Had about an hour of absolute butt clenching hell last night. I was running solo as PMC on Interchange to get a manifest as part of a quest. There are three to collect in total but had intended to get one per run across three runs.
I get the first easily with no contact despite sprinting and making loads of noise so think, may as well go for the second. It's in the Idea office. As i approach I hear scavs so take care of them with my suppressed AKM easily. This is when things go mad, they keep coming at me, keep spawning, drop about 8 of them. There is also another PMC duo that promptly gets rinsed by the scavs. I've taken a few hits so med up and heal blacked out limbs over a few minutes.
Get bored of waiting, spring into Idea office for the other manifest and there are about 7 bodies in there. Get the manifest, YOLO sprint out for emercom and extract.
Now...you should always turn in quest items before going for another PMC run right...nope, forgot to do that and reload into Customs just for some random action before i call it a night. I spawn in the trailer/storage area and get attacked by a 3 man PMC, kill two of them, run around the corner and heal. The third gets killed by scavs so I make my way over to the bodies, again, dropping about 6 scavs on the way to them.
This is when I realise I still have manifests on me from Interchange, get nervous, check extract, other side of map, ZB1011. Make my way over carefully, come close to dorms, remember i've got another quest in there to do, only 10 minutes left on raid so decide to chance it. As I approach the fire escape, a guy bolts out, we both see each other, freeze a second then open fire. He does the whole strafe left right thing while on full auto, I just crouch and pop 3 shots, he blacks four of my limbs and down to about 50 health as I head shot him.
What follows was about 5 minutes of cms, painkillers, IFAK then me again yolo'ing into dorms, grabbing the quest item as I have 3 minutes to get to ZB1011. Just beeline straight across the map, shots left and right and hit the extract with 20 seconds to spare.
The most exciting and scary solo runs i've had to date.
TL;DR - turn in your quest items after every raid!!!!