no help there, i dont have a cable. =[
Get a dropbox account, and install the Dropbox app then open it from there.
no help there, i dont have a cable. =[
Is there an app like Stacks [if you don't know what I mean, check this out] for android?
I've had a look on the market and there doesn't appear to be anything there. But do any of the launcher apps like launcherpro have this functionality?
F1 Racing is a cool app for F1 fans.
Smart Shortcuts is similar but more like the folder feature on iOS4
guys anyone seen a good app for putting the phone in basic mode, ie turn everything off apart from the phone signal, and then back on again, finding i sometime struggle with battery life and wanna shut the phone down to basics
This is better
gives live timing data during the race. Requires you to have a account to access their data.
I use SwitchPro on my main screen, and have everything off until needed.
one off market and the plugin for whatever games which is also on market
its a bit fiddly but get used to it.