its a great thing. more that do this forces valve to stop being so greedy so more choice for us and better prices.
How will this result in better prices?
its a great thing. more that do this forces valve to stop being so greedy so more choice for us and better prices.
It's no surprise why more gaming companies are moving towards their own platforms for hosting their games, Valve's greed has pushed them in that direction.
I think Valve really needs to wake up and smell the coffee, it's early enough for them to make some drastic changes for it to not be so much of a problem. But if they don't react for a few years, they may find a steep uphill battle further down the line.
its a great thing. more that do this forces valve to stop being so greedy so more choice for us and better prices.
How will this result in better prices?
epic are on about selling other games not on their engine. so obviously to compete with steam they will have to sell cheaper to get business. the two will battle it out and epic need to grow the in other words they need to be cheaper to get bigger. so better prices for us. in turn valve unless no one changes will have to lower prices to compete if ...epic get enough business there way. by just sticking head in the sand and just buying from steam all the time because our games collections are there we are basically allowing them to overcharge us for games because your games collection is there.
epic are on about selling other games not on their engine. so obviously to compete with steam they will have to sell cheaper to get business. the two will battle it out and epic need to grow the in other words they need to be cheaper to get bigger. so better prices for us. in turn valve unless no one changes will have to lower prices to compete if ...epic get enough business there way. by just sticking head in the sand and just buying from steam all the time because our games collections are there we are basically allowing them to overcharge us for games because your games collection is there.
1 game give it chance just started not even kicked in yet. the game giveaways start in few days. it will take time to build up. look at steam and how long they have had to make it a big platform. 15 years maybe ? you cant expect something to rival that over night.
i just dont get why people are trying to kick the feet out from the company before its even started or being so negative makes no sense. competition = better prices. dont people want better choice, prices ?
Whatever happened to the new Steam client they are/were working on?
It might have something to do with the fact I remember the physical install disc days but I don't really see any problem with different launchers/DRM platforms.
Even on the off chance I can't remember which one a certain game is on, they load up quickly enough so it doesn't take me long to work out.
Just my tuppence worth.