steam and the like that will work.
Dont know if its news to this thread, a dev turned down epic exclusivity but told them he is happy to be on epic, and steam, only for epic to say no because they want exclusivity or nothing.
Dont know if its news to this thread, a dev turned down epic exclusivity but told them he is happy to be on epic, and steam, only for epic to say no because they want exclusivity or nothing.
Not surprised at all if true.

Is it even a big deal not being on their store? Can’t imagine they get a fraction of sales compared to steam when games are available on both stores. The only way they get big sales likely is when people have no other choice but to buy from them due to exclusivity.
Quite an interesting read. Darq looks good as well, hadn't heard of it but might have to pick it up at some point. Though I do wonder if it's maybe getting slightly more glowing user reviews than it deserves due to what happened with Epic.
The developer is definately taking advantage of the situation to try and keep media interest in the game. And it's working - a lot of the Steam reviews are people who have only bought Darq because of the news that he turned down the Epic deal so I can't blame them in trying to keep the anti-Epic gravy train flowing their way.
Why do I keep reading that epic store refuse to allow other "legit" sights to sell keys? I have had emails from both GMG and humble trying to sell me BL3 keys :/
Afaik Epic does not allow third parties to sell Epic keys, but they have partnership with humble (and GMG I guess) where those two sites can resell Epic games (but not keys, the game gets redeemed by login).
This weeks free games...nice little bundle.

Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Batman Arkham Knight
Lego Batman 1
Lego Batman 2
Lego Batman 3

Decent few hours worth of gaming for free there.
They've had to change your library layout to accommodate all these freebies. :p I'm doing pretty well, the only one I haven't added so far is For Honor (Starter Edition) but that's because I already had it with Uplay.

I'm guessing Arkham Knight here also has all the DLC included as it's not on sale to buy separately?
They've had to change your library layout to accommodate all these freebies. :p I'm doing pretty well, the only one I haven't added so far is For Honor (Starter Edition) but that's because I already had it with Uplay.

I'm guessing Arkham Knight here also has all the DLC included as it's not on sale to buy separately?

Not sure what the price of that lot on steam is, probably about 50 quid , so a nice dollop for free
Am new to the Epic games site and down-loader but grateful to this forum pointing me in the direction and am presently downloading the Batman games. Thanks OP.
3 Batman Arkham & 3 Batman Lego games for free is amazing do not think you will ever see Valve doing these kind of giveaways even MS are less stingy than Valve :rolleyes:
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