Escape from Tarkov

Would anyone mind dragging a newbie along on a few runs on this game? I've been wanting to play it for a long time but have only just got around to getting a proper mouse and keyboard setup for my living room.

I've been trying to play customs only for my first few raids to try and learn the map but I'm really struggling.

I've got a headset and Discord and all that stuff.
Would anyone mind dragging a newbie along on a few runs on this game? I've been wanting to play it for a long time but have only just got around to getting a proper mouse and keyboard setup for my living room.

I've been trying to play customs only for my first few raids to try and learn the map but I'm really struggling.

I've got a headset and Discord and all that stuff.

Brutal game at the best of times and a brutal time to start playing!

2 months into a wipe so lots of players are well geared, loads of money, so for a new player - it's a brutal experience.

Best things to do :

Use your scav as much as you can to learn the map
Use 2nd monitor/phone to have a copy of the map up and use that to navigate your way around
Practice aim/maps in offline mode - this way you don't loose anything (but at the same time you don't keep anything you find)
Check out Pestily on Youtube - loads of new player guides/ammo guides etc.
Would anyone mind dragging a newbie along on a few runs on this game? I've been wanting to play it for a long time but have only just got around to getting a proper mouse and keyboard setup for my living room.

I've been trying to play customs only for my first few raids to try and learn the map but I'm really struggling.

I've got a headset and Discord and all that stuff.

I haven't played in a while but heres a few tips:

Always use your skav

Learn the spawn locations as the first mintue of the round you highly likley to run into players spawning not far form you, here is great website for learning the maps:

Learn which ammo to use this game is all about ammo you have much easier time going penetrating high level armour with the right ammo:

Here is great wesbite for all things tarkov :
Would anyone mind dragging a newbie along on a few runs on this game? I've been wanting to play it for a long time but have only just got around to getting a proper mouse and keyboard setup for my living room.

I've been trying to play customs only for my first few raids to try and learn the map but I'm really struggling.

I've got a headset and Discord and all that stuff.

Only been playing a few days myself but finding customs pretty brutal. I have had a lot more success on Shoreline as it seems most PMC's head to resort straight away leaving a lot of the map free to explore / engage Scavs.

Use the maps posted above and spend some time in offline mode, learning the spawns, cache locations, extracts etc. Also talk your scav out as much as possible as there is nothing to lose.

As said I am pretty new to the game so probs not the best person to take you around as I spend more time dieing than anything else!
Im rubbish at the game, its really hard, but its great at the same time, many a times, this game makes me jump out of my skin more than a horror game :)
Im rubbish at the game, its really hard, but its great at the same time, many a times, this game makes me jump out of my skin more than a horror game :)

I've not played much this wipe, have around 500 hours from previous wipe. Still bad at the game. Plenty times i've had a jump scare and ended up aiming at the sky!

Watch shroud - the guy is a turbo pro

Lvandmark is insanely good at the game. I can't watch Shroud for long.
Lots of good advice so far, Pestily does a series on YouTube called 'the raid' it's an entire playthrough on a standard account. I've learnt huge amounts from watching it, it's good fun too.

It's such a great game, I love the way you can have hundreds of hours in it and still be learning and improving.
Lots of good advice so far, Pestily does a series on YouTube called 'the raid' it's an entire playthrough on a standard account. I've learnt huge amounts from watching it, it's good fun too.

It's such a great game, I love the way you can have hundreds of hours in it and still be learning and improving.

I have over 500 hours and still don't know all of the maps. Never been to labs, even offline. I love the game, best FPS I have ever played. Nothing comes close to the rush of extracting with some good loot and a few kills or even just completing a quest. I want to play but wife is back to work now and with 9month old twins I have no chance of committing to a raid.
Pestily is the best Tarkov streamer for helping/information/guides etc. He has loads of great videos.

Shroud dips in and out. Lvndmark is very good but he's running top tier guns/ammo all the time.

I've over 2000 hours on the game and it's still a rollacoaster of a game at times. Don't take it too hard if you get wrecked, just get back in and go again.
You should watch theKwango on twitch. Great example of how to play poorly but still make bank.

Even better watch brilloscuba, he has no money and ignores quests and loot and still manages to carry theKwango (2% of the time)
3 wipes 3 kappas. Biggest grind this time round was shooter born in heaven on shoreline. With most players smashing it for spa. Was hard to setup the 100m shot.
Pestily is the best Tarkov streamer for helping/information/guides etc. He has loads of great videos.

Yeah he's good and helpful. I watch his RAID series on youtube and I think he's starting Hard Core series on his stream on Wednesday.

Sacriel also spends time explaining things on his live stream but I don't think he posts guides on his youtube channel.
Now that Pestily is back in the land of OZ. It doesn't really feel like a fair comparison to EU West or US Servers. His raids are often absolutely dead or full of pistol runners. Watching him on Labs 2 days ago. One single PMC spawned into the same raid. He basically might as well have loaded Labs in offline mode, except he gets to keep all the gear.
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