Essential Android Apps

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Seems the guys at PowerAmp are listening to me. New version addresses nearly of all my requirements above. Just need a 4x4 widget and be able to save EQ presets now.

I thought PowerAmp was quite poor. Very tinny to my ears. Even with the EQ, there were features I liked about it but it just doesn't have the "oomph" I like.

I think Winamp is pretty great without the EQ. Very balanced. I went with that, in the end.
I am too, I can find apps, but not download them :(

Is anyone else having problems downloading from the Market today? I've been trying to download some apps for the last couple of hours and they're all unsuccessful. Infact, the Market has been very unreliable for over a week now. :mad:
If anyones interested the fancy widget makers (the copy of the HTC sense weather/clock widget) have put up there new application of the weather/clock widget, have to say it actually looks pretty nice IMO, although still prefer snowstorm overall in terms of look, functions etc.

Thanks, it looks good. :)

^^ Looks terrible! If you're going to go with gestures like that why not just make the keyboard blank and have people 'write' out letters to type?

I'll stick with Swype for now thanks :p.
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