Escape from Tarkov

Had a quick scav run before bed last night, spawned in with a vepr hunter and iron sights, thought I'd just got for a bit of a wander.

Was looking out over the hills at back of shoreline, just off in the distance I saw another player scav spawn in! Gave him a chance to escape but he was just running in circles doing weird stuff.

Took a shot at him and he ran off, assumed I had missed. Didn't see anyone else for the rest of the match

Final score screen comes up, one kill! One shot fired, two limbs damaged, 100 damage incurred.

Looks like I hit him and the poor guy took 17 minutes to bleed out haha!
lololol.....he must have been running/hobbling round like a mad man hunting meds!
I've finally realised what the point of the game is.

Collect things via any means to sell, that means you can buy more storage crates and collect more things.

I think I've got a problem.
Thought I'd quickly get a PMC and scav run in before work.
Died really early with the PMC, died in 12 seconds with the scav.
Turns off PC and gets to work early...
lol - I had the opposite last night.

One factory scav run before bed - spawned in with 4 minutes left in the raid, total silence, everyone appeared to be dead or extracted - 90 seconds to hover up loot, left with lab keycard, tank shell, 100k key, 2 shotguns and 2 ak's, armour, helmet etc - sold all of it for 560k.

Factory has been good to me as scav yesterday.
Keys... is the point that you can sell them for x amount or gamble and use them to unlock a door and chance on what loot is available?
Keys... is the point that you can sell them for x amount or gamble and use them to unlock a door and chance on what loot is available?

There is no gamble as you keep them in your secure container either via a keytool or docs/sicc case so you never lose them. The marked keys for customs and reserve are worth buying, they cost about 50,000 roubles each last time i checked, they only have 25 uses before they stop working but you will make way more than 50,000 roubles in those 25 unlocks.
I got a customs marked room key off another player awhile back. Used it 11 times so far, gotten 3 key tools out of it plus various other stuff. Got a weapons crate as well but died trying to extract :mad:
Stuck in a bit of a rut in this, I'm trying to do the quest to unlock jaeger, but literally everytime (12 attempts so far) that I go on Woods and get to the envelope to pick up, some heavily geared player is laying in ambush and just kills me either while I'm picking the envelope up or as I depart the vicinity. Its like people only play Woods to camp the envelope that they know players will try and get. Not really sure how I will be able to do this. Its a pity that you cant put the envelope into your alpha box, would have done this 11 attempts ago then :)

Its a very poorly designed mission imo, would make WAY more sense to have the item have multiple locations that it could be in, rather than just one location that everyone knows you can then get easy kills at by sniping the person as they pick the item up

Edit: finally did it, on attempt 15. In the end I stopped going in with gear on because it simply meant I was losing gear hand over foot, and went in with nothing on at all and tried a few runs like that and finally got out. Still a stupid design of mission though. Should have multiple spawn locations
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Had some good games last night! Like really enjoyed them. Got loads of loot and died in them all bar last game :D

Killed 3 players per game so good xp and climbed two levels (im level 4 i think though).

Really enjoying this!

Is the fleamarket the best place to sell stuff or should i just offload stuff now for the dosh?
Is the fleamarket the best place to sell stuff or should i just offload stuff now for the dosh?

It's probably worth selling most of your stuff to traders to level them up for missions/better gear at the moment. Always check the flea-market first as some things go for silly money.

IIRC order of traders value wise would be Therapist > Skier > Mechanic > Prapour and I forget the rest.

Any guns you don't want you can right click and "disassemble" sell the parts to skier and mechanic individually.
Any annoucenments regarding the issues this weekend? Heard lots of reports that people are getting kicked out mid match.

I didnt have any where I was kicked out midmatch but I did have several matches where everyone was just running on the spot and I had one match where I could run about but I couldnt loot, couldnt shoot and couldnt extract (the extract timer would come up and countdown but nothing happened)
Is the fleamarket the best place to sell stuff or should i just offload stuff now for the dosh?
You'll unlock that at level 5 so it's probably worth just hanging on to your stuff for the time being. It's surprising what stuff goes for on the market. To start with, you'll only be able ot sell 3 things at once so if you get short on money in the meantime feel free to sell it. You'll always get more :)
You'll unlock that at level 5 so it's probably worth just hanging on to your stuff for the time being. It's surprising what stuff goes for on the market. To start with, you'll only be able ot sell 3 things at once so if you get short on money in the meantime feel free to sell it. You'll always get more :)

How do you increase the amount you can put up for sale bud? Didn't know that was something that can be done!!!
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